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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Taxi Driver (1976) - Took me long enough to get around to this film, but my goodness it's an amazing work.  Despite the character of Travis Bickle being psychotic, I empathized with him a great deal.


Dark Queen (2004) - pulled this out of the DVD collection last night.  A (totally hot) chemist is trying to find some chemical in the brain that's responsible for psychic powers.  She goes to an insane asylum to get a sample of brain fluid from a criminal that has these abilities.  But she's also lovelorn and so she ways WTF and drinks some of the chemical.  before long she's like some sort of evil villain and under the control of the criminal.  This is a fun little flick.  Ample T&A, more than ample silly/goofy/cheesiness, and the characters were really quite likable.  And well endowed.   4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Hip Hop Locos (2001) - I hate hip hop, but being the extremely open-minded guy that I am, I figured I give this a try.  (I paid a dollar for it as part of the Serial Psychos set).  There wasn't really any hip hop in it.  It's starts with 2 guys talking, for about 5 minutes, about how there's not enough Mexican rap in the world.  About half the words are either "sh!t" of "mother f***er";  it would be impossible for these people to speak otherwise.  So then we get about 10 minutes of what looks like security cam footage of a guy standing by his car.  Seriously - black and white, lines rolling across the screen.  This goes on forever.  Finally somebody shows up, checks out the guy's car, then there's a short fight and he steals the car.  Then we're in the car and he explains how he stabbed the mother f***er with a mother f***in' screwdriver.  Etc.  I saw absolutely no point in continuing to watch beyond that point.  This thing truly deserves its 1/10 rating on the IMDb.  As the sole reviewer over there says "No sane person can possibly sit through this one".
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Jack on May 26, 2011, 07:09:09 AM
Hip Hop Locos (2001) - I hate hip hop, but being the extremely open-minded guy that I am, I figured I give this a try.  (I paid a dollar for it as part of the Serial Psychos set).  There wasn't really any hip hop in it.  It's starts with 2 guys talking, for about 5 minutes, about how there's not enough Mexican rap in the world.  About half the words are either "sh!t" of "mother f***er";  it would be impossible for these people to speak otherwise.  So then we get about 10 minutes of what looks like security cam footage of a guy standing by his car.  Seriously - black and white, lines rolling across the screen.  This goes on forever.  Finally somebody shows up, checks out the guy's car, then there's a short fight and he steals the car.  Then we're in the car and he explains how he stabbed the mother f***er with a mother f***in' screwdriver.  Etc.  I saw absolutely no point in continuing to watch beyond that point.  This thing truly deserves its 1/10 rating on the IMDb.  As the sole reviewer over there says "No sane person can possibly sit through this one".

Wow. I thought I was the only one who saw this pile of crap. Awful, awful movie. Heck, this doesn't even deserve to be named a movie.


Claws, that's TWO movies we've agreed on just in 2011 alone   :bouncegiggle:
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Jack on May 26, 2011, 12:47:23 PM
Claws, that's TWO movies we've agreed on just in 2011 alone   :bouncegiggle:

woooo!  :teddyr:

I own the same Serial Psychos set. I'm very fond of "Las Vegas Blood Bath" but we shall see how your rating will be  :wink:

Rev. Powell

THE PILLOW BOOK (1996): A beautiful woman is obsessed with inking characters on human flesh, making them into living books.  Gorgeous, painterly and sensual, with layered images and pictures framed inside of other pictures; it's a loving tribute both to calligraphy and to the nude human form, and would be a classic if only there was a story attached.  3.5/5. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Behind Locked Doors (1948) - like people in 1948, I watched this because Tor Johnson is in it. He plays a demented ex boxing champ who sometimes peers out of a solitary cell in the sanitarium where the story takes place.  He has a couple short scenes of him Tor Johnsoning around in there. The movie is a little below the normal Kino video standards as far as it's actual quality ie it's not that great but it looks fine. It's like an hour long. Some sort of corrupt judge is hiding out in an asylum. They don't reference why at anypoint except the begining maybe I don't know I don't usually really start paying attention till it gets going. The actors are okay. It's passably entertaining. What's between 3.5 and 3.75? I'm not good at math 3.6299999999999999999999? That's what I give it. NEXT

Joe the Destroyer

Blood and Black Lace- Stylish, smart, enthralling... Oh, soooo good.  This is the first Bava movie I've seen, and I think I'm a fan.  :thumbup:

Crawlspace- Cool bad guy, neat premise, boring movie.  Couldn't finish it.   :thumbdown:

Started watching Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.  I stopped watching it, but not for lack of interest.  It seems like a promising bad title and has had some good goofy moments.  I'll probably finish it another day.  Right now I'm trying to pen a Saints Row review.


Space Mutiny (1988) - an MST3K favorite, but I watched the non-MST version.  For about the third time;  it's still just as funny.  On the Battlestar Galactica Southern Sun, the crew has been aboard for 15 generations, making a long voyage to some planet.  But the evil security guy decides it's taking entirely too long and plots a mutiny.  Hilarity ensues.  Heck, hilarity precedes as well.  It's not that every scene is so stupid, it's that every single detail of every scene is so stupid.  But in the best possible way  :teddyr:  4.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Jack on May 27, 2011, 06:22:09 AM
Space Mutiny (1988) - an MST3K favorite, but I watched the non-MST version.  For about the third time;  it's still just as funny.  On the Battlestar Galactica Southern Sun, the crew has been aboard for 15 generations, making a long voyage to some planet.  But the evil security guy decides it's taking entirely too long and plots a mutiny.  Hilarity ensues.  Heck, hilarity precedes as well.  It's not that every scene is so stupid, it's that every single detail of every scene is so stupid.  But in the best possible way  :teddyr:  4.5/5.

Space Mutiny is all sorts of awesome. It's #1 on my 400 best bad movies list at IMDb. Take a looksy  :teddyr:


Quote from: claws on May 27, 2011, 11:10:11 AM
Quote from: Jack on May 27, 2011, 06:22:09 AM
Space Mutiny (1988) - an MST3K favorite, but I watched the non-MST version.  For about the third time;  it's still just as funny.  On the Battlestar Galactica Southern Sun, the crew has been aboard for 15 generations, making a long voyage to some planet.  But the evil security guy decides it's taking entirely too long and plots a mutiny.  Hilarity ensues.  Heck, hilarity precedes as well.  It's not that every scene is so stupid, it's that every single detail of every scene is so stupid.  But in the best possible way  :teddyr:  4.5/5.

Space Mutiny is all sorts of awesome. It's #1 on my 400 best bad movies list at IMDb. Take a looksy  :teddyr:

Love it   :thumbup:  I've seen quite a few of those, but I'll have to track down the missing ones  :teddyr:
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


The Amazing Mr. X (1948) - A woman is haunted by the death of her husband years after the fact, and while she's on her way to meet up with her soon-to-be fiance she encounters mysterious man named Alexis who professes to be a psychic.  The things he tells her convince her that he's the real deal, and she begins to visit him on a regular basis, much to the distress of her fiance who thinks that Alexis is a con man.

This is a really neat little film that's shot in a very beautiful way.  There's a nice otherworldly atmosphere, and the plot, while not too complex, is engaging and is not without its surprises.  The scor'es nice, too.  You can watch this for free online, but I got the Image Entertainment DVD, and although it has a lot of print damage, the picture's got great contrast and detail.


Horror of the Humongous Hungry Hungan (1991)

Diana - tormented by violent nightmares - is looking forward to a camping trip with friends but a disfigured maniac is awaiting their arrival in nearby woods.
Ridiculous is the best way to describe this horror cheapie. Originally titled The Hungan and filmed in rural Pennsylvania back in 1989, this science-made-monster/slasher hybrid is offering at times fun no budget cheese with a colorful cast of not very talented locals.
The Hungan creature is some guy with a bad mask and bad blonde wig sporting a Freddy Krueger-like claw while spitting green goo ever so often.
More stuff to look out for: going-away-camping party with hair metal band ("Cry Wolf"), excessive dancing, Pee-wee Herman impersonator, Bruce Springsteen 'Born in the U.S.A.' poster, Re-Animator rip off, Nightmare on Elm Street rip off, Evil Dead rip off, shirtless guys with bad mullets, 'beauties' with big hair, makes-no-sense Voodoo subplot, minor continuity errors, Jack Palance intro narration and outtakes during end credits.

Not a great bad movie but oozing with late 80s local charm and a few laugh out loud bad moments. 3.25/5 Cheese

Psycho Circus

Quote from: claws on May 28, 2011, 12:21:30 AM
going-away-camping party with hair metal band ("Cry Wolf")

I must see this film!  :teddyr: