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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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claws where did you see that


'The Further Adventures of Tennessee Buck' (1988)

A campy, low-budget action/adventure flick starring David Keith as down-on-his luck safari guide 'Tennessee' Buck Malone, who takes a dorky rich American and his airhead trophy wife on a hunting excursion into the wilds of Borneo, where they tangle with a tribe of vicious cannibals. Basically this is a low budget 'Indiana Jones' take-off with a healthy dose of added T&A thanks to 1986 Playmate of the Year Kathy Shower, whose sole purpose in this movie is to provide eye candy and be the damsel in distress/undress. Brain-dead fun!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


"48 Hours" The Last Take (2008)

No one really knows why starlet/model Christa Helm was murdered in February 1977. This 50 minutes CBS documentary tries to shed some light on the mystery. Beautiful and smart, Helm came to Hollywood to be an actress. She met the right people who opened doors for her, and soon enough Helm was well-known amongst celebrities. She went to partys with Mick Jagger and Jack Nicholson, had relationships with music producers, women and the Shah of Iran, but she also kept a diary about her love life. She was about to leave Hollywood when she was killed on the same night in the same area actor Sal Mineo was murdered in a similar way exactly one year prior. 5/5


A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) - a series of sketches with Charlie Brown and the other neighborhood kids doing stuff before Christmas.  We watched this last year and I didn't care for it much, and it hasn't grown on me since.  I doubt it was too funny back in 1965 and the jokes are 48 years stale now.  The characters aren't likable or sympathetic; Charlie Brown is nothing more than a sulking losing basically. Oh well at least my wife got a few chuckles out of it. 2.5/5.

It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown (1992) - another series of sketches.  Liked this better than the first one, it's got a nice sarcastic sense of humor to it and it's much more interesting.  3.5/5.

Christmas Vacation (1989) - Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo star as Clark and Ellen Griswald.  They have a big family get-together at Christmas and of course it turns into a total nightmare.  This was pretty fun, definitely made me laugh out loud more than a few times.  Got a bit slow in parts though.  3.5/5.

Jack Frost (1997) - a serial killer named Jack Frost is on his way to be executed, but the executionary vehicle runs into a truck full of some sort of genetic research material which turns him into a killer snowman  :bouncegiggle:  This was pretty fun, a tongue-in-cheek slasher that kept me entertained.  4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Storage 24 (2012) (Blu-ray)

Several people are trapped inside a storage unit center while being stalked by an alien creature.
There isn't really much plot here, its the usual "trying to survive monster" flick. The people trapped must rely and help each other but there's always that one person who disrupts the group's effort. Low budget sci-fi horror from England that looks like it had a bigger budget. The monster is completely CGI-free and looks like a cross between the creature from Pumpkinhead, The Fly II, and Predator. Some neat gore, a few (intentional I assume) silly action scenes involving toys and the cast was alright I suppose. Still, this film was missing some serious "ooomph!". It's still better than Hypothermia and Creature (2011) in my opinion. 3.25/5

Santa's Slay (2005) (Blu-ray)

Santa returns after a 1,000 year slumber and kills people who are either naughty or nice.
Rude and brutal teen-horror-fantasy-comedy + showcase for wrestler Bill Goldberg. It took me several years to warm up to this movie, I always thought it was distractingly uneven. Now I just enjoy it for what it is. 4/5

Rev. Powell

RIFFTRAX: CHRISTMAS SHORTSTRAVAGANZA: The Rifftrax guys take on five X-mas shorts (plus "swimming parade" footage, a musical promoting pork, and odd toy commercials) in this live event featuring a guest appearance by Weird Al Yankovic. Uneven (why the non-holiday shorts?), but the bestiality jokes involving Santa and Rudolph had me gasping for breath. 3/55.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) - James Bond (George Lazenby) meets an unusual girl (Diana Rigg) who happens to be the daughter of a shady businessman who has information on the possible whereabouts of Bond's arch-nemesis, Blofeld (Telly Savalas). After traveling to the Swiss Alps Bond infiltrates the miscreant's lair and discovers his evil plans. This is a favorite of mine, I like Lazenby and Diana Rigg is always fabulous. The locations up in the Alps are beautiful as well. It's fairly slow moving (two hours twenty-two minutes for god's sake) and probably develops its subplots far more than necessary, but I didn't think it ever got boring. 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

CONTAMINATION .7 [AKA CREEPERS, TROLL 3 (!)] (1993): Radioactive waste causes tree roots to kill people. If vegetation scares you, but you love cheesy Foley effects, and hate proper inflection in dialogue, then have I got the movie for you! Painfully bad, not fun-bad. 1/5 (a skull on Andrew's scale).
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Murder on the Orient Express (1974) - an all-star cast (just about everybody in Hollywood) is traveling on the Orient Express. A murder is committed and it's up to world famous detective Hercule Poirot to solve the case. Although I vastly prefer David Suchet's portrayal of Poirot in the TV series, Albert Finney's portrayal here is fine, it's just very different than what I'm used to. At 128 minutes long this didn't seem to drag at all, even with basically no action. I found the investigation as well as the characters very interesting. Good ending too. 4/5.

For Your Eyes Only (1981) - a British spy ship sinks and it's up to Bond to get the top-secret encryption device before the bad guys get their hands on it and sell it to the Russians. Pretty good entry in the franchise, with Moore's usual charm and plenty of rather silly action. Carole Bouquet makes for a very lovely Bond girl and Lynn-Holly Johnson is charming as the promiscuous Olympic skater Bond happens to encounter along the way. 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Insomniac Double Feature last night:

"The Gingerdead Man" (2005)
The cremated ashes of a serial killer wind up in the seasoning mix at a family-owned bakery, resulting in a real live Cookie Monster - with the voice of Gary Busey. No-budget hilarity ensues as the bakery staff try to avoid being sliced and diced by a walking, talking psycho killer cookie. I'm not making this up. This notorious cheapie from Charles Band's Full Moon Studios has inexplicably spawned two sequels and a crossover film with Band's "Evil Bong" franchise.

"Scarecrow" (2002)
When a small town nerd is accidentally killed in a cornfield, his spirit inhabits the body of the scarecrow to exact vengeance on all of his tormentors.
This is an early film by The Asylum and geez, if people think they suck at making movies NOW, they ought to watch this one and discover how far they've come over the years. Pretty much everything about this movie sucked. I've watched pornos with better acting and higher production values. AVOID.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!



     A Christmas present from Trace....easily the bloodiest film I've ever seen.
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.


It was pretty gruesome but I kind of enjoyed it anyway.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

Quote from: alandhopewell on December 27, 2013, 02:25:05 PM

     ....easily the bloodiest film I've ever seen.

Haven't you seen DEAD-ALIVE? (I really liked HOBO, by the way).
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Mutant Man (1996)

Helen and her sister-in-law Vivian go on a weekend camping trip in a huge RV, taking along their two grown up kids and two of their friends. They soon get lost in rural county and ask a seemingly mentally disturbed woman and her mentally challenged son for directions. After their RV breaks down another backwoods-ish woman named Charlotte wearing a pentagram necklace invites them to camp at her farm. On their way to the farm (they walk on foot in the afternoon, and they are shown walking again "the next morning") they come across a couple of Cops on duty, which one of them ("Butch") Helen recognizes from childhood and used to have a crush on. She invites Butch to camp with them, and Butch actually tags along together with his cop-friend. Charlotte awaits their guests with gross-looking home made potato salad and after setting up camp they play volleyball (its actually a volleyball montage with a modern rock tune playing) while the kids smoke pot.
Later, Vivian is lured by Charlotte into her cellar where her disfigured, human flesh eating giant son Leroy is hiding out....
Oh boy. This "lost" horror comedy from the 90s with Texas Chainsaw Massacre references was directed by "hottie" Suzanne DeLaurentiis, who is somehow related to movie legend Dino DeLaurentiis. Suzanne dabbled in acting in the 80s before she became a "respectable" producer of Indie movies. Mutant Man is the only film she directed, and the film is quite something: overacting galore, silly dialogue, continuity errors, gratuitous nudity, attempt at sleaze, random footage of birds flying, bare-chested backwoods male, failed slapstick comedy, decent gore and bloodletting, annoying rock soundtrack and Charlotte who looks like a plus-sized Uma Thurman. I'll rate it 3/5 but its definitely worth a look.