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"look into my eyes they are alien" What is the movie?

Started by bobbydarling, August 08, 2008, 01:56:00 PM

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My family members keep using this quote but we have no idea where it came from.
I think it is from a Sci-Fi movie where an alien ( in human form ) is in a car chase with
a human and he wants the human to look into the rearview mirror so he can take control of him.
Any idea what the movie is?



I can't remember the title, but I think this movie starred John Carradine as the alien.
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!


Was it Black and White?  Sounds just like the climax of NOT OF THIS EARTH...(1957) ROGER CORMAN's hard-to-see best (for me).  The alien man wearing the sunglasses says with his mind: "Look at me!  Look at me!  Look at me!  Look at me!"  And then he could fry your brain with his eyes (honestly, I don't quite remember) there is also a flying creature that looks sort of like an upside down wilted cabbage that grabs your head and squeezes the blood out of it!!!  This great film made a strong impression on me when I was young, including the climactic car chase with the alien (rear view mirror hypnotization, could be, I think the alien must have been being chased, but unsure, it's been so long and it's not available to buy!)  The alien's inhuman white eyes are revealed at the very end in a scary violent fiery car crash... !!!  One of the greatest SciFi TV horrors we ever discovered (meaning myself and my brothers and sisters)  I saw it two or three times, but many years ago, I mean more than 3 decades...  :teddyr:  Damn I love this movie and have not seen it in many years!! 

Now, all that being said, NOT OF THIS EARTH was remade in 1988 (with TRACI LORDS) I did rent the film on VHS way back when, but it apparently made zero impression, I do remember being disappointed (I really liked the 1986 remake of INVADERS FROM MARS...)  What I suggest is if the film featured a skinny blonde in Color, then it may have been the remake. 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


 :bouncegiggle:  Thank you so much. It was "Not of This Earth" and I found it on Youtube. My family got such a blast when I sent them the clip.