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The Worst VHS Cover Artwork!

Started by TheDope, July 04, 2009, 11:19:54 PM

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Nukie 2

I'd have thought that larger boxes would incur larger costs... I guess that's not the case.

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Quote from: Jim H on July 14, 2009, 01:54:14 PM
If the box is bigger than normal, that is a HUGE indicator of crapiness.
If the back of the box has NO PICTURES from the film, it is probably garbage.
If there are quotes like, "The goriest horror film ever!" with no one attributed to the quote, it's almost certainly crap (that one is basically exclusive to direct-to-DVD releases).
If there is a drawn cover art image which is matted like the box was a picture frame, it's probably crap (Ratboy, as seen below, does this). 
If there's an ultra-cool Boris Vallejo/Frazetta style painting on the cover, and it's obviously a low budget film, it is probably crap.
If it has famous people in it in the era before they were famous, it's probably crap - especially if it is a film that was long out of print until they got famous.
If you can determine the cover art doesn't match the plot description at all, it is probably crap.
If the cover art font looks like the font from a more famous similar movie, it IS crap.
If there's a hologram on the cover, it probably sucks.  Ditto with 3D art that sticks out of the box, lights, sounds, and other box gimmicks.
If there is obvious photoshopping on a live action photo on the cover, it probably sucks.
If the title bears a striking resemblance to a big budget film's title, it probably sucks.
That describes about 90% of the movies I rented on tape back in the day  :teddyr:



Quote from: Nukie 2 on July 14, 2009, 10:46:59 PM
I'd have thought that larger boxes would incur larger costs... I guess that's not the case.

It's probably true, but I'm sure making the movie stand out on the shelf was more economical than making a good movie. Just like putting kick-ass cover art on a cheapo movie. It's turd polish.
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___<br />Spongebob: What could be better than serving up smiles? <br />Squidward: Being Dead.

Psycho Circus


Quote from: Jim H on July 14, 2009, 10:22:01 PM
Quote from: BUREINPARESU on July 14, 2009, 05:45:44 PM
I've never had any experience with bigger-than-normal VHS boxes, what are those?

There's a few examples.  They're not ALL bad (a few typical polished Hollywood films got these boxes in the early VHS days, I think), but most of them are.  It should be noted I'm not referring to any specific kind (one company's boxes are actually called Big Box VHS, IIRC), but any non-standard VHS boxes that are physically large.  

The worst examples were the ones that actually were a sleeve, just with a box made way larger and styrofoam inserts to hold the VHS.  

Thanks for that little insight, I kinda wish I experienced the days of VHS more, though I think I would have hated sleeves though, those things must be really flakey after all these years.

The Burgomaster

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."

Nukie 2

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Quote from: The Burgomaster on July 15, 2009, 04:20:34 PM
Quote from: hellbilly on July 15, 2009, 01:06:09 PM

I own this DVD . . .


I own this DVD, and I can honestly say I love this movie. Not as much as I love "Don't Look In The Basement", but it is demented film-making at its zenith.  The whole bit with the train noises while the couple is in the train car, and then when she steps out onto the porch, the sounds stop, because they aren't really ON a train, just in a remodeled train car.  I damn near wet myself every time I see that scene.


Quote from: Nukie 2 on July 15, 2009, 08:17:07 PM
Quote from: hellbilly on July 15, 2009, 01:06:09 PM


I immediately thought of a Charmin commercial when I saw that one. :teddyr:
"Join me in the abyss of savings."


I like big butts and I cannot lie....

I'll bet ya Bigfoot has dingleberries.


Quote from: Mofo Rising on July 09, 2009, 03:19:17 AM
This cover is amazing!

I'm intrigued. "A Daring Rescue!"

And why are they driving around in that fire truck?

Holy hell! This film is live action? I must find it.

Dude, this looks like some surrealistic weird dream:

Joe the Destroyer