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Started by Andrew, February 28, 2011, 09:38:10 PM

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A young man and his girlfriend discover that the little Spanish village of Imboca is the inbred fish mutant capital of the world.  Remember all of those "unspeakable things" that Lovecraft often mentioned but never described?  At least one of them is fish incest.

Andrew Borntreger

Mr. DS

I loved this movie!  I always found The Shadow Over Innsmouth one of the most terrifying tales of all time.  This film really captures (though straying a bit from the source material) the theme of the story.  The ending contains the twist but it was the one thing I wish they would have played up more.  The toilet swirly scene is awesome btw.
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


Thanks for the great review.

Nice dig at West Virgina by the way.

Say do you know how to ambush a marine?

You wait till he gets a drink of water then slam the toilet lid down on his head.


Gloomhound . . . DON'T MESS WITH ANDREW! :hatred:
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Why in heavens name would I mess with Andrew?

I would never mess with him or his home State. That would just be rude.

By the way do you know why the Army has guard dogs and the Navy has Marines?

The Army got first choice! ;)


This is one ex-squid who will go to the mat for our Gunny!
I wouldn't come in as  a GUEST on his forum and be starting trouble if I were you.

Now, on a lighter note, I haven't seen DAGON in years.  I may have to give it another watch.  I remember really enjoying it.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Hmmm... it maybe a concidence but the image of the guy from the video clip looks like the Batman villian the Great White.  Interesting.

A good review, but there is an error in there:

QuoteRemember the scene near the end of "Return of the Jedi" when Darth Vader tells Luke that he is his father?

Wouldn't that be Empire Strikes Back?

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.


Quote from: InformationGeek on March 01, 2011, 08:19:29 AM
Hmmm... it maybe a concidence but the image of the guy from the video clip looks like the Batman villian the Great White.  Interesting.

Had to Google for a picture of that Batman villain.  The do look similar.

Quote from: InformationGeek on March 01, 2011, 08:19:29 AM
A good review, but there is an error in there:

QuoteRemember the scene near the end of "Return of the Jedi" when Darth Vader tells Luke that he is his father?

Wouldn't that be Empire Strikes Back?

Son of a gun!  I have no clue why I put that, other than the fact that recently the kids wanted to watch one of the Star Wars films, and they chose "Return of the Jedi."

Quote from: gloomhound on February 28, 2011, 11:28:20 PM
Why in heavens name would I mess with Andrew?

I would never mess with him or his home State. That would just be rude.

By the way do you know why the Army has guard dogs and the Navy has Marines?

The Army got first choice! ;)

I am going to guess that this person serves or served in the Army, and is from West Virginia.  Hence why he is upset and attempting to insult me.
Andrew Borntreger

Ted C

Dagon actually is a pretty awesome Lovecraft movie, although -- as noted -- it's got much more in common with The Shadow Over Innsmouth than Dagon. Also, the girl playing Barbara is awesomely hot! Why haven't we seen her in any other bad movies?
"Slugs?  He created slugs? I would have started with lasers, six o'clock, day one!" -- Evil, Time Bandits


Ah, Dagon, or as those who watch it with me refer to it, "that fish-people movie." I got real excited when I saw this on the front page :teddyr:. This is one of my favorite recent horror films as well as one of the better attempts to adapt Lovecraft into a movie. Being the type who has clearly read everything Lovecraft ever wrote, I got the connections between the seperate stories and thought that the combination was done fairly well. I also approve very highly of most, if not all of, the effects being done in front of the camera (one or two moments I wasn't quite sure.)

The hotel room is indeed very horrible, and the octopus man at the end always registers in mind for a split-second as Brundlefly.
Kleel's rule is harsh :-B


Having read and enjoyed most of H. P. Lovecraft's short stories, I can attest to the difficulty of taking his vision from the page to the screen. This is one of the few that I've seen that gets it right. That's one reason to see it.

The other reason to see it is Francisco (Paco) Rabal's performance as Ezequiel. (IMHO) One of the best performances I've ever seen in a horror films. Unfortunately, he'd only have one more screen appearance, before his death in 2001. R.I.P. Paco.


"I feel no slight amount of trepidation about how Google will index this review. "

You are a prince among men.  I salute you sir!


I remember seeing this movie on TV once which is sad because I could feel (as I see here) I was missing out on the best parts. Once you cut out all the gore and hot fish/human chicks you just have a nerdy looking guy being chased alot by evil villagers. I remember the ending being somewhat disappointing because he falls in the water before he really burns (seems he failed to actually kill anyone with his flame attack, even himself.) and ends up following the mer-octopus as she swims down the tunnel. Classic bad-ending where the evil cult wins despite liberal usage of flammables by the protagonist.

I have never read Lovecraft books but it would be cool to see how these stories were actually written.
The only difference between zombies and toddlers is one is cuter than the other.


I really like this movie, but it disturbs me because I find Uxia very attractive and I'd probably still do her even though her bottom half is an octopus.


Quote from: Andrew on March 01, 2011, 11:57:44 AM
I am going to guess that this person serves or served in the Army, and is from West Virginia.  Hence why he is upset and attempting to insult me.

Guilty on both counts, but truth be told I am only very mildly upset about the West Virginia "thing."