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TYTD Review/Red Triangle Reviews

Started by TYTD Reviews, October 17, 2017, 03:59:01 PM

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TYTD Reviews

Not strictly a review but I thought i'd share it here! a little update video for you guys! :)

TYTD Reviews

This week! nightmare fuel inspired Kids filmery! and memories of the seaside :)

TYTD Reviews

This week marks the start of "Alternative Doctor who month!" for the whole of April I will be focussing on Doctor who related fan films, Documentaries and more! :) nothing official here by any stretch and certainly nothing directly connected to the show! so if your a fan or not im sure you'll get a kick out of this :) starting things off! a Fan film adaptation and one of my favourite fan films of all time!  :teddyr:

TYTD Reviews

Apologies for the slight delay in getting this up (The world conspired against me) though as usual! this week! we continue our journey through "Alternative Doctor who month" with this awful piece of tat  :buggedout::

TYTD Reviews

Hi again all! A bit of a surprise upload here but today was a very eventful day! I was able to get in touch with someone who was selling two MASSIVE boxes of VHS tapes for £5 so I jumped at the chance. there were so many (And I didnt know what I was buying) that me and my partner decided to do a live stream/mystery unboxing where we went through the boxes and looked at what i'd bought (It was honestly very surprising!  :buggedout:) So I thought I'd post it here...I wont say what we found. but there were some very  "Interesting" selections in the mix :)

! No longer available

TYTD Reviews

This week! The Sequel/Prequel of the decade finally arrives as we once again return to Butchgro films for there 1996 followup to "Australian Web of Fear"  :teddyr: :cheers: Enjoy!

TYTD Reviews

A Brucey bonus here for you all today! Here's a look at the first film from "The Projection room" one of the most well known Doctor who Fan film groups in the UK!  :teddyr: I should warn you that the season finale is this friday and things get a little...cheeky.  :buggedout:

TYTD Reviews

Its the season finale ladies and gents!  :teddyr: and this is a very firm warning; This is definately've all been warned!


Lol, I have been falling behind on your reviews recently, but look forward to catching up with them.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: Dark Alex on April 30, 2018, 06:25:53 PM
Lol, I have been falling behind on your reviews recently, but look forward to catching up with them.

No worries man :) We're on a week break this week but we'll be back next friday with a new one :) good to hear from yer!

TYTD Reviews

Well! We're alive, back and ready for the good times to roll once again! so pull up a pew ladies and jellybeans because this seasons gonna kick off in styyyyyyyle!!!!  :teddyr: :cheers:

TYTD Reviews

This week! A kids movie! A mormon kids movie! About Horse wrangling!...Oh god!!!  :buggedout:

TYTD Reviews

This Week! Arguably one of the best worst "Shot on Video" movies ever made!  :buggedout: :teddyr:

TYTD Reviews

Well! i've only gone and ruddy done it! 12 months on youtube!  :teddyr: considering I thought I'd do 8 weeks and shut up shop im ecstatic and to celebrate I thought I'd make a bumper length episode dealing with some of the most terrifying horror movies ever made. Public information films! And because it's a special occasion I bought a friend of mine along for the ride! thank you so much to everyone whose stopped by in this thread and on my youtube channel and said Hi, you've really kept me motivated over the last few months and hopefully i'll get to chat to more of you more often in the future  :teddyr: so yeh! I hope you like this one! :)


Congratulations and I look forward to many more episodes.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.