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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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"Dredd" (2012)

In this gritty reboot of the Judge Dredd character (last seen in 1995 as played by Sly Stallone), the futuristic lawman is breaking in a new rookie partner. As they carry out their duties they wind up sealed inside a massive "city block" skyscraper that's ruled by a sadistic drug lord, and have to fight their way out through an armada of drugged out, armed-to-the-teeth psychos. Yep, that's the whole plot. Naturally, lotsa shooting, stuff blowing up, and general brutal mayhem follows.

On the downside, "Dredd" is nowhere near as elaborate as the Stallone film (which was kinda disappointing -- cuz even though the Stallone version had its share of faults it was a great looking movie!) but on the other hand, Karl Urban's deadpan portrayal of the character is more true to the comic series. As an added bonus, there's no Rob Schneider in this one.

Dredd's a cool character and in the right hands he could make a truly bad-ass movie, but the Stallone flick blew it and this one doesn't quite make the cut either. "Dredd" is enjoyable in a "B" movie sort of way, but it still falls frustratingly short of the mark.
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Rev. Powell

BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW (2010): A mute telepathic woman is kept prisoner in a mysterious pyramid-power institute in the Reagan era in this slow paced, visually trippy pseudo-surreal sci-fi effort. Wears a little thin by the end with the pure style over substance, but every year should feature a film explicitly designed to accompany an acid trip, and this was 2012s best option. 3/5
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: tracy on January 11, 2013, 03:08:26 PM

1964-Cold war tensions are heightened after an accidental thermonuclear first strike is launched against Moscow. A technical error sendsa an errant "go code" to a group of US bombers when an unidentified object is found to be just an off course airliner.Pressure mounts as the President and the Soviet Chairman try to prevent the approaching destruction of Moscow. The ending must be seen to be believed. This is an excellent and very disturbing movie,especially with Walter Matthau's character thinking during the crisis that we should take advantage of this to get rid of Communism for good. Starring a wonderful set of actors including Matthau,Henry Fonda as one of the most unenviable Presidents I've ever seen on screen,Larry Hagman,Dan O'Herlihy and Frank Overton. Also had Dom De Luise in an early,dramatic role.

That's a very cool movie, really underseen.  (I think it got kind of screwed by being released around the same time as DR. STRANGELOVE, which is essentially the same story but told as a satire.)
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chance opts between two worlds
Fire walk with me


Psycho 3 (1986) Anthony Perkin's directs and stars in this further entry in the Norman Bates saga. This one takes place pretty much right where the second left us, with Bates still running the infamous hotel. Introduced into his life is a seedy drifter (Jeff Fahey), a reporter interested in his story, and a nun who has renounced her faith. Before you know it Norman is dressing up like a lady and terrorizing showers.

This film is a bit of a step down from the excellence of 2, as the plot is not quite as strong. However there is a lot to like here especially in Perkin's directing. It seems someone in the production had watched a couple of Argento movies because there is some fantastic lighting that at times feels straight out of suspira. This takes more of a slasher take on the story, so there's quite a bit of inventive kills throughout.

Psycho 4 (1990) Made for TV and directed by Mick Garris (Critters 2, endless Stephen King TV movies) this is clearly the weakest of the series. Norman is still around and this time he's calling talk radio shows! It is through this device that we get to see Norman relive the childhood that made him so nutty in the first place. We meet mom whose actually pretty hot, and see the physical and mental abuse that she inflicts on young Bates. There is some incest suggestions, but when Mom brings a man into the house Norman flips the hell out! In the wrap around story we find out that Norman has a lady that has tricked him into impregnating her! She better stick with baths for a while...

This movie gets pretty cheesy at points, but is actually pretty well done for a TV movie. We finally get to see Norman's mom when she was alive and when it's over I got the feeling that we got the fully story on Bates. John Landis has a small part for some reason.

After watching 2,3,4 in a couple days I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at these sequels. The second is a legit great horror film, and the other two are better than most horror movies from their times. I would say that if you've only seen the 1st that this is a series well worth checking out. You can find all 3 sequels in one set for fairly cheap. I only paid 2.50$.


Quote from: Rev. Powell on January 14, 2013, 09:43:41 AM
BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW (2010): A mute telepathic woman is kept prisoner in a mysterious pyramid-power institute in the Reagan era in this slow paced, visually trippy pseudo-surreal sci-fi effort. Wears a little thin by the end with the pure style over substance, but every year should feature a film explicitly designed to accompany an acid trip, and this was 2012s best option. 3/5

Good to know: I bought this on a whim based on the trippy trailer.  One to watch before bed when I'm half asleep and the mind is easily influenced.
------------The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


"South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut" (1999)

Parental outrage over the smutty antics of Canadian comics Terrance and Philip cause the U.S. to declare war on Canada, and Stan, Kyle, Cartman and the gang are caught in the middle. Just to make things even worse, Satan and his lover Saddam Hussein are waiting in the wings to take over the Earth unless the kids can stop it. 

This feature length musical version of the Comedy Central 'toon is bizarre, tasteless, twisted, profane, and occasionally disgusting, but still totally hilarious all the way through.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Planet of the Vampires (1965) - Mario Bava's foray into sci-fi. Space explorers land on an alien planet and encounter various problems with their minds being taken over by some unknown force, and later anyone who dies ends up coming back to life. Visually quite beautiful with very stylish sets and costumes. The plot is pretty slow and not very interesting, though it does get tense when they investigate an alien ship. I've seen this several times now and liked it more last night than I usually have in the past. 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

Quote from: dean on January 14, 2013, 09:47:04 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on January 14, 2013, 09:43:41 AM
BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW (2010): A mute telepathic woman is kept prisoner in a mysterious pyramid-power institute in the Reagan era in this slow paced, visually trippy pseudo-surreal sci-fi effort. Wears a little thin by the end with the pure style over substance, but every year should feature a film explicitly designed to accompany an acid trip, and this was 2012s best option. 3/5

Good to know: I bought this on a whim based on the trippy trailer.  One to watch before bed when I'm half asleep and the mind is easily influenced.

I loved it at first because of the look and sound but after about an hour when nothing had happened yet I started to fret a little. You definitely need to be in the mood.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Rev. Powell

TEOREMA (1968): A mysterious young buck visits a wealthy household, makes love to the father, son, mother, wife, and housekeeper and then leaves; all of them are lost without him and fall into separate strange tragedies. Another dry and dull, and inexplicably influential, experiment from Italian masochist Pier Paolo Passolini. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"The Amazing Spider-Man" (2012)

Mostly satisfying "reboot" of the Spidey saga starts things over from scratch as high school science dork Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) achieves fantastic powers via a radioactive spider-bite, romances the lovely Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) and battles the mutant Lizard (Rhys Ifans).

This flick is a vast improvement over the dead-on-arrival "Spider-Man 3," and though at first I wasn't sure how I would dig the new casting, it didn't take long for me to realize that I didn't miss Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, or any of the old gang at all.

Sam Raimi's Spidey trilogy was very much a representation of the old school Lee/Ditko Spider-Man of the '60s, but this version is more like the Todd MacFarlane era of the 80s/90s - a little darker and grittier, but still with the humor and heart. Spidey has been my favorite hero since I was a kid, so when this flick was first announced I doubted that a "reboot" was really necessary and therefore I went into it preparing to judge it harshly, but in the end the new team did a great job and I was entertained. Bring on the next one.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


I was OK with it, but I still liked the MacGuire Spiderman movies . . . all three of them.  I guess that's because I quit reading comic books in the 1970's, and he was more like the Spiderman I remembered.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Star Knight aka El caballero del dragón (1985) - in medieval times, some princess is looking for a boyfriend but the only guy she knows is a wannabe knight who's a total douchebag. Luckily a spaceman comes along and she's immediately smitten with him, even though he can't take his spacesuit off because he can't breath earth's atmosphere. And of course everybody thinks his spaceship is a dragon. Meanwhile the doughebag guy stages a coup to take over the kingdom and then they all go to battle the "dragon". Man oh man, minutes pass like hours when you're watching this thing. It "stars" Klaus Kinsky but for some reason they dubbed his voice over with somebody else. He's got a fairly small part anyway. The characters were all unsympathetic and uninteresting, the plot dragged - it's like they stuck an extra half hour of nothing in the middle to pad out the runtime - and it's pretty cheesy. It tries to be funny in spots but I was way too bored to laugh. We were quite happy when the end credits finally started rolling. 2.25/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

CITADEL (2012): After seeing his wife murdered by a gang of faceless kids in hoodies, a young father becomes an agoraphobic shut-in, but must face his fears when the same gang abducts his baby daughter and take her to the condemned tower block where the murder occurred. A noble attempt, but the enthusiastic first-time Irish writer/director focuses too much on creating psychological/sociological depth, leaving being scary and suspenseful as an afterthought. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: indianasmith on January 16, 2013, 12:53:15 AM
I was OK with it, but I still liked the MacGuire Spiderman movies . . . all three of them.  I guess that's because I quit reading comic books in the 1970's, and he was more like the Spiderman I remembered.

Oh yeah, I still think the first two Spidey flicks are the best comic book movies ever made (but then, I'm a Spidey fanboy. Haha)... but then the franchise went completely off the rails in "3." So even though I wasn't crazy about the idea of a "reboot" at first, all I wanted from it was for it to be better than "3," which it was.

Also: the new leading lady certainly doesn't hurt. Emma Stone is way cuter than Kirsten Dunst.  :teddyr:
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!



     Now, while

it's no suprise to anyone here at BM.O that Jerry Warren makes bad movies, TEENAGE ZOMBIES is jaw-dropping BAD.

The main set looks like the set from NIGHT OF THE GHOULS, and the film itself is just that, a film, kinda like spots on your glasses.

See it if you can.   
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.