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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Rev. Powell

RHYMES FOR YOUNG GHOULS (2013): A young girl on the Crow Indian Reservation in the 1970s sells pot to afford to pay a "truancy tax" that keeps her out of the prison-like Indian school, but when the sadistic government agent who runs the reservation betrays their deal, she decides to strike back. The reservation setting is unique, the camerawork is excellent, and Devery Jacobs is an appealing lead, all of which makes it a shame that the black-and-white, predictable "oppressing white devil" story fails to work. 2/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: claws on October 23, 2014, 06:19:33 AM
Quote from: FatFreddysCat on October 19, 2014, 08:34:08 AM
"Satan's Little Helper" (2004)
An absolutely crap-tacular no budget horror comedy (tho I think the comedy is mostly unintentional) from Jeff "Squirm" Lieberman. An apparently retarded kid becomes a serial killer's unwitting assistant on Halloween night, because he thinks the masked psycho is a character from his favorite video game. Yeah, that boy ain't right. This kid was so annoying that I was hoping the psycho would eventually twist his head off, but no such luck.
Seriously folks, we all love some bad movies but this wasn't even close to the "good" kind of bad. I think watching this film gave me a traumatic brain injury. For the love of God, avoid this movie!!!

Pretty bad/dull movie, had a bit of a buzz when first released, mainly hyped by horror nerds. I don't see whatever they think makes this movie work. The only reaction I got was laughing because of unintentional humor.

The hype was probably cuz it was Jeff "Squirm" Lieberman's first film in something like 20 years. Whatever he was doing in those 20 years, it certainly wasn't learning how to make better movies.  :teddyr:
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


what were you guys saying about Satan's Little Helper?


^^ That there was the only GOOD thing about Satan's Little Helper.  :bouncegiggle:

"The Crow" (1994)
The Crow Trailer (1994)

A mystic bird resurrects a murdered Goth-rocker (Brandon Lee) to avenge his own death and that of his beloved in this extremely dark adaptation of J. O'Barr's graphic novel, which inadvertently became even more tragic when Lee was killed in an on-set accident during production.
The film still holds up pretty well regardless and makes for decent Halloween season viewing 20 (!) years later.  
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

MST3K: WILD REBELS: The movie involves a retired stunt car driver who goes undercover as the getaway driver for a gang of neo-Nazi bikers looking for "kicks." It's really stupid and grimy (and funny). Several of the host segments revolve around explaining/devevloping Gypsy's character, although the gang also takes take time out to sing the jingle for "Wild Rebels" breakfast cereal ("those munchy, crunchy rebels!") Everything just kind of clicks in this episode, one of season 2's best. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933): Reporter Florence Dempsey (Glenda Farrell) desperate for a good story stumbles across a great scoop and winds up in the middle of a murder/body snatching mystery we as an audience know has been perpetrated by a mysterious hideous-looking fiend.

I really love this classic and even prefer it over its remake. To me, it's more fast-paced, has that 1930s pre-code style, doesn't reveal its hand too quickly. It features a great performance from Lionel Atwill plus Fay Wray does quite well too as the damsel in distress. I like its style, its feel. I just get totally lost in this one's world when I watch it and I personally find the time flies. Some people complain about Farrell's character being too energetic and talkative but that really didn't bother me too much. Characters like her reporter weren't so uncommon in 1930s murder mystery stories which this is at heart. Always fun to watch at this time of year. ****1/2 out of ***** stars

House of Wax (1953): A murderous, body-snatching fiend terrorizes old New York at the turn of the century. Police try to unravel the mystery and bring him down.

This remake is very similar to Mystery of the Wax Museum. Many moments and elements are borrowed outright. There are a few notable changes though. Glenda Farrell's reporter character is replaced here by a witness to the fiend's crimes named Sue Allen (Phyllis Kirk). The tone here is more squarely in the horror vein than in mystery. Vincent Price gives a good performance and this film has many enjoyable moments, especially some pretty good scares and some decent suspense but I just can't take to it so well as its predecessor. To me, it's all a bit too obvious who's behind things here which I feel isn't quite so clear in the first film. Still this is quite a good movie nevertheless and has some moments that border on great. Look for Charles Bronson in a early bit role as a mute henchman. **** out of ***** stars.

Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979): In yet another retelling of the Count Dracula story, Jonathan Harker (Bruno Ganz) is sent to meet with Count Dracula (Klaus Kiniski) in Transylvania to negotiate the purchase of a house in Wismar, the neighborhood in which he and his young bride Lucy (Isabelle Adjani) reside. Terror and  much death await.

The major difference here from other Dracula stories is the vampire here more resembles Murnau's Nosferatu played by Max Shreck of which this is something of a remake. This film is nowhere near as effective and nowhere near as frightening as Murnau's. This is much more arty and evocative. It does feature some good acting performances most notably by Kiniski in the lead who adequately gets across the despair, loneliness, and isolation of living the way he does. Also Adjani comes across a very powerful woman in this one who isn't easily manipulated. There are some scary moments of Kiniski's Dracula creeping up on characters but this film is in no way as scary as the 1922 classic which I've heard some call the scariest film they've ever seen to this day. Still I'll give it ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

The Vampire (1957): Dr. Paul Beecher (John Beal) accidentally takes some pills which turn him into a primitive blood-sucking monster. Meanwhile, local authorities led by Sheriff Buck Donnelly (Kenneth Tobey) try and uncover the mystery of bodies piling up all seemingly dying from a rare blood disease.

This little horror chiller was actually really enjoyable. It takes the traditional horror movie monster and gives it a bit of a science fiction twist. Here we get a vampire who's quite a deviation from the traditional model we usually get in film. Here the monster is an aggressive Mr. Hyde-like beast who snarls and growls with rage as he pursues and attacks his victims. Our lead here is a cursed man (kind of like the Wolf Man) who never asked for this curse and fears what he's become. A really enjoyable little film, this one surprised me by how really good and enjoyable it really is. A fun little horror romp. Of course, I am a bit prejudiced as I do tend to love these types of films. ***1/2 out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"

Rev. Powell

CHOKING MAN (2006): A morbidly shy Ecuadoran dishwasher with a rich fantasy life (revealed through animated sequences) falls in love with the sweet new Asian waitress at his diner. Good as a portrait of modern melting pot New York, but the movie is unsure what to do with its passive lead character and never develops a proper story. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) - Not much else that can be said about this hit that hasn't been said before. Who would have thought that horror comedy still had legs but with significant gore and a guy who looks like Chris Eliot they pull it off. I'd had enough of the sensitive beard guy after a while but mild complaint. Thankfully avoids the toilet humor and endless cameos of the various horror com franchises 4.5 /5


FYI I liked Satan's Little Helper - I thought it was a fun budget movie with a pretty solid story. The kid was pretty annoying though.

Live Die Repeat (Edge of Tomorrow) - I liked it better than I thought I would but it's still not a good movie. Its fair. There are some pretty serious plot holes in it (that have nothing to do with the concept of reliving the day over and over) and Tom Cruises is as always unlikable but the action was fun and had some humorous parts to it. The effects and creature design were top notch though. Probably the best looking effects in a movie I've seen since CGI became the norm.


Rev. Powell

YOU AND THE NIGHT (2013): A couple and their transvestite maid invite the Slut, the Stud, the Teen and the Star to an orgy at their swinging pad. It's like a music video director imagining how a modern-day collaboration between the Marquis de Sade and Samuel Beckett would play out. 1.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Django Unchained
I know I'm a couple of years late on this one but I'm really not that into Tarantino so I wasn't rushing out to see this. However, it's currently on Netflix so why not?
So I thought it was a decent story throughout most of the movie and I became pretty invested into the characters. But the whole "plan" of the movie was just stupid and didn't really pay off. When the "plan" goes wrong there's really no drama (just yelling) and they end up getting the result they wanted anyways. EXCEPT now the movie is over unless you bring in a device to get back to the violence. It's like Tarantino wrote himself into a corner and then just added a way to get back to the violence that really doesn't make any sense or fit with the characters.
I did think the movie was ok and I would recommend it but WAAAAY over-rated (like most Tarantino stuff). If you are a fan of spaghetti westerns proceed with caution. You may like it for the mass amount of homages but it also may anger you because it's just not as good as the old Italian stuff.


Rev. Powell

MR. JONES (2013): Deep in the woods, a documentary filmmaker stumbles on the residence of "Mr. Jones", a legendary builder of scarecrows whose works are rumored to bring insanity. Works better than the average "descent into madness" movie because it relies on confusing perspective shifts rather than obvious hallucinations for its effect. 3/5

THE LAST MAN ON EARTH (1964): Vincent Price is the only human left alive after the world is overrun by vampires---or is he? This precursor to NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD suffers at times from a low budget but is very well-written and original, and doesn't always get the credit it deserves for essentially founding the entire post-apocalyptic horror subgenre. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I watched XMEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST last night.  It was good to see Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan onscreen together again.  I'm not a huge fan, but I think this was the most enjoyable film of the whole franchise that I have seen.  Great special effects and a very engaging story from the get-go.  And Jennifer Lawrence is smokin' as Mystique.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: StinkerMadness on October 29, 2014, 11:34:36 AM
Django Unchained
I know I'm a couple of years late on this one but I'm really not that into Tarantino so I wasn't rushing out to see this. However, it's currently on Netflix so why not?
So I thought it was a decent story throughout most of the movie and I became pretty invested into the characters. But the whole "plan" of the movie was just stupid and didn't really pay off. When the "plan" goes wrong there's really no drama (just yelling) and they end up getting the result they wanted anyways. EXCEPT now the movie is over unless you bring in a device to get back to the violence. It's like Tarantino wrote himself into a corner and then just added a way to get back to the violence that really doesn't make any sense or fit with the characters.
I did think the movie was ok and I would recommend it but WAAAAY over-rated (like most Tarantino stuff). If you are a fan of spaghetti westerns proceed with caution. You may like it for the mass amount of homages but it also may anger you because it's just not as good as the old Italian stuff.


There is a graphic version of this film, made into book form,  which was apparently based on the first script of the film. And while I have yet to see the film, what I do know about the film, there appears to be a number of changes from the first script to the script used in the film. Some of the changes appear to make a better film, and some of the changes just make the film worst. (IMHO.)


Insidious - someone here reviewed this so I added it for Halloween. This was very good kind of a cross between paranormal activity and Sinister, a bit more like the latter. There's a poltergoose in the house and they have to figure it out and consult unorthodox people and the husband is like "hold on a minute this is crazy" and the emotional wife is like "but Frank there's no other way" yadda yadda yadda It's not air tight but if you buy into it its a fun ride. 4 /5