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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Baron Blood (Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga) 1972 - some people read from an ancient text and bring Baron Blood back to life. He shows up and kills a few people. This is the best cure for insomnia ever - I tried watching it three separate times, once at only 6:00 in the afternoon, and within 15 minutes my eyelids weighed a ton and I found myslef waking up repeatedly. Between the dull characters, sedate (or sedated) pace, and the soothing theme music I drifted off into never-never land as sure as if someone had injected me with anesthesia. It's actually kind of an atmospheric movie, with nice Gothic locations and Elke Sommer looks pretty darned hot, but the killer is so cheesy and there are so many loooong scenes of people walking slowly around or standing around and droning on about the same thing they've already droned on about several times before... 2.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Baron Blood trivia - audio from the movie was used to create the screams in an infamous hoax youtube claiming to have captured the "sounds of Hell" from a cavern in Siberia or something

Rev. Powell

JOURNEY TO THE WEST: CONQUERING THE DEMONS (2013): An apprentice Buddhist demon hunter who tries to convert evil spirits to good clashes with a mercenary huntress who keeps killing his converts; she also falls in love with him, despite his vow of chastity, and together they seek the Monkey King's help to defeat a powerful boar demon. The special effects aren't up to Hollywood standards and the Chinese comedy tropes are unfamiliar, but only the most unimaginative and parochial Westerner could fail to be charmed by this endlessly inventive and surprising fantasy/comedy/romance from Stephen (KUNG FU HUSTLE) Chow. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I have the original Shaw brothers Journey to the West ones on the outdated VCD format. There are 3 I think

Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on July 04, 2014, 12:55:44 PM
I have the original Shaw brothers Journey to the West ones on the outdated VCD format. There are 3 I think

I think there were 4 movies in the Shaw brothers series. It's a famous Chinese novel that's been adapted over 20 times. I think Chow even made one before. The end implies that there are going to be sequels.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


A pair of vintage B&W cheapies on Netflix:

"Attack of the Crab Monsters" (1957) a research team (including a pre-"Gilligan's Island" Russell "Professor" Johnson) on a Pacific Island encounter giant man-eating mutant crabs spawned by radioactive fallout. Hilarity naturally ensues. Viva Roger Corman!

"Attack of the Puppet People" (1958) a demented doll maker has developed a method to shrink people down to toy size. Eventually his tiny prisoners mount an escape. Oddball sci-fi with imaginative FX.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


True Legend (2010) - This started off as a pretty nondescript, fancy pants HK action movie of the kind I generally ignore then turned for a little while into a pretty interesting one, then ended up another one with a big Kumate however you spell it fight in a big arena that didn't do much for me as I
ve seen that 470 12 times. The part of the movie where the wife thinks the husband is going crazy was sort of interesting and was distinct in a way the rest of the movie mostly was not. Also of interest was the bad guys weird skin color and body modifications. Outside of that it was decent but rather run of the mill and you'd think Yuen Woo Ping would have better things to do than introduce the world to the Drunken style for the 12 millionth time. it's okay 2.5 /5


"Taxi" (2004) a dorky NYPD officer (Jimmy Fallon) whose drivers' license has ben revoked enlists a cab driver (Queen Latifah) to help him catch a gang of bank robbing supermodels. Silly but entertaining car-crash nonsense based on a series of French action comedies.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Delinquent Parents - useless Alpha video release. Every time someone talks the noise goes up. A woman gives her baby up for adoption, which is horrible apparently, and years later she comes back and sees the daughter  but the daughter doesn't know it's her. There was one funny thing: guy is walking down the street and sees his girlfriend and her friend. He's holding an apple. The girlfriend greets him and takes a bite of the apple, she introduces her friend who also takes a bite of the apple idk if that makes sense it was silly. otherwise not worth checking out at all 2/5


"Tremors 2: Aftershocks " (1995) More monster mashin' mayhem with Earl and Burt, who are hired to clear a Graboid infestation from a Mexican oil field. In the process they witness the next phase in the critters' evolution. Goofy, gross out fun!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


The Video Dead (1987) (Blu-ray)

A man gets sent a mysterious TV set by mistake. Once plugged in the dead come out. In this case its rotting zombies. The undead kill the man and then wander off to nearby woods. Several months later, a family moves in the house - with the teenage daughter and son arriving ahead getting things ready. Soon enough they discover the TV set in the attic and unleash even more zombies...
No budget direct-to-video horror comedy that has some sort of cult following. The music was stolen from Carpenter's Halloween theme and the plot is pretty much lifted from Cronenberg's Videodrome. Either way, it's a charming effort. 3.5/5

TerrorVision (1986) (Blu-ray)

Spunky family installs new satellite dish which causes to zapp an alien life form into their home - the creature isn't very nice...
No budget Sci-Fi comedy from the legendary Empire Studios. This movie is made out like a TV sitcom minus audience laughter. Some neat monster effects that look pretty cool in HD. 3.5/5

Scalps (1983)

Six students digging at Indian burial ground uncover demonic shenanigans causing death and possession. Z-Film from Fred Olen Ray with dazzling crappy gore and practical effects, minimal setting, day-for-night shots and a few continuity errors. Acting was ok. Ed Wood would've been proud. 2.5/5

Scared to Death (1980)

A bio-engineered humanoid DNA monster is on the loose sucking spine fluid from its victims by sticking its tongue (which looks like a turned around fish) in their mouth. A novelist, his cop friend and some random chick are investigating.
Z-Film with "better" production values. This Alien rip-off sports a cool looking man-in-a-suit creature, but the supposedly tense ending is anti-climatic, drags on forever and will drain the attention energy out of you. Toughest 20 minutes I had to sit through. 3/5


Benji the Hunted (1987): After an unexpected storm at sea shipwrecks Benji and he finds himself lost in the wilderness, Benji becomes the adoptive father of a group of cougar cubs after witnessing their mother's death at the hands of a hunter. Benji tries to get a cougar mother to adopt the cubs but finds many challenges along the way including rugged terrain, threats from a hunter, and wild animals including a bear, eagle, and most significantly a wolf who pursues him relentlessly.

This was better than I expected. It's basically a survival story featuring animals. The humans in the cast are pretty much secondary in this film. The hero is Benji who comes to the rescue of cougar cubs in need. The main villain is the wolf who relentlessly pursues his prey Benji. The range of emotions expressed by the animals here prove much more dramatic than I expected and this film has quite a number of exciting and thrilling sequences (and even some funnier ones too). There is a dark edge to this film though in the sense that every animal in this story is basically locked into a battle for survival.  ***3/4 out of ***** stars.

Next Time I Marry (1938): Heiress Nancy Crocker Fleming (Lucille Ball) marries a plain American citizen in one Anthony J. Anthony (James Ellison) as she realizes it is the only way to get her inheritance. She then plans to quickly divorce him and marry a Frenchman named Count Georgi (Lee Bowman) (who may just have designs on her money). When Nancy makes off with Anthony's beloved dog Mike, Anthony sets off in pursuit and eventually makes off with his new wife locking her in a trailer planning to carry her to Reno and file the divorce papers before she does.

This was a lot of fun. Sure it was a bit silly and the premise seems a little far fetched but Ball is a delight here in her spirited rivalry with Ellison, who's also very good in his role. The sparks just seem to fly in more ways than one. The biggest flaw here is the waste of Mantan Moreland in a somewhat racist role as a chaffeur and the disturbing sequence when two perverts attempt to attack Nancy. Still an entertaining enough way to kill an hour. ***1/2 out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


The first three Spy Kids films (Spy Kids, Spy Kids 2 Island of Lost Dreams, Spy Kids 3D Game Over: I liked them a lot, good fun.  :teddyr:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


A few re-watches over the weekend, this time with audience

Outpost: Black Sun (2012)

Young woman hunting war criminal teams with WW2-history investigator joined by a NATO task force searching for unknown enemy with deadly intentions somewhere in east Europe. They all eventually wind up at some bunker infested by re-animated Nazi soldiers with super-human strength.
Director Steve Barker's well-made low budget war-horror flick Outpost created a minor buzz back in 2007. Five years later he returned with a sequel. Barker stripped Black Sun off most of its horror elements and increased the action. This sci-fi adventure/thriller is definitely a step down compared to the first. On its own it only provides average entertainment. Nothing really special 3/5

Cold Prey 3 (2010)

1988: Six friends on a camping trip in Norway find abandoned ski hotel and learn about a gruesome legend of an abused boy who may have killed his parents and might be still at large.
Simple slasher and pre-quel to the first movie. Like many I was a bit disappointed on my first viewing, but now I must say this film isn't really that bad. More in the vein of Wrong Turn but pretty solid executed. The film score is actually very good, something I hardly noticed on my first viewing. As for the rest, it may be standard backwoods/torture porn-ish stuff but still refreshing when compared to recent no-budget CGI amateur blood splatter slashers. Upping my rating to 3.75/5


Zeta One aka The Love Factor (1969) - some secret agent guy (who really doesn't do anything throughout the entire movie) plays a game of strip poker with a really hot blonde (Yutte Stensgaard). She wants him to tell her about his last mission, so he relates the story of how some space girls came to earth and were kidnapping earth girls. Meanwhile some bad guys - mafia?  I have no idea - were trying to infiltrate the space girl's headquarters with one of their own agents. Ah, this is all about hot babes in those wonderfully silly '60s sci-fi outfits. And I like that quite a bit :teddyr: 4/5.

Starship Troopers: Invasion (2012) - CGI animated thing about the continuing fight against the bugs. One of their queens has gotten aboard one of those cool earth military ships and taken the thing over, and the brave crew fight to destroy it. I dunno, I watched the first half of this a few weeks ago and finished it up last night so I'm a bit foggy on the plot. It had a lot of action though and the characters were pretty good for an animated movie, certainly better than those in a lot of low budget live-action junk I watch. There were some pretty cool special effects too. 3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho