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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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The Comedy of Terrors (1964)

Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!

Rev. Powell

ALLEGRO NON TROPPO (1976): A series of cartoons animated to classical music pieces. It never reaches the grandiose heights of FANTASIA (the filmmakers are well aware of that fact), but the scribblings here are at the same time more adult (there's a good deal of cartoon nudity) and overall more whimsical than Disney's sometimes self-important commissions. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I liked Vanity in Action Jackson.


Quote from: lester1/2jr on August 19, 2013, 07:33:04 PM
I liked Vanity in Action Jackson.

Ebert praised her acting in 52 Pick-Up. Vanity was Martin Scorsese's first choice to play Mary Magdalene in The Last Temptation of Christ back in 1983, but filming was delayed until 1988 (Barbara Hershey was then cast as Mary).
Vanity had a bright future in show biz, too bad drugs messed up her career. That said, I'll give you this  :smile:


Night of The Werewolf (1981) - Paul Naschy stars in this Gothic tale of werewolves and vampires, with a bit of romance too. Probably my favorite Naschy film. Tons of atmosphere, a fairly involved plot and for one of these movies the characters are actually decent. 4/5.

Horror Rises from the Tomb (1973) - another Naschy movie. I watched this before and really didn't care for it and I can't say it did much for me this time either. Some people dig up the head of an evil man who was executed for witchcraft hundreds of years earlier. Of course it takes over the mind of one of them and eventually most of them, and goes on a killing spree. I didn't really like some of the characters, the plot just didn't interest me, and it didn't seem to have the same sort of atmosphere as Naschy's other movies. 3/5.

The Werewolf and the Yeti (1975) - got this on Amazon instant streaming and the audio and video were a good 5 seconds out of sync with each other. Really made a joke out of it. You'd hear people talking in the next scene before the current scene was over. And it's just unwatchable when people are done talking and only then do their lips start moving, and you have to watch them silently mouth their sentences for quite a while afterwards. Oh well looked pretty bad anyway. Naschy was up in the mountains hunting for the Abominable Snowman but he stumbled into some cave where a couple of barely dressed women lived and I guess they turned him into a werewolf. The whole think seemed quite amateurish and couldn't be taken seriously. I'm glad I got my $7 back / 5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


"976-EVIL" (1988)

Godawful silly '80s terror trash about a nerdy teen (Stephen Geoffreys, aka "Evil Ed" of "Fright Night" fame) whose calls to a "Horror-scope"  fortune telling phone line eventually connect him to Satan himself and transform him into a demonic, homicidal something-or-other who gets even with his high school tormentors. Cheap looking nonsense directed by Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund, who should've known better.
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Tried watching The Werewolf and the Yeti on Youtube last night. It's like the guy's DVD was freezing up as he recorded it - it would be playing and then pause for a minute or two. Being Youtube I couldn't even use the FF button on my remote.  I had to get up - out of my chair! - and move it ahead. Then as soon as I'd sit back down and get comfortable it would do it again...and again. Didn't get too far into that.

Then I started watching The Haunting of Hell House (1999) on Netflix. Great Gothic atmosphere. It's about this college student who's got a girlfriend but she gets pregnant so he takes her to some back-alley abortionist. She's bleeding heavily afterwards so he takes her to her apartment and as she begs him not to leave, he leaves and goes downstairs to ask the barmaid, who's extremely busy with customers, if she'd look in on her. She says she'll get to it later and the guy leaves. Yeah, this is our main character. Of course the girl dies and this heartless prick is having dreams or something about how awful the abortion must have been and then he's standing in a field yelling SAAAAAARRRRAAAAAHHHH!!!" Oh for god's sake I turned it off at that point. I don't need to watch this a-hole grieving over the girl he was incapable of giving a damn about.

Then I went back to Youtube and did a search on "Paul Naschy full movies" and found something called The Strange Hostel of Pleasures (1972). It's just these girls in ugly bikinis shaking er..."dancing" for about ten minutes. I ran it ahead an hour and it was still the exact same thing, I think it was just in a different location. You gotta be kidding me... :lookingup:

Then I started watching Mystery of the 13th Guest (1943) on Netflix and, mercifully, fell sound asleep.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

CRYSTAL FAIRY AND THE MAGICAL CACTUS (2013): Uptight drug tourist Jamie (a shaggy Micheal Cera) has spent months planning a night of tripping on a hallucinogenic cactus with his Chilean hosts, but is annoyed when a free-spirited hippy chick named Crystal Fairy tags along with her own ideas about how to conduct the ceremony. There aren't too many surprises in this manic-fairy-trip-girl drama, but it's notable for the acting, and because it covers a unique psychedelic subculture that rarely makes it into the movies. 3/5.

STREET TRASH (1987): In a junkyard ruled by a sadistic gang of hobos, bums must also endure a plague of rotgut that makes them melt. The less sense this movie makes, the better it gets, but the jokes about castration, gang rape and necrophilia ensure this will never rise above the level of a guilty pleasure. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Fangs of the Living Dead (1969) - a woman finds she's inherited a castle, but upon arriving it turns out she comes from a strange family - could it have something to do fangs and living dead? I liked this. The characters weren't too bad, the plot was somewhat interesting and although it was very slow moving, it didn't put me to sleep. Directed by Amando de Ossorio, the guy who did the Blind Dead films. 3.25/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

TORMENTED (2013): A young boy has nightmares about a giant bunny after he euthanizes a wounded rabbit on the playground; his mute older sister tries to keep him from being sucked into another word. Spooky psychological horror full of images of people in cute bunny suits doing disturbing things; there is a big, satisfying revelation two-thirds of the way through, but the movie then pushes its luck with a third act that muddies the water. 3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Garage Days" (2002)

Good natured, fluffy Aussie comedy about a struggling Sydney rock band trying to get their first big break, and the various romantic and personal entanglements they encounter along the way up the ladder to supposed success.

There's nothin' here that you haven't seen in a thousand other rock 'n' roll movies but the cast is likable and there are some good gags. The soundtrack is pretty jam'n too. (In spite of the film's title, there is no Metallica music in the film... but of course, since it's an Australian flick, Down Under heroes AC/DC get quite a bit of air time.)

Oddly enough, the film was directed by Alex Proyas, who's known mainly for grimmer fare like "The Crow" and "Dark City."
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Mofo Rising

Big Night (1996)

A well-regarded movie about two Italian brothers trying to run a failing Italian restaurant in America during the '50s. Amidst the small dramas of their personal lives, the hatch upon a plan to save their restaurant by hosting a lavish dinner for the singer Louis Prima.

If I had to level a criticism on the movie, it's that it is a rather slight film, but I don't really think that speaks against it. It's definitely well-made, especially considering this was the fledgeling indie scene of the '90s. If you want to watch a warm and people-oriented film, this should be your go-to movie.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.


Claws- Ebert was right and yes she had drug problems. Nikki Sixx talks about it in his book apparently.

fatfreddy's cat- Dark City and The Crow are not my jawns


Moon of the Wolf (1972): A small-town Louisiana Sheriff (David Janssen) searches for the murderer of a young girl who left her body mutilated. He soon begins to suspect something out of the ordinary associated with this especially when the murderer strikes again ripping iron prison cell bars right out of the wall.

Well it's pretty obvious early on what type of monster is responsible here and it's not exactly too difficult to guess where this mystery is leading even though it does attempt to throw in a few red herrings along the way. This has a certain level of charm and atmosphere,  with some pretty good suspense scenes, and isn't so bad of its type for a television film from the early 1970s. It is however a bit slow-moving and the ultimate revelation of a transformation proves somewhat disappointing. Still, I enjoyed this so I'm giving it ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

After the Thin Man (1936): Upon returning to San Francisco, Nick (William Powell) and Nora Charles (Myrna Loy) find themselves drawn into a new murder mystery this time involving a relative of Nora's.

This was once again a very enjoyable little film full of plot twists and turns that really gets interesting after the murders start happening. Prior to this, it proves a bit more of a drag although a lot of what's established does later factor into the plot. A terrific murder mystery that will have you guessing and wondering right up to the end. It helps that this film has a terrific supporting cast of suspects played by Elissa Landi, Jimmy Stewart, Joseph Calleia, William Law, George Zucco and Paul Fix to name a few. ***3/4 out of ***** stars.

Bullitt (1968): A cop named Frank Bullitt (Steve McQueen) is assigned to guard and protect a state's evidence witness but when said witness is murdered, Bullitt begins to hunt down those responsible even if it means defying authority along the way.

This action-packed cop thriller makes for exciting and consistently entertaining viewing. It features some of the best chase scenes one has even seen put to film, one a terrific car chase and the other Bullitt hunting down a suspect at an airport. It is pretty grim and bloody at times and doesn't pull too many punches. Great film! **** out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


"Death Wish 4: The Crackdown" (1987)
Charles Bronson is back... and he sez crack is wack!!!
Bronson returns for a 4th go round as vigilante Paul Kersey, who starts a gang war between two groups of rival L.A. cocaine dealers after his girlfriend's daughter dies of an overdose. The usual comical mayhem ensues.
Not quite as over the top as "D.W.3," but still so '80s that it almost hurts, especially during the climactic shootout/stand off scenes set in a roller rink and video game arcade.
They don't make'em like this anymore!!
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