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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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An astronaut's ship is lured to a strange asteroid/planet where he is shrunk to about 6 inches and meets stranger aliens. He is convicted of assaulting a native and sentenced to remain there as a citizen. He meets 2 lovely women and defeats a goofy monster then returns to Earth after being found by fellow astronauts. The costumes are odd,the acting bland and the rocket looks like a pencil with fins....pretty fun to watch.

Yes,I'm long as I don't look too closely.


Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000) - the Maryland town that the first movie took place near is now flooded with tourists. One tour group spends the night at a landmark from the first movie, but they get really drunk and can't remember what they did for most of the night. Turns out some really weird stuff went on, and so they all go to the house of the tour guide to try to figure it out. The tour guide lives in an abandoned broom factory - get it?  witches, broom factory  :tongueout:  Anyhow more mysterious stuff happens, it's like the characters' perception of reality doesn't match with what seems to be happening. I don't know if I was in a weird mood last night or what but I thought this was a rather effective little horror movie that did a good job of screwing with your head. It created some good tension in parts as well. Really enjoyed the twist ending too. 4.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 05, 2012, 10:49:38 AM
BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL (2011): Seven British retirees relocate to the titular Indian establishment, run by a hospitable but bumbling young entrepreneur. A great cast makes it a pleasant if predictable entry in the inspiration "cute old folks discover a reason to grind out a few more years" subgenre. 3.5/5

That was the same reaction I had.  It was pretty much Location Porn, but the cast sold it well.

MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE'S MOST WANTED - this time they join up with the circus while trying to escape Monte Carlo's animal control.  It was pretty eh, but it had a few good one-liners.  Julian & The Penguins were still good. 5/10
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chance opts between two worlds
Fire walk with me


The Boogeyman (1980) - 20 years ago, a boy kills his mom's abusive boyfriend, as his sister looks on. In the present, the kids are grown up and the boy hasn't spoken since that night. The movie's main character is the sister, who's married with a child, but having nightmares about the murder. Of course they have to go back to the house where it took place, and the girl sees the reflection of the abusive boyfriend in a mirror. From then on it's basically a haunted mirror movie. Don't know why they called it Boogeyman. Very slow moving and more cheesy than suspenseful. One of the killings was pretty funny actually. The sister, played by Suzanna Love, was quite likable and cute, and basically the movie's only redeeming quality. 2.5/5.

Boogeyman II (1983) - some psychic woman sees flashbacks to the first movie, so they basically show the entire first movie again. At least the first time it had characters and a plot - no such luck here with it chopped up into flashbacks. And they just show the same scenes over and over and over, it's unbelievably tedious. This is the only movie this guy ever directed - thank god for small favors I guess. I only made it a half hour into this - probably about as far as anyone's ever made it. 1/5.

Bone Eater (2007) - some guys dig up some old bones which turn into a bad CGI monster. Some infinitely cliched Native americans know the secret, some infinitely cliched land developer doesn't want to hear it, yawn. One of those things that was made for the sole purpose of everyone earning a paycheck. About as much originality and care shown in its production as a McDonald's hamburger gets. Highlight was watching the bad CGI skeleton monster on its bad CGI horse chasing a couple of guys on dirt bikes as bad spaghetti western music played. 2/5.

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

THE DEVIL'S CARNIVAL (2012): Three postmortem sinners find themselves eternally enacting ironic fables in a singing and dancing afterlife. Hell is musical theater, I knew it! From the director of REPO: THE GENETIC OPERA, with the exact same strengths and weaknesses as that project: it's a solid premise illustrated with colorfully baroque costumes and sets, but it's also a musical that doesn't have a single memorable tune. It's part of a planned series: it's only an hour long and ends on a mild cliffhanger. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


ANGELS CREST (2012) - a young father leaves his 3-year-old napping in the truck while he tracks a deer; the kid wanders away and freezes to death, and friends & family gradually divide themselves over the extent of his accountability (and their own).  Very bleak and a little thin story-wise, but beautifully acted. 5/10

MAGIC MIKE (2012) - Charisma vacuum Channing Tatum stars as a mopey male stripper who's trying to start his own business.  Things get complicated when his teenage buddy/protege starts to like the sex & drugs industry lifestyle too much.  The trailers made this look like it was going to be a comedy and it isn't.  It's actually very dreary and tedious - and because it's directed by Steven Soderbergh everything is awash in yellow.  The only good part is Matthew McConoughey's acting (now that's something I never thought I'd say).  2/10
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chance opts between two worlds
Fire walk with me


Permanent Midnight (1998)

Ben Stiller stars as a drug addict writer for a hit television show whose addiction has completely taken over his life. His performance is solid and he looks appropriately bad for the role. The problem here is a completely lackluster script that lacks any sense of drama which considering the subject matter is a huge flaw. Adding to my frustration was an absolutely terrible framing device in which Stiller tells his tale of woe to Maria Bello who upon seeing him working a drive thru decides to have a weekend of sex with him.... Their interaction is completely annoying and nonsensical, are we supposed to believe that a women of Bello's beauty is going to sleep with a fast food employee the first time she sees him. No... just horrible and every time we go back to them any little momentum the movie has is instantly lost.

Instead of creating any sense of drama or character the writer/director thinks endless scenes of Stiller shooting up will be enough to keep our attention. Considering the complete lack of drama the movie would be wise to have some comic relief, but it's laugh free throughout. Really frustrating and terrible movie that I regret paying 2$ for.


The Bog Creatures (2003) - some college kids go out to a bog to see if they can dig up some old bodies.  They're rather surprised to find the bog creatures have already come back to life and are wandering around looking for people to abduct.  I don't know, if I was the location scout for a movie with the word "bog" right in the title I would have attempted to find someplace that looks vaguely like a bog, then you would have just had to get the smoke machines going and that's half your movie right there.  But no, we get some generic woods instead.  The characters aren't the type you care about, and the crappy dialogue and occasional bad line delivery is about the only entertainment value to be gotten from this thing.  The creatures themselves were actually very well done as far as their makeup and stuff.  I guess I sat through it without any undue discomfort...3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

HER MASTER'S VOICE (2012): Ventriloquist Nina Conti takes the dummies of her recently deceased mentor Ken Caldwell to Vent Haven, a museum in Kentucky which she describes as a garveyard for puppets. Simultaneously a kooky homemade ventriloqusim documentary and an emotionally raw confessional-cum-elegy from Conti. It's on Netflix streaming and at only an hour long it's worth a look. 3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


The Last Days of Frankie the Fly

This somewhat obscure entry into the gangster genre tells the story of Frankie the Fly (Dennis Hopper) a low level gangster who is constantly belittled and insulted by mob boss Sal played excellently by Michael Madsen. Along the way he meets Daryl Hannah a porn star with a heart of gold and starts to take some initiative in his life. Kiefer Sutherland plays a porn director in debt to Madsen. It is certainly the most unhinged performance I have ever seen of his reaching Nic Cage levels of absurdity at points.

Story wise this is predictable as can be but yet I found myself enjoying it throughout. It's great to see Hopper play the good guy for a change and his portrayal here of a unintelligent but very kind man is great. Also I liked that it never took itself that seriously, this is not "The Godfather" and it never tries to be. Instead it uses it's excellent actors and comic dialogue to create an engaging character study.

A minor gem, I saw this one on Echo Bridges Ganster 3 film pack. It's full frame but it actually doesn't look that bad. The other movies on this set are "The Immortals" which I haven't watched yet, and Abel Ferrara's often overlooked "The Funeral" which stars Christopher Walken and a bunch of other great actors.


The Mummy (1932) - some archeologists dig up a mummy (Boris Karloff) and sure enough he comes to life and is looking to take revenge on all who desecrated the tomb he was charged with protecting. Of course the leading lady in the film bears a striking resemblance to the princess that the mummy was in love with way back when, so he gets to work on transferring the princess' soul into this new woman. Karloff is spooky as heck - he doesn't wear the usual mummy wrappings but he's got some makeup that makes him look 1,000 years old. Unfortunately this is really slow moving, just scene after scene of various guys standing around various rooms and talking. I dunno, maybe I wasn't in the mood for it - my wife and I were feeling pretty silly and she started poking fun at it and we kind of went downhill from there. :smile: I'll be generous and give it a 4/5.

There's a great documentary on this Universal Legacy Collection DVD set about the production of the film.  It tells all about how the leading lady couldn't stand the director, and how Karloff had to endure 8 hours worth of makeup application each day.  They would stretch out the skin on his face, cover it with glue, and once it dried let his skin relax to create the extremely wrinkled appearance.  Then they'd do that over and over until the desired effect had been achieved.

The Mummy's Hand (1940) - a couple of archeologists find the mummy's tomb and as always he comes back to life and starts lurking about in the shadows. Eventually the archeologists find the secret passage which leads to the princess' tomb, by which time the mummy has abducted the leading lady and all heck breaks loose. Plenty of light comedy in this one, which I more or less enjoyed, though it was easy to forget you were even watching a horror movie at times. And the mummy was actually wearing the usual mummy bandages; call me old fashioned but I like my mummies to be properly attired. Quite an enjoyable movie overall if you don't mind the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


"The Avengers" (2012)

Thor's crazed brother Loki wants to take over the Earth, prompting Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. to assemble the world's greatest super hero team - Captain America, Iron Man, the Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor and the Hulk - to save the planet in this year's mega-blockbuster. Tons of action, great performances, and all out mayhem make this one a must see. It's total Comic Geek Overload!!!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Quote from: Jack on November 09, 2012, 08:15:14 AM
The Mummy (1932) - some archeologists dig up a mummy (Boris Karloff) and sure enough he comes to life and is looking to take revenge on all who desecrated the tomb he was charged with protecting. Of course the leading lady in the film bears a striking resemblance to the princess that the mummy was in love with way back when, so he gets to work on transferring the princess' soul into this new woman. Karloff is spooky as heck - he doesn't wear the usual mummy wrappings but he's got some makeup that makes him look 1,000 years old. Unfortunately this is really slow moving, just scene after scene of various guys standing around various rooms and talking. I dunno, maybe I wasn't in the mood for it - my wife and I were feeling pretty silly and she started poking fun at it and we kind of went downhill from there. :smile: I'll be generous and give it a 4/5.

One of my 21 year old daughter's makes me proud that she has such an appreciation for the old classics. And her favorite Dracula is still Bela Lugosi. :wink:
Yes,I'm long as I don't look too closely.

Rev. Powell

MST3K: MASTER NINJA I: An elderly ninja and a Van Patten with a hamster fight corrupt cops, capitalists, and Chinatown gangsters in this "movie" made from two episodes of a bad 80s TV show crammed together. The team is really in stride for this one, everyone knows their characters and roles and the "movie" is easy to mock. It also contains lots of familiar faces like Lee Van Cleef and Demi Moore, and no one forgets the "Master Ninja theme song"! 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Jumanji" (1995)

Family-friendly fantasy adventure where a pair of kids discover an antique safari-themed board game with magical powers, which unleashes a horde of nasty creatures that quickly cause utter chaos in their peaceful New England town. The CGI effects have dated pretty badly but it's fun and action packed. My kids got a kick out of this one.

Watch for a young Kirsten Dunst as the big sister!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!