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Halo 3

Started by RapscallionJones, September 22, 2007, 07:33:07 AM

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"F" everything else.  Halo 3 launches on tuesday.  I thought it was tough writing up reviews on my site when I was slugging it out through Bioshock, but this is going to put a severe damper on my movie viewing.

I can't be the only guy on the forums with a 360.  If you have one and plan on buying the game, list your Gamertags here.  We should definitely arrange some co-op and multiplayer matches.

I'm RapscalionJnz

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I wish to hell I had a 360.  I've been dying to see H3.  I'm even addicted to Mt. Dew Game Fuel.  But alas, I'm sans a console at all.
Kinda ticks me off. 


I pre-ordered my copy of Halo 3 last week.

Hell yeah I'll play some Halo with you!   :thumbup:

While I'm anticipating the cool multiplayer...the thing I'm looking forward to is the story.
I've been playing Halo since the first game and I have to see how it all ends.

The only thing that sucks is that , the place where I ordered my copy, won't ship it until 1-2 days after it's released.  Meaning I won't get to play at the big launch party Monday night.
I heard it's supposed to be pretty big.  They're having contests and celebrities and stuff like that.
It's ashame that I'll miss it.   :bluesad:

My Gamertag is ASHTHECAT3.
(spelled just like that in all caps)

And by the way left out an "L" in your name.
I tried entering "RapscalionJnz" to add you as a friend and it said that username does not exist.
When I entered a second "L", it worked.


I hope to get a 360 within the next 6 months or so - probably at tax time. 

I don't see the big deal with Halo.  I played the original on my PC but I didn't think it was that great.  The Covenant were kind of wusses...  How can I fear something that runs around like a cartoon character spouting little one liners?  Also the weapons weren't really anything unique.  The vehicles were ok, but the game just isn't anything new.

I have yet to play the second so I can't say much there.  I'm sure if I get a 360, I'll pick up Halo 3.  I'm a sucker for any type of first person shooter.

So, why does everyone like Halo so much?  Is it cause it was the first decent shooter on the XBOX?
"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.

horseshoe crab

It just did everything so well. The gameplay was exciting and wholly immersive. The gunfights actually felt like real combat (or, uh, what we imagine real combat is like) rather than the usual FPS turkey shoot. The graphics were great for their time, and the environments look genuinely beautiful. The use of vehicles was dynamic and provided a lot of fun. The score was outstanding. The story was really, really great, to the point where I'm surprised it was developed for a video game rather than for a novel. You rarely find (or rarely found, 7 years ago) that attention to detail in a game.

Above all, I think the biggest draw is that it just felt epic and huge. Like you're playing a movie rather than a game.


Karma to Horseshoe for explaining it.

For me, it was the whole storyline of Halo that got me hooked.
It truly does feel epic.

And the gameplay just got better with Halo 2.
It improved upon the original tenfold and greatly advanced the storyline.


The best way I can describe it to you Skaboi is like this...

Remember how (most) everyone wanted to see Star Wars Revenge of the Sith?
Everybody had to see how Anakin became Darth Vader.

It's the same with Halo.
Everyone wants to see this ultimate cataclysmic stuggle between the now allied Humans and Elites vs the Brutes and Covenant through to the very end.

We have to see how it all ends!   :smile:


Quote from: horseshoe crab on September 23, 2007, 03:42:51 AM
Above all, I think the biggest draw is that it just felt epic and huge. Like you're playing a movie rather than a game.
I think this is really what sets it apart.  It certainly wasn't the first FPS to tell a story, but it was the first one to do it with such attention to detail and in such epic scope.  The way the game plays out makes every battle seem SO important.  The score kicks in at the proper moment for maximum dramatic effect, it's not just you fighting the covenant, it's you plus the UNSC Marines and all the panic and banter that comes when you run into them in a firefight.  It has atmosphere, basically.  It feels very, very big.

Multiplayer, though, is where it really stands out.  It has excellent map design, it plays very fast and is extremely balanced in terms of weapons.  Players who are really good are that good because they play a lot not because they found some exploit.

I am not very good.

Why it's such a cultural phenomenon, though, I can't say.  It's head and shoulders above the competition (even though I still think Gears of War is a better looking game).  The last issue of Wired would have you believe that if you're not playing it, you're not "with it".  Then again, they also make the same lofty claims about World of Warcraft (which I, surprisingly, couldn't get into) and Second Life (which is even more boring than my first life).  So... 

Halo 2 had some surprising voice actors, though, and I'm sure H3 continues on with this.

The Covenant Arbiter is voiced by Keith David who plays Childs in The Thing
Julie Benz from Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Angel is Miranda Keyes
Michael Wincott (who I can only think of as the crazy metal guy in Talk Radio and Top Dollar in The Crow) plays one of the Covenant Prophets
Ron Perlman is Lord Hood

Marines are voiced by:
David Cross
Brian Posehn
Laura Prepon
Michelle Rodriguez
Orlando Jones

Quote from: Ash on September 23, 2007, 05:53:55 AM
It's the same with Halo.
Everyone wants to see this ultimate cataclysmic stuggle between the now allied Humans and Elites vs the Brutes and Covenant through to the very end.

We have to see how it all ends!   :smile:
If you want an idea of how this is going to end, go to the Marketplace and download the four Halo Game Videos.  Three of them are promos and TV ads which are as dramatic as video game ads will ever get and then watch the video for Cinema Paradiso which describes the game replay system and Forge (which is completely sweet).  Then go to and witness one of the coolest websites I've ever seen (and this is coming from a professional web developer).
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Never really got into Halo due to no Xbox, but multiplayer was fun with friends and I liked the story.  Like Skaboi, the original kind of seemed cartoony with the Covenant to me, but I can see why it's good.

By far though, the best thing to come out of Halo is the series "RED VS BLUE".  I used to love that series...
------------The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


I'm not bashing the game, I just don't quite grasp the following it has.

I will say that I did like the story of the original.  I loved being able to look up in the sky and see land above me on that huge ring with space all around it.  That was quite interesting.

If I do get a 360 I'll pick up Halo 2 and 3 as they are interesting enough to me to throw a little cash down for.  That and the supposedly awesome multiplayer aspect.
"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.


If you need another reason to buy Halo 3, check out Gamespot's video review.
They gave it a 9.5 out of 10 and it looks totally awesome!


Read the text review


One of the guys I work with here does reviews for The Onion A/V Club and some music magazine and Microsoft sent him a review pack last week.

They sent him:

The airline steel, padded missile case containing:

Collector's Edition game
Two Halo edition controllers with glossy faces featuring Halo artwork signed by Todd McFarlane
One wireless Halo edition bluetooth style communicator pip

All told, the whole thing rings in at over $300 for free and early.  He brought his deck in yesterday with everything and we played a little multi on the office lounge flat screen.  Looks great, plays great!  We had a blast with some Slayer matches.  Today on lunch I ran out and picked up my copy and got back in time for some more multi.  The game is calling to me from my car now. 

I went through this with Gears of War, too.
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I'm not a fan of FPS type games and not a fan of Halo as a whole either.  I just don't get why people are getting so excited about this as it is no different to me than all of the other FPS's out there.  I really don't think that the genre has progressed much past Quake.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."

horseshoe crab

Then you haven't played enough of them, because that's a pretty wild statement.


Quote from: horseshoe crab on September 25, 2007, 07:09:42 PM
Then you haven't played enough of them, because that's a pretty wild statement.

No, I've played most of them as they've come out as I have a best friend who only plays first person shooters.

I'm not saying it's a bad genre, just woefully overrated IMO.   
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."



I finally beat Halo 3 last night.   :twirl:

Did the "final fight" meet my expectations?
Was it the ending I was hoping for?

Not really.
But it was fun nonetheless.   :smile:   :thumbup:

If you own Halo 3, be sure to watch the cinema scene that takes place after the main credits roll.
It'll tell you what happens to Master Chief & Cortana.