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What Magazines Do You Read?

Started by Mr. DS, October 15, 2008, 12:14:59 PM

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Mr. DS

I'm not sure if this has been brought up before.  What kind or magazines do you read regularly?  I get Mad Magazine and Maxim delivered to my house.  My wife gets some tabloid magazine named "In Touch" delivered along with her girly magazines like Glamor.  I usually end up thumbing through the tabloid one.  Once and while I'll pick up Rue Morgue or Fangoria although I find their prices too damn high.
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall

Psycho Circus

I used to collect old Fangoria's and Kerrang's from the 80s, you know, back when horror films and music were good.
I also read Classic Rock magazine once in a while. I've never really been into magazines tho' and the prices there at now put me off anyway.


Wax poetics and Ugly Things which are about vintage black music and vintage garage rock respectivly.   

I have  a bunch of Psychotronic and Shock Cinema issues like 4 or 5 of each.  they are awesome

Also get The American Conservative which is Pat Buchanans magazine  also at  it's not like any conservative magazine you have seen before believe me. 


I don't have any magazines come to my house for me.  I usually like to read Black Belt magazine as it keeps me informed for different training ideas and other things regarding martial arts.  I also like to read various car magazines for Tuner cars. 

I do purchase old magazines from time to time.  I haven't lately since I purchased all of the magazines my karate instructor who articles for or had articles written about him in it.

Rev. Powell

I thought about starting a topic like this.

For me, the Internet has pretty much killed off magazines.  I used to get all kinds of magazines, from NATIONAL LAMPOON to US NEWS & WORLD REPORT to FILM COMMENT.  But now, I figure, why pay for a subscription when the same content will generally be available on the Web, for free? 

For the same reason, I cancelled by paper copy of the newspaper.  Sure, there was something about sitting and physically holding the paper, and it looked better with the larger print and caused less eyestrain, but I can't justify paying for it if they're offering the exact same content for free.  Plus, daily newspapers really stacked up and were a hassle to store and get rid of.

The only magazine I get now is VIDEOSCOPE, because Joe Kane can't figure out how to operate Microsoft FrontPage and put up a simple website.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I used to subscribe to PSYCHOTRONIC VIDEO untill they folded (you owe me money,Weldon!  :hatred:)
Don't have a newstand in I read newspapers.
I have a HUGE collection of old FAMOUS MONSTERS of FILMLAND and other old 'zines from the 60's and '70's. Also some old MAD,CREEPY,LIFE and LOOK. FLYING SAUCER mags that date back from the 50's too. A stack of ALFRED HITCHCOCK MYSTERY mags as well.
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Rev. Powell

Quote from: RCMerchant on October 15, 2008, 04:38:44 PM
A stack of ALFRED HITCHCOCK MYSTERY mags as well.

Your reminding me of my youth now.  For years I subscribed to a science fiction digest edited by Isaac Asimov (I think it was called Asimov's Science Fiction magazine, or something creative like that).  They looked a lot like the Alfred Hitchcock magazines.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


MAD and Playstation the Official Magazine
Barbeque sauce tastes good on EVERYTHING, even salad.

Yes, salad.


I used to have MAD (gift), Popular Mechanics (I got that with mycokerewards), Discover(gift), and Popular Science (gift for ordering lots of stuff from a magazine). Now I just have MAD delivered but I saved most of my science magazines and read them. I only started thinking to take better care of my MADs about a year ago so most of them are gone  :bluesad:   but I took very good care of the rest of my magazines.  :teddyr:
Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world`s original sin. - Oscar Wilde


It's cheaper to subscribe to RUE MORGUE ultimately. Their latest October Halloween issue features a tribute to Uncle Forry himself! with loads of stuff dedicated to the Famous Monsters of Filmland figurehead. I find they do focus too much on modern day and gore films but hey there's a nice mix of classic stuff in there too and they really do put out some great interesting issues from time to time although the gory pics between their pages can be a bit much to take said mag anywheres in public.

I sometimes still pick up WIZARD magazine, used to get a kick out of it in my comic reading days although I'm no longer as "in touch" with that culture nowadays. Also sometimes pick up PRO WRESTLING ILLUSTRATED which I adored in my younger days when I was a huge wrestling fan. Still a fan but a bit more embarrassed to admit it tehse days although I'll still buy an occasional special issue. Sometimes I'll pick up a copy of ANALOG but it's rare.

I really wish there was a magazine devoted mainly to the B-movies of the past before the days of extreme gore and guts.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"

Mr. DS

When I was big into collecting toys I used to read Toy Fare a lot.  Nowadays I pick it up to keep fresh on whats new once in and awhile.  When I was growing up I read a lot of METAL magazines like Hit Parader. 
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


I used to have a subscription for Bass Player magazine from about 1993 through 2001.  The quality of the magazine just went really downhill IMO and it was becoming a waste of money.

I also got a Playboy subscription back in 1994 when I was 19 and what's funny about that is I continued to get it for the nest 9 or so years without ever having to send them anymore money.  Usually they remind you when your yearly subscription was up, but that never happened. I guess they finally caught on and "fixed the glitch" (to quote Office Space).   

I used to subscribe to Maxim magazine in the 90's as well.

But presently, I don't really read that many magazines other than picking up the occasional issue of Fangoria or something.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


Over the year I've subscribed to many different magazines, from National Geographic to Playboy and MAD to Heavy Metal. Currently I get Fine Scale Modeler and Model Railroader I get them from my resident girl scouts that sell mag subscriptions every year. 


I used to have subscriptions to several mags and quickly learned that it's not good to have more than two subscriptions at the same time otherwise they start to pile up unread on the side of the coffee table.  I read alot, but anything over two subscriptions is too much.

Used to get Maxim, Premier and Reader's Digest.  Reader's Digest are great s**tter mags.  My legs would start to go numb while sitting on the toilet because they're so engaging. :thumbup:
Another good mag I used to get was American Cinematographer.  Great quality magazine.  A little on the expensive side, but good.

Years ago I used to get Metal Edge and Circus magazine.  My mother always looked at those mags with disdain but I didn't care.  It'd be fun to look through them after all these years to see the pics and articles from the 80's in them.

Captain Tars Tarkas

Mad, Newsweek, Retro Gamer, Asian Cult Cinema, Toyfare, Giant Robot, National Geographic, Science, Nature,

probably some more I can't think of off the top of my head.