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"Terra Nova" opens tonight!! --

Started by peter johnson, January 09, 2009, 03:49:43 PM

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peter johnson

I put the full post, with 3 computer links to articles and a video trailer, over on the Entertainment thread, but thought I should post something here as well.  A true masterpiece -- I play Evans, who has a terrific death scene.  I justify putting it over here in the Pros section, as my work on the play has already gotten me a paid voiceover job, based on the preview performances alone!

Go either to or to the Entertainment thread for the full story --

peter johnson/denny crane/edgar evans
I have no idea what this means.

peter johnson

I put the links to the 3 reviews of the show so far over in "Entertainment" -- anyone in the vicinity of Longmont, Colorado, should come --
The Denver Post review I appreciate the most, as they can be sometimes dismissive of small-town efforts.
peter johnson/denny crane
I have no idea what this means.