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Near Ending involves killing a female lead

Started by Kyleclark107, January 08, 2013, 02:45:59 AM

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The whole movie the main character had black hair and could resemble elvis. It would be combed back and I remember a white shirt and black leather jacket.

The whole movie he would of been a heavy drinker/drunk user and I feel that they lived in the desert. Its possible that he murdered more than one girl in the movie but I remember towards the end he murders the main girl by choking or just beating to death outside in sand IE desert sand or maybe the beach. He might of been trying to have sex with her or just finished then lost it and killed her. She might of been rich and he could of cheated on her during the movie.

I have been looking for this movie for ten years at least and can't remember anything else. It could be a made for tv movie or something along those lines.

Thank You!!

It has been 10-15 years since I saw it so its all a tad foggy


The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Jack on January 08, 2013, 07:17:53 AM
Kind of sounds like Retroactive

I think you may have it, Jack: Jim Belushi looks a little like Elvis in this (saw it late last year on the MGM Channel)  :smile:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Thank you guys for the suggestion but that's not it. I saw this movie when I was 10-11 and I'm 23 now. The main guy lead was younger when I guess I should of said a young Elvis. Like when he acted In black and white films. The movie in no way was scfi and the main guy at one point might of trashed his house during a drunken rage. It's been a while so some facts could be interpreted by my 11 year old brain not so well. This movie would of been rated R or a life time movie on basic cable. So I can't tell you how detailed the killing got or if heavy nudity. This film would of been very dark sort of like blue valentine.

Mofo Rising

Sounds like you might be thinking of the movie Dead Beat (1994).

The movie's based on noted loser Charles Schmid (also the basis of The Lost). The lead character dresses like Elvis, wearing make-up and cans in his boots to appear taller. He spends the movie lording his "coolness" over some dumb high-schoolers and then ends up killing several girls over the course of the movie.

If it's the right movie, then there is a rich girl who spurns his advances and causes him to go into a rage where he trashes his house. Then later he ends up killing her in the desert (off-screen).

I couldn't find any clips, but here's a picture:

Not a great movie. You can see it on Netflix Instant.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.


That's the movie thank you so much!!! I never thought I would find it ever.

Mofo Rising

Quote from: Kyleclark107 on January 08, 2013, 12:46:40 PM
That's the movie thank you so much!!! I never thought I would find it ever.

You're welcome! Glad we could help find it for you.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.