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"7th Voyage of Sinbad"-type film with princess and monsters

Started by Sketko, April 23, 2009, 09:10:48 PM

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Hi all - short-time lurker, first-time poster. I think this forum provides a fantastic service to anyone who has ever watched a movie or TV!

As for my mystery movie... I saw it on TV when I was little, but it was definitely a movie rather than a TV show. It was a "7th Voyage of Sinbad" style film, from around the same era I'd guess. I only really remember one scene, and perhaps another more hazily. There was a girl - I think she was a princess - who was suddenly surrounded by terrifying stop-motion monsters and demons whirling in from the sky. She may or may not have been standing on a ship at the time. There was one monster in particular that looked like a ghost wrapped in a tattered cloak with a HUGE open mouth. The ghost flew down to the terrified girl and breathed a cloud of steam/smoke at her that put her to sleep. Another monster (maybe looked like a scary old hag/witch?) picked up the girl and carried her away... I think she was put in some kinda flying demon coach/carriage, but I don't remember clearly. She was kept prisoner in a cave by... some evil dude who controlled the monsters? I can't remember any more except perhaps the hero going to rescue the princess in the cave. Ring any bells? That open-mouth ghost sure terrified me enough to make me remember it!


Jack the Giant Killer.  Here is the scene:
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!


Wow, that was fast! Thank you so much!

It's interesting to see how my memory of that scene is so much cooler than the actual scene... obviously it would have seemed scarier/more impressive when I was a kid, but even still, that "open-mouthed ghost" is pretty lame, and just blows on the hero to keep him down. I'd forgotten about the weird lighting until I saw the clip, though.

This one is definitely solved!