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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Rev. Powell

BORDER (2018): A woman with a "chromosomal abnormality" works as a customs agent due to her supernatural ability to sniff out smugglers; one day, she meets a man with a similar neanderthal appearance... "The other" has rarely been so freaking other as in this Swedish film that starts out as a magical realist drama before flirting with some serious horror. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


is that the one where she punches a hole right through the guy? ^

Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on December 23, 2018, 11:12:29 AM
is that the one where she punches a hole right through the guy? ^

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Rev. Powell

ROMA (2018): An unmarried serving girl in early 1970s Mexico gets pregnant, while her employer is dealing with marital difficulties. Great black and white cinematography, but at least an hour overlong. I have no idea why people like this kind of realistic drama; these are the kind of ordinary troubles I go to movies to escape from. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on December 26, 2018, 10:06:42 AM
ROMA (2018): An unmarried serving girl in early 1970s Mexico gets pregnant, while her employer is dealing with marital difficulties. Great black and white cinematography, but at least an hour overlong. I have no idea why people like this kind of realistic drama; these are the kind of ordinary troubles I go to movies to escape from. 2.5/5.

I must admit I have not seen it, and I have no interest in seeing it, but, what do I know, as, at this time, it is being touted as the film most likely to win the Oscar for Best Picture.


I meant tnt jackson not roma


^^ yes, TNT punches right thru a guy in the climactic fight scene, haha.

"Avengers: Infinity War" (2018)
This is the team up movie to end all team up movies! Pretty much *every* superhero who's appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far (except Ant-Man, for some reason) makes an appearance in this epic crossover, as the good guys trying to stop cosmic villain Thanos from committing inter-galactic genocide. A fast moving flick with tons of wall to wall action that ends on a cliffhanger, which will be resolved in next year's "Avengers: Endgame." Bring it on!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Svengoolie 3

The last starship.

I saw this at a dollar store for a pretty small amount and picked it up based on a cool looking CGI starship on the cover.

I got screwed.

The starship appears only at the very beginning and the very end,  it played essentially no actual role in the movie,  which mostly takes place in a large found combat vehicle,  a huge tank in essence.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.

Rev. Powell

YOU WERE NEVER REALLY THERE (2018): A veteran with PSTD (Joaquin Phoenix) rescues an underage runaway from a sex ring, while his own mind is falling apart. A haunted, impressionistic character study where (like the protagonist) you're never 100% sure what's real; at times, it threatens to break into thriller territory, but mostly stays moody and haunted. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Rev. Powell

MIRAI (2018): A Japanese boy of about 5 or 6 copes with the unwanted arrival of a new sister through fantasy. A pleasant, mild story about the role of imagination in childhood development; the animation is occasionally exceptional, especially during the last flying fantasy sequence. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Dr. Whom

Mighty Peking Man (1977). A complete hoot! The Shaw brothers' take on King Kong, with Sheena, Queen of the Jungle thrown in.

Things I learnt from this movie were that Himalayan villages have siege catapults handy to pelt any passing giant gorilla with rocks. Unfortunately, this only makes the gorilla angry. Also, traffic in Hong Kong at the time must have been extremely dangerous as cars will explode in a ball of flame at the slightest shock. And then there is Evelyne Kraft who does a lot of running in a bikini that must have been glued on (either that, or they had to do a ton of retakes whenever her boobs popped out - come to think of it, they might not have minded that).

The 'acting' is so emphatic that I think I could have followed the plot even without subtitles. Not that there is that much plot to speak of, anyway. But who needs plot when you have a giant gorilla, jungle adventures, explosions and mayhem everywhere, and Evelyne Kraft in a tiny bikini?

"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.


"Bird Box" (2018)
A mysterious phenomenon begins causing thousands of mass suicides all around the world.  Whenever you see whatever is causing it, you die. A small group of survivors, including a pregnant Sandra Bullock and a drunken, foul mouthed John Malkovich (who's great as always) hole up in a house for a while, but eventually the group is whittled away to just Sandra and her two kids, who then attempt to get to a supposed safe place hidden in the wilderness.
This Netflix original has been getting a lot of hype (both good and bad) on social media lately so I had to see what all the whoop-de-doo was about. I enjoyed it but apparently the film is quite similar to the recent critical/commercial hit "A Quiet Place," which I haven't seen. If you have, I guess your mileage may vary.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Planning on watching this one once I get home in a couple of days.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Incredibles 2: Plot wise it is more or less a rehash of the first one, but still enjoyable, especially the antics of baby Jack Jacj (in particular the fight with the racoon (maybe I am being influenced by my own little one here though). Sure it isn't going to in any major awards or change the future of animation but it is an enjoyable enough way to pass an hour an a half.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Pack of Lies 1987 - I'm probably going to forget what this was called then ask about it in what was that movie 30 years from now, but it was pretty clever.

Ellen Burstyn is friends with her younger hotter neighbor teri garr. They are just good neighbors and talk and hang out and provide each other with some structure and fun respectively.

All that is thrown into disarray when a police detective shows up at Burstyns door and wants to use her house as a vantage point ( this was before drones and "cams" mind you) to keep an eye on a man they believe is a communist agent.  the house they're watching is, you guessed it, her friends house and they are suspected of being commies as well.  Something seems amiss though. I won't give away the trajectory/ ending but all i can say it its a good one.

4.5/5 its a tv movie so theres not a lot of sex and violence but the concept is really good. and teri garr is as hot as she can be in the circumstances