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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: Dark Alex on December 31, 2018, 07:12:50 AM
Incredibles 2: Plot wise it is more or less a rehash of the first one, but still enjoyable, especially the antics of baby Jack Jacj (in particular the fight with the racoon (maybe I am being influenced by my own little one here though). Sure it isn't going to in any major awards or change the future of animation but it is an enjoyable enough way to pass an hour an a half.

The film set a box office record for an animated film, when it grossed $183 million its opening weekend. And with the series approaching $2 billion at the box office, you can almost be sure that we'll see a 3rd film in the series, especially as the producers have a lot of ideas they wanted to use in the 2nd film, but never used. Of course, this does not include the short films and video games the films have spawned and will spawn.


Welcome to Marwen

Wasn't that bad. 
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...

Rev. Powell

DR. CALIGARI (1989) (rewatch): The granddaughter of Dr. Caligari (of "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" fame) performs illicit neurological experiments on patients in her asylum, focusing especially on a nymphomaniac and a shock-therapy addicted cannibal. Although most of the actors are awful, we could care less about the silly pretense of a plot, and some of the absurdist dialogue is pretentiously clunky (although some is amusing), the Daliesque erotic nightmares are hot pink day-glo wonders. It should go without saying that this is not for everyone, but if you're looking for a surrealist softcore porn cult film, this is almost your only option. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Rev. Powell

UMBILICAL WORLD (2018): A remixed collection of David Firth's absurdist flash animation cartoons, like "Salad Fingers" and "Health Reminder," assembled into a stream-of-consciousness feature with some new material. The art is upgraded, but this assembly goes darker than his popular YouTube infomercial spoofs, going from black comedy into nihilistic animation that plays out like an animation collaboration between David Lynch, Lars von Trier, and a serial killer. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"The Mentors: Kings of Sleaze Rockumentary" (2018)

The long and bumpy history of the late, great El Duce's notorious band of comedic porn rockers is detailed in this thorough documentary, which tracks the hooded trio's rise from scummy punk rock obscurities to PMRC poster boys and beyond.
"Kings of Sleaze" lives up to its title, as it's loaded with tons of tasteless/hilarious vintage live clips and photos from the band's archives, as well as commentary from Mentors members past and present and members of Raven, GWAR, St. Vitus, Exodus and more. If you've ever rocked out to "4-F Club," you'll get a kick out of this doc. Obviously, those who are easily offended need not apply.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Rainy Saturday Double Feature: 

"Heavy Trip" (2018)
A dorky garage band from a small town in Finland faces a series of wacky obstacles as they prepare to hit the road for their first-ever "real" gig at a Norwegian heavy metal festival. In other words, it's kinda like an extreme-metal "Airheads." If you don't mind reading sub-titles, this is a very funny slapstick Euro import, loaded with headbanger in-jokes. 

"Deadpool 2" (2018)
Marvel Comics' foul mouthed, fourth-wall breaking, self-aware assassin-for-hire is back for another round of mayhem and destruction. This time he tangles with the time travelling killing machine "Cable" while he tries to stop a young mutant from embarking on a life of super-villainy. It takes a while for this flick to kick into gear, but once it hits its stride, the sight gags (and bodies) pile up fast and furiously. A total hoot.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


"Left Behind" (2014)
Iiiiiit's RAPTURE TIME, baby!
Nicolas Cage is a philandering airline pilot who's 30,000 feet in the air when the good Lord suddenly decides to Thanos-snap all of "His people" back to the home office, causing mass panic on board. Meanwhile, his estranged daughter must navigate through the increasing chaos and mayhem on the ground to find her way "home." 
If SyFy and the Trinity Broadcasting Network collaborated on a film project, it would probably look like this klutzy, heavy handed, cheap looking mash up of disaster movie cliches and end-of-the-world religious allegory, based on the inexplicably popular series of Christian post-apocalypse adventure novels.
We're not even a week into 2019, and I may already have a front runner for the worst movie I'll see this year!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


"Death Race" (2008)
Jason Statham is an innocent man thrown into a hellish prison of the future, where inmates race to win their freedom in a televised, no-holds-barred contest between supercharged, heavily armored, weaponized vehicles. 
This souped-up 21st century update of the 70s B-movie classic "Death Race 2000" loses most of the original's tongue-in-cheek social satire, but makes up for it with lotsa fancy effects and stunts, explosions and ultra-violence. Silly fun, followed by three DTV sequels.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

STRAIGHT TO HELL (1987): Punk musicians pretending to be gangsters  blow an assignment, rob a bank, and hide out in a Central American village ruled by a competing band of punk actors pretending to be gangsters. Alex REPO MAN Cox made this lark quickly with available musicians after a concert in Spain was canceled. Joe Strummer, Courtney Love, the Pogues, Elvis Costello and others appear; Jim Jarmush and Dennis Hopper even pop in. This silly, violent and absurd attempt at a Western comedy made by non-comedians that doesn't work, except as a curio. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


first of all look at this poster

The Void (2017) - answers the question (s) : what if you rented a horror movie and it wasn't amazing, but generally made sense, had an entertaining enough story arch, and the main actor did a kind of David Arquette circa Scream imitation? 3.75/ 5


Quote from: Rev. Powell on January 01, 2019, 06:03:03 PM
DR. CALIGARI (1989) (rewatch): The granddaughter of Dr. Caligari (of "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" fame) performs illicit neurological experiments on patients in her asylum, focusing especially on a nymphomaniac and a shock-therapy addicted cannibal. Although most of the actors are awful, we could care less about the silly pretense of a plot, and some of the absurdist dialogue is pretentiously clunky (although some is amusing), the Daliesque erotic nightmares are hot pink day-glo wonders. It should go without saying that this is not for everyone, but if you're looking for a surrealist softcore porn cult film, this is almost your only option. 3/5.

I seen that one. Hoo-boy... :bluesad:
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!


"Creepozoids" (1987)
Post-apocalyptic Army deserters hole up in an abandoned laboratory which, unfortunately for them, also happens to be home to a slimy, carnivorous mutation. Hilarity ensues.
This so-'80s-it-hurts video store favorite is pretty much "Alien" on a cheese-and-crackers budget, with cheap sets (the "lab complex" looks suspiciously like a self-storage warehouse) and even cheaper creatures and special effects. It's so bad, it's almost good.
Fun fact: a few years after appearing in this flick, actress "Kim McKamy" would become better known as '90s adult video queen Ashlyn Gere. If "Creepozoids" represents the type of "legit" movie roles she was getting, her porn career may actually have been a step up. :lmao:  

"Trilogy Of Terror" (1975)
Dan "Dark Shadows" Curtis directed this "Twilight Zone"-ish made-for-TV horror anthology, featuring three spooky stories written by Richard "I Am Legend" Matheson. Karen Black appears in all three tales, playing different characters each time - a teacher being blackmailed by a student, a pair of feuding sisters, and a woman being chased through her high-rise apartment by a killer cursed African doll. She achieved instant cult-icon status thanks to that third segment, which scared the hell out of an entire generation of '70s kids. This "Trilogy" is lots of fun and still holds up pretty well today.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


RAW MEAT (1972) - A surprisingly young Donald Pleasance stars in this British horror film about a cannibal troglodyte living under the London Subway.  Also features a nice cameo by Christopher Lee.  Pleasance plays the police inspector investigating the disappearance of a defense department minister who vanished from a subway platform; the killer turns out to be the last survivor of a group of diggers stranded when a subway tunnel collapsed back in the 1890's.  They had lived and bred for generations underground, eating rats and unwary travelers.  All in all, a pretty cool flick with good makeup effects for the era and LOTS of half-eaten, rotted corpses.  Better than I expected. 3.5/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

DOLLHOUSE: THE ERADICATION OF FEMALE SUBJECTIVITY FROM AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE (2018): A mockumentary showing the rise and fall of Junie Spoons, a child superstar a la Brittney Spears or Miley Cyrus, told with dolls. The no-budget technique is inspired by SUPERSTAR: THE KAREN CARPENTER STORY and the humor is in the style of "South Park"; there are a lot of chuckles and a lot of scenes in extremely bad taste (given the fact that the subject becomes a washed-up, drug addicted divorcee felon in her early teens). Debuting at the Slamdance film festival in January, this may show up on VOD soon. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: indianasmith on January 13, 2019, 11:55:38 PM
RAW MEAT (1972) - A surprisingly young Donald Pleasance stars in this British horror film about a cannibal troglodyte living under the London Subway.  Also features a nice cameo by Christopher Lee.  Pleasance plays the police inspector investigating the disappearance of a defense department minister who vanished from a subway platform; the killer turns out to be the last survivor of a group of diggers stranded when a subway tunnel collapsed back in the 1890's.  They had lived and bred for generations underground, eating rats and unwary travelers.  All in all, a pretty cool flick with good makeup effects for the era and LOTS of half-eaten, rotted corpses.  Better than I expected. 3.5/5

In the UK this one was called Death Line. Been looking out for a copy of it on DVD for a while now. It struck me as being an example of a film that could very easily have went very wrong actually turning out right.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.