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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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It's been a cold, damp, clammy "stay inside and watch movies" kinda day around here...

"Casino Royale" (2006)
Daniel Craig's first turn as James Bond serves as a "gritty reboot" for the veteran spy series. Bond has just been given his "double-0" designation and on his first mission he romances the lovely Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) and takes on a terrorist financier known as "Le Chiffre" in a high stakes poker tournament. This is only the second time I've seen "C.R." so I still haven't quite decided where it ranks in the overall Bond pantheon, but it was a fine suspense thriller either way.

and then for something completely different...

"Star Crash" (1979)
Hotshot star pilot and all around Space Hottie Stella Starr is hired by the Emperor of the Universe to search for a missing galactic prince, and stop the evil Zarth Arn (Boo! Hiss!) from taking over the galaxy with a new super weapon. Cheap special effects, terrible acting, and nonsense dialogue ensues.
This candy-colored, totally over the top and schlocky Italian "Star Wars" knock off introduced me to the wild 'n' wacky world of European exploitation flicks when I was a wee lad and I've loved it ever since. Make no mistake, this movie is crap, but it's totally awesome crap.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Sicario: Denis Villeneuve's movie before Arrival and you can see some of the elements here (mostly a little introspection and some top notch Deakins cinematography). Some good action set pieces and memorable characters set this apart from the usual 'bust up the cartels' type movie. The central conciet (perhaps): what does it say about you when your tactics to win the war on drugs put you in a grey (and sometimes black) area of morality and ethics. How do you fight it within the rules when the other side does not?

4/5 - good to pair with a whiskey and an expectation that whilst the action is great but it's not strictly speaking an action film like the trailers may make you think.

Paterson: Jim Jarmusch's latest is essentially a film about nothing in particular. Great character work from the leads. His wife Laura is like a new iteration of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl but somehow doesn't come across as nearly as annoying as that trope can sometimes be. A subdued affair that plays out somewhat like the poetry Adam Driver writes: its not really about much other than the mundane and in that it's beautiful.

4/5 - watch with a glass or two of wine and be prepared for a slow paced introspection piece.
------------The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


Nightmare 2 Freddy's revenge - This definitely had the 80's look and feel for people who are fans of such, but it was a little odd. I felt like I was being a killjoy but I just couldn't help but wonder how all the sudden there were these supernatural things on Earth that everyone was seeing. example:  when the girl walked into an warehouse that was guarded by two hellish dogs with man's faces and she just kind of shrugged and kept going. You just saw a dog with a man's face! that's insane!

I tried to "go with it" with some success but really it was all mainly an excuse for the special effects and so forth. I still don't know...were they all asleep or something? The lead redhead girl was good but the main guy was a little too wimpy to be believed. They wouldn't hang out with him.


Tension (1949)- nice detective story intro'd by annoying self appointed film noir expert eddie Mueller on TCM. A sexy if a little beaten down by life moll type girl marries a wimpy guy who runs a pharmacy. the casting is good you can see how they would get along but why she would get bored. Eventually all this leads to the macho, rival guy getting killed. A detective who is the other main character tries to trick everyone into doing stuff and there is a subplot where the wimpy guy buys contact lenses and tries to live a separate life as a different sort of person. it's complicated.

Very enjoyable with suspense, humiliation, if a little suspension of disbelief required. The only overt problem in the story was they didn't give any motivation for the murder to anyone but the person we know didn't do it! minor flaw

4.75/ 5


RUBBER (2014) - This was, hands down, the best psychokinetic killer tire movie I have ever seen.  It is, so far as I know, the only psychokinetic killer tire movie ever made, so it is also the worst psychokinetic killer tire movie I have ever seen.
It's an interesting film with lots of fourth wall breaks and a whole wraparound movie-within-a-movie  concept that was pretty cool until the sheriff - well, I tell you what, I'll just let you see it for yourself, explaining it would take all the fun out of it.  :teddyr: 4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (1920) - I learned the basic plot of this from this random new wave song so I was prepared for this German silent horror classic moreso than many.

The first thing you notice is it uses sets. I'm not a big fan of sets used outside just film a town I don't want to feel boxed in. All the houses are these primitive vaguely art deco looking things. I guess it gives the film a unique look but I'd rather see a regular house because I'm just crazy like that. The plot is: a strange traveling sideshow where a goth looking guy tells you're gonna die comes to town and murders start happening. Yes it's a very shocking coincidence.

It was succinct and while a little confusing towards the end had a good story and a lot of that freaky early silent horror movie vibe. I think it was like 80 minutes check it out

The Wolf Man - Lon Chaney is not believable as this rakish guy he's supposed to be. the scenes with him trying to seduce this lovely townsfolk girl are cringe inducing, but this is otherwise a solid telling of the gypsy related Wolf man tale. I watched it in part because I feel like I don't know enough about the wolf man. Dracula and Frankenstein have definitely taken the lion's share of the movie monster attention.

What is the Wolf man? Does it represent some kind of genetic disposition towards depression or insanity? I'm not an anthropologist so I don't know. Bela Lugosi has a cameo as a gypsy fortune teller guy who knows about the wolf man.
3.5 /5

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the old one) - I'm sure I'd seen this at one point and have certainly seen things like it but man this is great. all the story needed to be good was Shatner on the plane style paranoia and vague allusions to commies but they do it so well it just races from beginning to end. the casting is perfect, the female lead is hot without being a blonde gangster women with pointy boobs (not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that) and the use of a small Andy Griffith type town as the place where it all happens makes it that much more scary and subversive. The ending was abrupt and lacked complexity, kind of like that Jude Law movie where he just shoots the guy in the head and wins, but still


Rev. Powell

AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE COLON MOVIE FILM FOR THEATERS (2007): Animated TV characters based on fast food items (Frylock, Shake and Meatwad) accidentally assemble an apocalyptic exercise machine and discover their own origins. Sporadically amusing, slightly juvenile absurdism with ADD plotting (it's "random," as the kids say), sure to please series fans but unlikely to make many converts. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on March 29, 2017, 06:11:51 PM
AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE COLON MOVIE FILM FOR THEATERS (2007): Animated TV characters based on fast food items (Frylock, Shake and Meatwad) accidentally assemble an apocalyptic exercise machine and discover their own origins. Sporadically amusing, slightly juvenile absurdism with ADD plotting (it's "random," as the kids say), sure to please series fans but unlikely to make many converts. 2.5/5.

The opening for this with the snack bar song by I think Mastadon is pretty fantastic though. The rest is pretty forgettable.
------------The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


"Black Mama, White Mama" (1973)

"Black Mama" Pam Grier and "White Mama" Margaret Markov escape from a typically hellish third-world tropical women's prison, with an army of cops, bounty hunters and even a killer pimp and his gang hot on their trail. The ladies' getaway is complicated further by the fact that they hate each other's guts, and they're chained together.
So basically this is a Chicksploitation riff on the Tony Curtis/Sidney Poitier oldie "The Defiant Ones," with plenty of extra boobs, sleaze and violence. Entertaining junk.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Viewed my bank statements: yikes :wink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Last night I watched a Korean movie called WOOCHI, about a mischievous Tao master awakened from a 500 year sleep to help defeat and imprison three ancient monsters.  It was a tad over-long but still fairly entertaining.  3/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


The Monster (2016)

Escaping domestic problems caused by her abusive mother, a young girl decides to live with her father. Unfortunately their car breaks down on a lonely stretch of road on a rainy night after hitting a wolf. Injured and stranded the mother and her daughter must wait for help but they are not alone - something evil is lurking in the nearby woods.

It's Cujo with a creepy-cool non-CGI Monster! Director Bryan Bertino once thrilled the masses with The Strangers (2008). His follow up feature Mockingbird (2014) was pretty bland. The Monster isn't bad, but far from great. It certainly is watchable with a few tense moments even though it doesn't really provide anything new. 3/5


"Bat Woman" (aka "La mujer murcielago," 1968)

This seemed like appropriate viewing for April Fool's Day.
"Bat Woman" is a 1968 Mexican flick, obviously intended to cash in on the then-current Bat-Mania TV craze, about a butt-kickin' millionaire heroine and lady wrestler who fights gangsters and a mad scientist while wearing a Bat-cape, Bat-cowl and a bikini. In Spanish with English subtitles.
...good Lord, I really *will* watch just about any ol' piece of s**t that comes down the pike, won't I? Haha!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


"It's So Easy And Other Lies" (2016)

This is a strange blend of concert film and documentary starring Duff McKagan of Guns N Roses fame, based on his autobiography of the same name. The bulk of the film is taken up by a "live reading" shot at Seattle's Moore Theater, where Duff reads excerpts from the book while a live band noodles muted versions of his greatest hits behind him. Some additional interviews with Slash, Matt Sorum, and various members of Duff's family pad out the run time. It wasn't terrible but it was kind of dry. Skip the flick and read the book (which was fantastic) instead.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


THE GREEN INFERNO - Stupid liberal activists get captured by the cannibals they were trying to protect, and most of them wind up being eaten.  Gory, disgusting, hyper-violent, and an ending that left me absolutely shaking my head in wonder at the ideological stupidity of the final surviving character.  Just . . . wow! 4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


^that sounds good

twitter sized review

Deep Blue Sea - if the sharks were so smart they should've tried to bribe them with shark money or something. Plus, LL Cool J? come on 3/5

with this follow up

LL Cool J's classic "I'm Bad" is actually about his future acting career.