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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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I've had a very busy week, but I've still found time for another round of movies - usually watched between 9:30 and 11:00 PM after the family has bedded down for the night!  Here are my comments on the latest group:

November 15 - THE PURGE: ANARCHY
   This was a follow up to the wildly popular "controlled anarchy" film of a couple years back.  The characters are all new; only the setting - an annual orgy of bloodletting in which all crime is legal for 12 hours - remains the same.  This story follows several characters through the night of chaos: a couple on the brink of breaking up, trapped outside on purge night due to car trouble, a man out to avenge the death of his son at the hands of a drunk driver, a woman and her teenage daughter driven out of their apartment when a neighbor turns murderous, and a mysterious truck with a heavily armored crew that roams the city, cutting down people at random - or is it?  I actually liked this one better than the first one!  4/5

November 17 - DEAD WITHIN  A very fascinating PZA drama - a couple have avoided infection by holing up in a remote cabin.  Their friends and even their baby have been infected and are now dead, but the husband must still leave each day to forage for food.  His wife is slowly going mad from the guilt of losing her child, and each day she must deal the noises she hears outside while her husband is gone, her own tortured memories, and the fear that he may come back with the black eyes and black blood that are hallmarks of infection with the virus that turns men to monsters.  This was surprisingly good, shot on a very low budget, but the acting was superb. 4/5

November 18 - SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR  Crazy bloodshed, killer prostitutes, Josh Brolin in beast mode, and Eva Green naked.  Nuff said! 5/5

November 20 - Eli Roth's SACRAMENT  This was a fascinating look at an isolated religious commune in rural Mississippi, run by a benevolent evangelist called "Father" by his adoring congregation.  A trio of filmmakers from New York come to visit a friend's sister who has joined.  At first it seems like a truly utopian society, but when things go south they REALLY go south!  Based on the Jim Jones massacre in Guyana from when I was a kid.  On the one hand, I really didn't want to like this movie because once more it tended to use Southern Christians as a punching bag (we're all suicidal fanatics, according to Hollywood!), but it was so brilliantly done I couldn't help but be impressed with it. 5/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

BUSHIDO MAN: SEVEN DEADLY BATTLES (2013): A martial arts master eats the meal based on the diet of his next opponent so he can understand and defeat them. The fights are good but it's annoying that the movie has no faith in its kung fu foodie premise, giving us instead seven courses of contextless seriocomic battles and a meaningless final boss for desert. 2/5, but it's average if you just want fights and don't care about story.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Last night I watched an interesting film called TRUE NATURE.

A year after being mysteriously abducted, a 20 year old girl shows up back at her parent's home, with no memory
of where she has been or what happened while she was gone.  Her father, a high-stakes corporate banker, and her
mother, a rather vapid socialite, try to bring things back to normal - but as her memories begin to return, she becomes
increasingly aware of what she suffered - and why she has been sent back.    A cool revenge flick with some unexpected
twists and turns.  4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


The Fear (1995) - watched this again.  Some screwballs go to a cabin in the woods for a group therapy session.  There's a life-size wooden dummy there that comes to life and starts killing them in ways that mirror their worst fears...sort of.  He just shoots one guy, and another guy gets beaten to death by a girl he's trying to rape.  There's another scummy rapist there too, I can't remember how he got killed.  Meh, they all had it coming really.  The plot was mildly interesting in a borderline nonsensical sort of way and the wooden dummy was pretty creepy, it's just too bad he didn't make these awful people suffer more before they died.  2/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Pretty faithful adaptations of Stig Laarson's GIRL trilogy; I enjoyed both and the subtitles really don't detract from the performances at all.  A very satisfying comeuppance at the end for some very bad people. 4/5 for both.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"Nova Rex: Ain't Easy Being Cheesy" (2011)
Nova Rex Movie Trailer

Low budget doc that looks back at the career of small town hair-metal band "Nova Rex," who were apparently quite the Midwestern concert draw in the late 80s/early 90s... until the grunge scene came in and wiped them off the map. Mildly entertaining stuff in the "Anvil! Story of Anvil" vein.
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I watched INTO THE STORM  this evening - kind of a modern CGI TWISTER redux, but I really enjoyed it. The storm effects were amazing!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Batman Returns (1992) (Blu-ray)

Not seen since VHS days, I'm probably in the minority who thinks Tim Burton's Batman movies didn't age well. This was a huge fave of mine back then, but watching and listening to Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman antics yesterday made me blush a bit out of embarrassment. So corny. Still love the suit though. On the other hand, Danny DeVito (Penguin) gives outstanding performance.
Criticizing a movie because it didn't age well is silly but its still my personal opinion. However, I didn't let that interfere with my rating: 4/5


Personally I still prefer the 1989-1997 4 Batman films to Nolan's take.

The Silencers (1996): A Secret Service special agent named Rafferty (Jack Scalia) teams up a mysterious alien visitor named Comdor (Dennis Christopher) to battle an hidden alien force on Earth bent on taking it over with the creation of an inter-dimensional portal. Unfortunately our heroes are badly outnumbered and outgunned by their Men in Black style enemies.

This was cheesy fun. Sure the acting was bad, there's loads of dumb action yet there's something likable about this low budget sci-fi film from the 90s. It kind of recalls other B-movies of that era. Dennis Christopher also give an affable performance as Comdor whom I couldn't help but like as a character. Sure it's basically an unusual cop buddy pairing style of film with a sci-fi bent. If you enjoyed stuff like A.P.E.X., Time Runner, The Guyver, you might just enjoy this too but don't expect too much. There's nothing earth-shattering or meaningful here but it is good, dumb sci-fi fun in a low budget B-movie way. Lots of shooting, explosions, and some memorable stunt sequences featuring cars, a tractor trailer, and a helicopter, are its biggest pluses.  ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

Romancing the Stone (1984): A romance writer named Joan Wilder (Kathleen Turner) heads to Colombia to pay a ransom to rescue her kidnapped sister. Along the way, she unexpectedly ends up lost in the middle of the jungle and on the run from criminals after a treasure map in her possession. She eventually finds help in the form of Jack T. Colton (Michael Douglas), an impudent sort whom she hires to lead her back to civilization but who soon has his eyes on her treasure map himself. Basically, she ends up living an romantic adventure similar to those in her novels.

This was a lot of fun. Douglas and Turner have great chemistry here even if they do at times seem like unlikely action leads. Also on hand here to provide some comedy relief is Danny Devito as a bumbling henchman named Ralph who pursues our heroes in his small white car. The main villain is the evil Zolo (Manuel Ojeda), who feels and looks like some type of small-time would-be dictator but is more akin to a  nasty and bloodthirsty corrupt police official who has his sights firmly set on gaining the treasure by any means necessary. I have to admit to have a soft spot for adventure films and this one delivers the goods albeit more in a darkly comedic style fashion with some surprisingly gruesome elements too. Nevertheless, it's still a lot of fun to watch IMO so I'll give it a generous **** out of ***** stars.

"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Tonight I watched LIFE AFTER BETH, a rather fun zombie comedy about a young man named Zach who is mourning the recent death of his girlfriend when he suddenly discovers that she has inexplicably returned from the dead.  At first, she seems normal enough and very excited (and amorous) to see him again - but then she starts to decompose.  And other dead folks start coming back - and chowing down on the living!  In the meantime, he is making up for lost time by telling his dear Beth all the things he meant to say before he lost her - but she is becoming increasingly unstable - and hungry!  After Beth eats her Dad one night, Zach must make his decision.  Will he take a hike with Beth, the way he always promised? Or tell his undead lover to take a hike?
Funny, gruesome, and surprisingly touching, the movie is lightened by a hilarious performance from CRIMINAL MINDS' Matthew Gray Gubler as Zach's nutty big brother Kyle, a wannabe cop who finally gets to shoot some people, as he's always dreamed of doing.
This one was definitely worth the rental!

"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Zero Tolerance (1994): FBI agent Jeff Douglas (Robert Patrick), pushed over the edge following the execution of his family by the White Hand drug cartel, sets out on a one-man mission to punish and take out the killers, one at a time.

Clearly this is nothing new. It's in the vein of Death Wish, The Punisher, and numerous other similar films. There's little truly surprising here but it does offer up some dumb albeit surprisingly fun action-packed sequences and Patrick is likable in the lead. If you're a fan of Patrick like me, you'll probably like this a tad bit more than others might. The main villain is a scuzzbucket of the highest order named Ray Manta (well played by Titus Welliver). *** out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


I caught The Babadook the other day. Really good horror flick with a touching story. I like that the child is like an actual child: sometimes adorable, sometimes annoying, but still more of a human character than kids in most horror movies. My only complaint is that it becomes a little too apparent towards the end that the Babadook is an allegory for something (what I shall not say, for those who haven't seen the movie).  The director doesn't exactly beat you over the head with symbolism, but it still felt like it could have been veiled a little better.  All in all, wonderful movie!  :thumbup:
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Helix (2014– ) - TV series, I watched the 13 episodes that they've got on Netflix. A CDC team is dispatched to a huge research base deep in the Arctic. Turns out they've been doing some genetic engineering, which has resulted in a bit of a zombie problem. Not your typical zombie show at all, in fact as it progresses the zombies become a minor subplot as the main plot involves trying to figure out exactly what this retrovirus was designed to do - everyone at the research facility is lying to them and the plot unfolds like peeling back the layers of an onion, which each question answered leading to a whole series of new questions.

I thought this was excellent for the first ten or so episodes. Really intriguing plot and the characters were very well done. The setting in the big facility surrounded by snow and ice was nice too. Unfortunately somewhere around episode 11...I don't know what happened. It's like they tried to cram way too many plot revelations in all at once which kind of destroyed the believably. And they introduced a new bad guy who was so cheesy he belonged in one of those GI Joe live action movies.

Still pretty darned good overall. 4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

Quote from: JoeTheDestroyer on November 26, 2014, 05:22:29 AM
I caught The Babadook the other day. Really good horror flick with a touching story. I like that the child is like an actual child: sometimes adorable, sometimes annoying, but still more of a human character than kids in most horror movies. My only complaint is that it becomes a little too apparent towards the end that the Babadook is an allegory for something (what I shall not say, for those who haven't seen the movie).  The director doesn't exactly beat you over the head with symbolism, but it still felt like it could have been veiled a little better.  All in all, wonderful movie!  :thumbup:

I liked it too. A bit of a SHINING vibe. I liked the allegory.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Night of the Demons 2 (1994) - some kids at a Catholic school go over to the haunted house from the first movie, bring back a haunted lipstick case, and all heck breaks loose at the school's Halloween dance. Very much a horror comedy, it was enjoyably silly. Had some cute girls in it and the characters were decent enough overall. 3/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho