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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: claws on September 15, 2012, 07:53:58 AM
Quote from: FatFreddysCat on September 15, 2012, 07:49:21 AM

Rob Zombie's Halloween II has become this generation's Halloween III: Season of the Witch. I think Zombie's sequel is a masterpiece. He sure as hell created something unique.

Diff'rent strokes, I guess. I didn't mind Zombie's first "Halloween" flick at all, but this one did nothin' for me.

...and I actually like "Halloween III: Season of the Witch."
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I was fascinated by Zombie's first HALLOWEEN movie - it was dark, brutal, and really showed how Michael Myers became the monster that terrorized Haddonfield.  But the second one was pretty much a mess straight through.  Zombie definitely seems to hate people - there aren't any good, decent people in any of his movies.  Or, if they are, he takes great delight in killing them off early!!!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


This film took it on the chin from several critics but I liked it a lot.
Yes,I'm long as I don't look too closely.


First one was good, the second one . . . bleagh!!! :twirl:
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

MST 3K: GAMERA VS. BARUGON: The experiment involves a lizard/dog hybrid who shoots deadly rainbows from his back, a female lead who inexplicably enjoys sucking the blood of her male co-star, and almost no Gamera at all! The host segments and riffing are decent but it's the crazy movie itself that makes this one a winner. 3.5 or even 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


CHUD 2 Bud the Chud- Originally planned as a return of the living dead sequel, this one doesn't really have that much to do with the first CHUD. The CHUD's in this movie never hang out in sewers and appear more like cracked out zombies than CHUD's. Largely comic in tone this one doesn't take itself seriously and is actually pretty funny at times. Robert Vaughn is a highlight as a crazed general that for some reason is a big fan of the CHUD so he keeps it frozen in ice. Vaughn has some of the best lines in the movie including the ridiculous "This Chud's for You!". This is just a fun zombie movie that while nothing special is well worth checking out especially if you like the return of the living dead films.


"Trick r Treat" (2009)

Way-cool "Creepshow" style horror anthology flick centered on a single small town and their big Halloween party; the neatly- interlocking stories include werewolves, a serial killing school principal, and kids who discover the tragic truth behind a local urban legend. Stylish, atmospheric, and grimly funny.

A great way to kick off your Halloween season!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Carnage (2011)-Roman Polanski's adaptation of the play by Yasmine Reza has a lot to offer for fans of drama. After a fight between their boys two sets of parents meet to discuss how to deal with this conflict but end up in a whole different kind of conflict between the four of them. Excellent performance's by the entire cast make this well worth watching. But be warned this does come from the theater so if the idea of 4 characters talking in a single location for 80 minutes bothers you then stay away.


Road to Utopia (1946): Chester Hooton (Bob Hope) and Duke Johnson (Bing Crosby), two vauldeville performers, head to Alaska hoping to make their fortune during the turn of the century gold rush. Along the way they run into two thuggish murderers named Sperry and McGurk who happen to have in their possession a map for a gold mine as well as the beautiful Sal Van Hoyden (Dorothy Lamour) whose affections naturally Hooten and Johnson inevitably come to fight over.

This "Road to" film was a bit of a departure from the previous films in that it actually features Hope & Crosby headed north instead of in some remote desert or tropical climate as previous films had done. Also it tends to be even wackier than the previous film with a lot more wink winks nudge nudges at the audience and a number of fourth wall breaks throughout. The funniest bits here involve an unexpected visit in the night from two bears with one of whom Hope gets a little too close for comfort and the long dog sled chase of our heroes as they're pursued by Sperry and McGurk plus a fun gag involving a dog and dynamite. This is pretty funny stuff but also a bit out there too. ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

Road to Bali (1952): Stage performers Harold Gridley (Bob Hope) and George Cochran (Bing Crosby) performing in Melbourne, Australia soon find themselves on the run from potential would-be brides and end up in Darwin where they decide to take on an unknown to them life threatening job as deep sea divers for a Prince (Murvyn Vye). Upon arrival upon an island on the way to Bali, they meet up with the Prince's cousin - one Princess Lala (Dorothy Lamour) and sure enough Hope & Crosby are soon enough trying to outdo each other when it comes to winning the Princess. The Prince however has other plans for them wanting them to retrieve an underwater lost treasure for him even though lurking in the deep in a killer giant squid.

This movie was a lot of fun to watch. It's colorful and bright and its tropical island setting really benefits from the film actually being in color. Once again, there's several fourth wall breaks in this film especially from Hope. The songs are also really good in this one and Lamour looks great in her scantily clad dress throughout. This film does feel a tad bit sillier than many of the others and some events are never adequately explained to the viewing audience. They basically just continue quietly and kind of hope we don't notice although it all comes across as part of the gag. Some fun cameo appearances in this one too including Martin & Lewis, Jane Russell and Bob Crosby plus clips from other films as well including The African Queen, Reap the Wild Wind and Aloma of the South Seas. The funniest bits in this one involve "gorilla" love for Hope & Crosby and perhaps an early form of gay marriage. All in all, I found this film highly entertaining and just plain fun so I'm giving it **** out of ***** stars.

The Road to Hong Kong (1962): Harry Turner (Bing Crosby) and Chester Babcock (Bob Hope) are two con artists who somehow get entangled with a secret spy organization called the Third Echelon, that secretly operates underwater in Hong Kong, through the lovely Diane (Joan Collins), one of its members and get sent to the moon and back only too discover the Leader of the Third Echelon (Robert Morley) is a megalomaniac bent on world conquest hoping to achieve this via space rockets and bombs. Now it's up to Turner, Babcock and Diane to get this information to the proper authorities before it's too late.

This movie is frequently downright hilarious especially during the "tranquilizing method" in space designed for apes but  instead here applied to Hope & Crosby. That is fall out of your chair funny. The movie though is hurt somewhat by Collins replacing Dorothy Lamour in the lead, although Lamour does turn up before the film is over in a bit part as herself. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with Collins only fans of the series will certainly be disappointed to not see the still very lovely at this point in time Lamour not in her usual lead role opposite Hope & Crosby in the "Road to" pictures.  Also Hope & Crosby are starting to show their age a little with this one in particular. And quite frankly Collins is not able to match up to Lamour in any way when it comes to singing talent and Lamour proves in her short scenes with Hope & Crosby that her timing with them is much better. There's several wacky scenes in this one particularly featuring cameos from Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra and short bit roles from Peter Sellers and and David Niven. in many ways this film is very similar to the popular spy dramas that would follow in the 1960s with the James Bond films and "The Avengers" TV series which was initially airing around the same time but of course it's all more tongue in cheek than those although Robert Morley does seem to play the Leader of the Third Echelon pretty straight. Dr. Zorbb (Walter Gotell) is the Leader's right hand man and in many ways this film will probably appeal to fans of  early spy-fi fare like the 1960s James Bond films and "The Avengers" as much as fans of comedy. I'm giving this one **** out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Quote from: tracy on September 15, 2012, 12:35:23 PM

This film took it on the chin from several critics but I liked it a lot.

I was totally prepared to enjoy that movie because it has so many naysayers.  I like Nicolas Cage, I think he's entertaining, was just so boring!  Could've been a lot funnier or could've at least had some exciting action.  Just my opinion of course.  :drink:

I just watched Equinox (1970).

Kind of a precursor to Evil Dead in that some college kids stumble upon a book of demonology and other evil-type stuff unwittingly acquired from a cackling old man in a dark cave.  Weird stuff happens to them as they make boneheaded decisions.  It's cheesy as heck but a lot of fun. Features some charming stop-motion effects and a few alarming and inventive close-ups of the antagonist, Asmodeus.  7/10, maybe 8/10 depending on my mood.


"Shaun of the Dead" (20004)

When London is overrun by zombies, two slacker roommates must save their nearest and dearest in this horror/comedy hit that never gets old. Action, gore and laughs galore!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Alien Cargo (1999) - two crew members on a cargo spaceship awake from suspended animation, expecting to take over from the previous shift who have been on duty for two months. Instead they find it's an entire year later, the ship is way off course and almost out of fuel, and the previous shift is nowhere to be found. They discover a mysterious piece of space junk has been brought onboard - is it at the root of the mystery? Well, probably  :smile:  Sort of a typical low budget sci-fi thing, but I really enjoyed the characters, played by Jason London and Missy Crider. It certainly wasn't action-packed, but it was somewhat suspenseful and kept me interested. It's an old favorite of mine and I seem to grow more and more fond of it with each viewing. 4.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

LITTLE OTIK (2000): An infertile couple pretend a tree stump is a baby, but trouble arises when it comes to life and needs to be fed. The laughs are as twisted as the gnarled roots little Otik uses to grab his dinner in this black comedy adaptation of a European folktale with hints of horror and flecks of surrealism. 4.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: indianasmith on September 15, 2012, 12:46:19 PM
First one was good, the second one . . . bleagh!!! :twirl:

Could be....I have yet to see the second one. Still may give it a dollar rental shot. :smile:
Yes,I'm long as I don't look too closely.

Rev. Powell

THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (1988): A retelling of the Gospels focusing on Jesus' internal struggle between flesh and spirit, humanity and divinity, with a twist at the end. An excellent adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis' novel of theological speculation. It's amazing (and frightening) to contemplate that some Christians protested this deeply pious movie when it came out. 4.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...