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TYTD Review/Red Triangle Reviews

Started by TYTD Reviews, October 17, 2017, 03:59:01 PM

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TYTD Reviews

Hi All! we had a slight technical hitch! (First time doing this xD) but we should be good now! here's the link to our horrorthon! :) enjoy! My next review will be up on Friday


posted to let you know i'm watching!

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: 316zombie on October 31, 2017, 01:57:44 PM
posted to let you know i'm watching!

Ahh good to have you aboard! :) theres 3 more beauties on the way! :) hope your Enjoying Eegah! xD


the little monsters have been enjoying the horrorthon, i missed alot of it. but they give you kudos!

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: 316zombie on October 31, 2017, 06:28:50 PM
the little monsters have been enjoying the horrorthon, i missed alot of it. but they give you kudos!

Ah glad they enjoyed it! :) I tried my best to sound as spooky as possible and it was a hoot putting together the animation sections xD it was a bit short notice in terms of organizing it but if I'm still here next year I'll try and up my game a bit more :) I'll most likely leave the stream on my channel till the weeks out (Sunday), though I'll most likely have to remove it after that due to a couple of copyright notices and the fact im not too comfortable with hosting 4 full public domain movies on my channel...I know they're fine from a copyright perspective but it sets me a bit uneasy xD either way at some point I'll try and put a copyright free "Highlights reel" up :)

Cheers again!  :teddyr:


very cool, i'll be sure to watch the whole thing before the week is out!

TYTD Reviews

Quote from: 316zombie on November 01, 2017, 01:16:30 PM
very cool, i'll be sure to watch the whole thing before the week is out!
Ahh brilliant! thank you so much :) I hope you enjoy it! :)

Also! with the halloween season over here's literally the worst film I've ever seen ever. properly terrifying stuff...

TYTD Reviews

So...My review of Cyborg Cop got taken down over the weekend because of the clip I used...I tried to challenge it but that got me nowhere  :hatred: So instead I was productive, cut the clips that caused problems out and re-uploaded the review back in tact...sorry for any disruption!  :buggedout:

! No longer available

TYTD Reviews

This week a frankly bizarre Kung-fu Classic from 1978 to 1979...

TYTD Reviews

Just thought I'd pop in and check the boards while on my lunch break and noticed my thread had hit 1000 views! :D  :buggedout:  :twirl:  :teddyr:

Thanks everyone whose popped into check my stuff out! its honestly very much appreciated!  :cheers:

There'll be a new "Red Triangle" review later tonight (And boy...this ones...well...I'll let it speak for itself)  :wink: 

But thanks again all! and a belated happy thanksgiving as well! 

TYTD Reviews

...You might want a strong drink for this one...either that or at least dont watch this if your eating...

TYTD Reviews

This week! (Pending possible editing as a result of a copyright dispute...grr...) we look at Cyborg3: The Recycler Starring Malcolm Mcdowell...for a minute and a half!

TYTD Reviews

Happy Holidays all! I dont post as often as I should but all you guys have been super awesome and this message boards really been a total eye opener (I thought I was alone! xD) Hopefully 2018 will be as awesome as the last few months have been :)