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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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"The Legend of Hell House" (1973) Paranormal researchers try to uncover the secrets of a haunted English estate in this moody but dry supernatural tale based on a story by Richard "I Am Legend" Matheson.
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Mofo Rising

I quite like Maximum Overdrive.

The Teacher (1974)

This is fairly innocuous drive-in fair. The draw was T&A, and the star was Angel Tompkins. The plot involves a high school teacher seducing one of her past students. So, you know, nothing weird. The only reason anybody would remember this movie is that the seduced student was Jay North. Yes, that Jay North.

There's a stalker and a death that complicates things, but really this is cheesy fantasy fare.

It does end on an unexpectedly dark and kind of sleazy note.

Not a very good movie at all.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.


I liked the teacher a lot. I liked how the town seemingly existed in total anarchy and no one cared that a teacher was dating her student or that all this stuff was happening.


Along Came Polly (2004): Recently cuckolded newlywed Reuben Feffer (Ben Stiller) understandably having his confidence shaken by recent events tries to get his life back on track and pursues an unlikely new love interest in an old classmate/pretty much opposite of his wife Lisa Kramer (Debra Messing)- a woman named Polly Prince (Jennifer Aniston)

This romcom was kind of disappointing. Honestly it seems to drag on forever, pretty much treads over the same predictable ground as most films starring Stiller, and is painfully unfunny dwelling on things that are well, kind of gross and disgusting, and not at all funny. Unless you the type of person who finds gross and disgusting things funny, this probably won't appeal to you. Of course, many of the disgusting things are more talked about than shown most of the time. Aniston and Stiller tries but this material wasn't particularly good. Best thing about this is that Aniston does look pretty fit in it. Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Bryan Brown, Alec Baldwin and Hank Azaria guest star as oddball characters. Aniston is the best thing about this film all in all but that doesn't really make it a great film. **1/2 out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


"Terror of Mechagodzilla" (1975) A mad scientist teams up with space aliens intent in world conquest, and together they sic the giant dinosaur Titanosaurus and the robot Mechagodzilla on Tokyo. This obviously attracts the attention of The Big Green Guy, who does the usual Monster Mashing to defend his turf. Enjoyable nonsense.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on May 18, 2014, 08:51:52 PM
"Terror of Mechagodzilla" (1975) A mad scientist teams up with space aliens intent in world conquest, and together they sic the giant dinosaur Titanosaurus and the robot Mechagodzilla on Tokyo. This obviously attracts the attention of The Big Green Guy, who does the usual Monster Mashing to defend his turf. Enjoyable nonsense.

I have watched this movie so many times now - I know every line by heart.

It's my favorite Godzilla movie next to Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974)
Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!


Flesh+Blood (1985)

Europe, 1501: a wild bunch of savage mercenaries are screwed out of a deal and banished. They regroup and kidnap the promised bride of a Prince who is trying everything to get his future wife back.
Late Middle Ages Action-Drama from Director Paul Verhoeven. The ruthless mercenaries are actually the "good guys" which makes for an interesting viewing experience. In between rape, mutilation and gross plague gore Verhoeven manages to capture a few sensual, tastefully done moments as well. Flesh+Blood feels epic but isn't quite the 1980s classic, but kind of notorious for its violent content. 4/5

Coma (1978)

Young Doctor at Boston Hospital is shocked when her best friend ends up brain dead and in a coma after a harmless routine operation. She starts to dig deeper and uncovers disturbing secrets that put her into mortal danger.
Thriller-Drama with a touch of Sci-Fi and Slasher-like moments. Quite blunt for a PG rated movie with lots of familiar faces at the beginning of their careers (Ed Harris, Tom Selleck). 4/5

Mofo Rising

Let the Fire Burn (2013)

Quite an interesting documentary as it talked about an incident I had never heard of.

I stared off this post wanting to discuss it, but I decided not to because it is inflammatory on so many levels.

Watch it because it brings up a ridiculous amount of issues. Institutional racism, the militarization of the police, abuse against children.

End result, the government of Philadelphia fire-bombed a house that ended up in the death of 11 people and the destruction of over 60 homes. No criminal charges.

4 out of 5.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.


Hard To Die (1990) - some girls have to work on a weekend to take inventory at the lingerie store, but they receive a package meant for someone else, open it, and out comes the spirit of an evil murdered which, as we find out later, takes over the body of one of the girls. In the meantime though the girls assume that the creepy janitor is responsible for a few of them turning up dead. Sort of an unofficial remake of Jim Wynorski's Sorority House Massacre 2, which is kind of funny as events from the previous movie are discussed (using flashbacks from Slumber Party Massacre) and you'd kind of think these same actresses would remember those events since they were in the previous movie as well  :bouncegiggle:  Ah well, it's all about boobs and babes in lingerie. It's amusing and maybe manages a bit of atmosphere here and there. I've seen it several times before and already knew how bad it was which always helps to make it more enjoyable on repeated viewings. 3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

THE BIRDS (1963): Inexplicably, birds begin attacking the town of Bogeda Bay, interrupting a burgeoning love affair between a socialite and a lawyer. These birds are as natural, inexplicable and inevitable as death itself. 4.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Ticonderoga 64

Lips Of Blood(1975)
Attack Of the Fifty Foot Woman(1958)
Werewolf Shadow(1971)
Frankenstein's Army(2013)
War Of the Satellites(1958)


Claws- I love both of those movies

The Whistleblower - Rachael Weiss zuh zuh portrays some woman who really was in Bosnia witnessing gross UN guys partaking at all ends in human trafficking. The script lacks imagination and tension but Weiss zuh zuh has the good bravery 3.5/5


Uptown Saturday Night (1974): Steve Jackson (Sidney Poitier) and Wardell Franklin (Bill Cosby), two working class stiffs decide to visit a reputedly hot night club named Madame Zenobia's. There they stumble across an underground gambling casino. Things are going their way at first that is until they and everyone else in the place are robbed at gunpoint by masked bandits. Lately Steve discovers he had purchased a winning lottery ticket. Only problem is that the robbers now have possession of his wallet. The rest of the film is Jackson and Franklin using every bit of their smarts to try and recover the lost wallet with the winning ticket even running across and rubbing elbows with gang leaders in the process.

This was certainly entertaining and fairly fast paced. There was more action than I was expecting and at times, like is often true for many action flicks, credibility gets seriously stretched. While at times this is funny, overall it doesn't prove as funny as I would have liked yet it does remain very amusing throughout with lots of familiar faces involved in the cast including Harry Belafonte as skittish, Vicks inhaler snorting gang leader Geechie Dan Beauford, Calvin Lockhart as the cool and collected cat/gang leader Silky Slim, Richard Pryor in a memorable bit part as a con artist,  and Roscoe Lee Browne as a two-faced congressman. Pretty good but not great. ***1/4 out of ***** stars.

The Wedding Date (2005) Hoping to make her ex-boyfriend jealous, Kat Ellis (Debra Messing) hires an escort named Nick Mercer (Dermot Mulroney) to be her companion at her sister's wedding. However her ex, her sister, and Nick have some surprises in store for her.

This was so boring. Easily one of the most boring, predictable romantic comedies I've had the misfortune of watching. In many ways, it's a reversal  and reworking in a basic fashion of the plot from Pretty Woman. That said, many of the character's actions here didn't hold true for me especially the conclusion of the wedding and the way Kat and Nick grow close together so quickly... I'm like, are you kidding me? Most of the movie is just people drinking and getting plastered moving then from one drama queen outburst to another. Yeah, this was pretty bland and boring. Average at best. ** out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Blood Glacier (2013)

Scientists documenting the climate change in the mountains of Austria find a glacier turned red by some sort of infectious DNA snatching and swapping bio-organism. Soon enough they must face weird animal mutations with a hunger for human flesh.
Almost CGI free Eco-Horror with practical monster effects. This is basically a retelling of Carpenter's The Thing with a bit of Isolation (2005) and Prophecy (1979) thrown in the mix. Not bad for a European production. 4/5


Europa Report (2013) - some astronauts go to Europa, a moon of Jupiter, in their big fancy space ship and encounter all sort of difficulties along the way. This was good but could have been so much better. There's zero character development and the whole thing is done found-footage style. Would have been so much better if they'd done it regular movie style, as the found footage angle doesn't add any tension or sense of personal involvement, which is kind of the whole point. In fact it left me feeling rather isolated from what was going on. It also jumps around in time a lot; starts in the middle, goes back to the beginning, then to the end and back to the middle etc. Another gimmick that doesn't add anything but just left me, very intentionally, feeling confused about what happened earlier. Still not a bad waste of a boring Monday evening though. 3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho