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Cosmos War of the Planets

Started by 66Crush, March 15, 2010, 12:55:46 AM

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This is a little known Itallian sci-fi epic that was released on a DVD along with three other movies by Digiveiw Entertainment. I found it Wal-Mart for $1. I knew very little about this movie so I went to IMDB and found out this movie was released in 1977, the same year as Star Wars. This fact is worth concidering, because the damn thing looks like it was made in the 50's. Cheap rocketships. Helmets that look like 1930's football helmets. Aliens in bad green make-up who worship a giant robot (a cardboard box with a light in front). There isn't anything about this movie that isn't bad. There is even a sex simulator on the spaceship. The acting is wooden and horrible. The film quality is so bad i can't tell by looking at the actor's mouths, if it's dubbed or if all the audio was just looped in later. One would think that a movie from this time would look a little better (maybe not Star Wars quality, but at least like the old Star Trek episodes). Except for the sexual references, this movie could have been made 20 years earlier. Has anyone else seen this movie, or know anything about it?


Seen it and own War of the Planets and War of the Robots and Space Odyssey.


hmmm, looks like I need to see it.
yeah no.

The Burgomaster

I posted some coments about this a few weeks ago.  The version I have is in Mill Creek's Sci-Fi Classics 50 Movie Pack.  Sounds like the picture quality in the Mill Creek set is better.  It's definitely a dubbed Italian movie.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


And you thought Trek isn't cool.