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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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     I found INVASION USA and THE HERO AND THE TERROR together for $5 at Wal-Mart.

     If I was asked to define 80's American cheese for someone, I'd just hand them a DVD of INVASION USA and say, "Enjoy!"

BILLY DRAGO, who was onscreen and dead in about five minutes
A smorgasbord of terrorists
All kind'sa stuff blowing UP!
About a kabilion rounds of assorted ammo
Boobage (not a lot, but it's there)
A REAL accident (the security guard behind the desk, who takes an exploding door in the face.)
One of the best villian deaths on film

     Owning a copy of this is like owning an original piece of Graham Ingels artwork- not for everyone, but it DO have its fans.
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.


Detour (2003) - Some kids are driving their RV through the desert and it breaks down and they get attacked by insane cannibals. Basically a ripoff of The Hills Have Eyes, it actually could have been pretty good; most of the characters were likable and entertaining and there are a few scenes that could have been fairly suspenseful. But they've got this white rapper idiot who makes an annoying comedy out of the whole thing. He's practically the main character. Ugh. 2.25/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Dead End Drive In (1986) - Australian. In the dystopian future, a wimpy not all that charismatic guy and his hot girlfriend go to a Drive In which is a Dead End drive in as it turns out. that doesnt' mean zombies, it's a weird Orwellian situation. You can't leave, somehow they give you food though. What happens in winter or when someone has a medical emergency? don't ask. The owner is working with the authorities to keep everyone in. It's all people who are unemployed, so this solves the governments unemployment problem and the people keep themselves busy with stupid issues that have nothing to do with getting out of the Drive in. pretty cool and has alot of 80's ness like stereotypical "punks" and so forth. It's no Suburbia though. 3.75/5


Quote from: Jack on May 16, 2012, 07:05:19 AM
Detour (2003) - Some kids are driving their RV through the desert and it breaks down and they get attacked by insane cannibals. Basically a ripoff of The Hills Have Eyes, it actually could have been pretty good; most of the characters were likable and entertaining and there are a few scenes that could have been fairly suspenseful. But they've got this white rapper idiot who makes an annoying comedy out of the whole thing. He's practically the main character. Ugh. 2.25/5.

Damnit, Jack. Stop disliking my faves  :bouncegiggle:


Quote from: claws on May 16, 2012, 07:53:29 AM
Quote from: Jack on May 16, 2012, 07:05:19 AM
Detour (2003) - Some kids are driving their RV through the desert and it breaks down and they get attacked by insane cannibals. Basically a ripoff of The Hills Have Eyes, it actually could have been pretty good; most of the characters were likable and entertaining and there are a few scenes that could have been fairly suspenseful. But they've got this white rapper idiot who makes an annoying comedy out of the whole thing. He's practically the main character. Ugh. 2.25/5.

Damnit, Jack. Stop disliking my faves  :bouncegiggle:

Dat Mr. Loops man, he be chill fo' shizzle!   :teddyr:
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Jack on May 16, 2012, 11:10:01 AM
Quote from: claws on May 16, 2012, 07:53:29 AM
Quote from: Jack on May 16, 2012, 07:05:19 AM
Detour (2003) - Some kids are driving their RV through the desert and it breaks down and they get attacked by insane cannibals. Basically a ripoff of The Hills Have Eyes, it actually could have been pretty good; most of the characters were likable and entertaining and there are a few scenes that could have been fairly suspenseful. But they've got this white rapper idiot who makes an annoying comedy out of the whole thing. He's practically the main character. Ugh. 2.25/5.

Damnit, Jack. Stop disliking my faves  :bouncegiggle:

Dat Mr. Loops man, he be chill fo' shizzle!   :teddyr:

He was nominated for best male performance when I was still doing my Mold Awards years ago  :teddyr: You don't find many "comic relief white rapper idiots" in horror movies these days  :bluesad:


there was one in mobile home massacre


Planet Raptor (2007) - repeat viewing. A small team of soldiers and scientists beam down to an alien planet, only to find an old English village. I'm guessing the filmmakers got access to the set of some other movie? Anyhow, there aren't any people there, just dinosaurs. Really comical CGI dinosaurs. I don't know what was funnier - the way they shoot one raptor and it tips over like a plastic lawn ornament, or the way they did a CGI animation of a dinosaur walking forwards in a very robot-like manner, and used that exact same animation in umpteen different scenes. I really didn't understand the intricacies of the "plot" either. One guy gets slashed across the chest by a dino, and he starts going into shock because they're apparently poisonous. So a scientist rushes over and shoots him up with an antidote, which cures him. The soldiers get all mad at him for using them for guinea pigs. Huh? Whuh? Another guy gets bitten by a T-Rex; his head is sticking out one side of its mouth, and his legs are sticking out the other. The scientist gives him the antidote, and sure enough, 10 minutes later he's all healed up and good to go  :thumbup:

Ah heck, the only reason to watch this stupid thing is because Vanessa Angel is in it. Fans of Stargate SG-1 may remember her from a certain episode she starred in:

Unfortunately she's not wearing that outfit in this movie. :bluesad:

Anyhow, this thing was totally stupid and entertainingly so. 3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


* Follow Me, Boys! (1966) *

Anybody remembers this excellent old classic with young Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell)?
Sure brings back memories when I first watched this movie back in the late 80's.
" We're going to get you. We're going to get you. Not another peep. Time to go to sleep."

"Do that again and I'm gonna open up a can of whoop-ass on you!"



goth chick moves to a new town and gets picked on by the popular girls until she finds out a demon lives in her mirror that can kill people for her


sigourney weaver goes head to head with the aliens again this time with high tech weaponry and a small platoon of marines


Undercover Angel (1999): A struggling writer named Harrison Tyler (Dean Winters) has his life turned upside down in a good way when he's unexpectedly volunteered as the babysitter of a wise beyond her years little girl named Jenny Morrison (Emily Mae Young).

This was a pleasant surprise. I cannot say I had very high expectations of this when I saw the opening credits and Yasmine Bleeth; she plays Tyler's potential love interest Holly Anderson in the film; of "Baywatch" fame was given top billing here but this far exceeded my expectations. Not only was Bleeth actually pretty good in this surprisingly likable romantic comedy but there's a lot of surprisingly good scenes featuring Young and Winters too. This was actually well written and well performed throughout and full of great life lessons. Only towards the end does it seem to falter a little and feel a bit more forced but still a pretty solid little film that deserves better recognition. **** out of ***** stars.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969): Secret agent 007 James Bond (George Lazenby) goes undercover as snooty genealogist Sir Hilary Bray in a last ditch attempt to discover the whereabouts of Ernst Starvo Blofeld (here played by Telly Savalas) and the latest deadly plot he's about to hatch. To get the lowdown on Blofeld's whereabouts, Bond has to promise crime boss Draco (Gabriele Ferzetti) he will continue to woo his lovely daughter the Countess Teresa 'Tracy' Di Vincenzo (Diana Rigg). Action and intrigue abounds.

This was an immensely enjoyable Bond film that most certainly should appeal to those fans who love lots of action. It's certainly a huge change of pace from the more spy-fi You Only Live Twice. Here Blofeld is a lot more energetic and far more hands on in his involvement thanks in large part to a lively performance by Telly Savalas. Lazenby actually makes a terrific Bond, adding his own unique touch to the role that makes it distinctive from Connery, too and it's disapppointing he didn't do more films in the series. When one thinks of Bond films, one expects certain things and this film pretty much delivers upon every expectation - lots of action, fights,  fantastic chases via car, skis and even bobsled and this one also delivers lots of exotic, beautiful women and a great love interest in Diana Rigg. Perhaps only flaw is it's hard to imagine Bond ever even considering  settling down. A great Bond thrill ride this one. ****1/2 out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


"The Muppets" (2011)

The old Muppet gang gets back together to save their theater from a crooked business man, with some help from Jason Segal, Amy Adams, Jack Black (and tons of other stars) and a new Muppet named "Walter." Fun for kids, and a total nostalgia trip for their parents.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

CEMETERY MAN [DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE] (1994): Groundskeeper Francesco Dellamorte works at an Italian cemetery where the major part of his duties are to shoot zombies in the head as they rise from the grave; the normalcy of his daily routine is wrecked when he falls in love with a beautiful widow, sees a vision of death, and has to cope with his mute assistant's romance with an underage severed head.  It's a lazy cliche to describe a surreal movie as "it's [insert name of familiar movie] on acid," but I'll do it anyway: CEMETERY MAN is DAWN OF THE DEAD on acid. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


This one never fails to crack me up. :wink:
Yes,I'm long as I don't look too closely.

Rev. Powell

THE FILM CREW: HOLLYWOOD AFTER DARK: This was the first DVD by the Film Crew (the 4-episode Mystery Science Theater 3000 followup from Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett). They spend some unfunny time setting up the premise (they've been hired to record DVD commentary tracks for bad movies, but they crack jokes instead). The "host segments" aren't up to snuff here (they get better in later episodes). As for the movie... oy vey, it's bad. I wouldn't want to watch it without commentary. It's an exploitation/noir with an "existential" junkyard owner romancing a stripper; he's eventually convinced to participate in a robbery. There's lots of padding with strippers (who get down to pasties) doing very long bump and grind numbers. The "best" part is that the female lead stripper is played by future "Golden Girl" Rue McClanahan. Her body is actually very nice but her face already looks like someone's grandma: it's quite unsettling!  2.5/5.

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...