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What Video Game are You Playing Now II?

Started by Rev. Powell, May 07, 2020, 07:37:14 PM

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Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

Rev. Powell

The latest Steam update somehow deleted all almost all my Skyrim saves and mods (I found them in my recycle bin, but I didn't put them there). ALthough there are still a few things I haven't done in Skyrim, I've completed over 90% of all the content, so maybe this is karma's way of telling me it's time to move on to something else. I have my eye on Disco Elysium, which I could probably finish failry quickly before getting a new PC.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Jim H

I recently sold my PSVR, which gave me splitting headaches  and extreme eyestrain (so I never played it more than about 15 minutes at a time), to buy an Oculus Quest 2.  This one doesn't bother me much at all.  I think it has to do with the higher resolution of the display and less jitter.  If you've ever been curious about VR, the Quest 2 is an excellent entry point, I am very impressed by the hardware for the price point.  Apparently Facebook loses money or at best breaks even on them, and I believe it.

So I've been playing a lot of Beat Saber, as well as trying out a few free games like Pavlov Shack and Echo.  Beat Saber is a blast, though it seems to aggravate my stupid elbow, so I've been trying to keep it limited to 20-30 minutes a day.  Decent exercise too.

Rev. Powell

Started Disco Elysium. Haven't gotten very far but loving it so far. I always wanted to play a role-playing game with (basically) no combat.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Not started playing it yet, but it has been recommended that I buy The Bard Tale series and give them a play. They seem to be fairly cheap on Steam so I'll give it a go.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Assassin's Creed Origins. Again. (I got so motion sick playing the other night while hurrying through a series of tunnels that I thought I was going to have to lie down and grip the carpet to keep from falling off the world.)
What does not kill me makes me stranger.

Jim H

I've been kind of going nuts with the Dark Souls trilogy.  I beat Dark Souls twice (fourth time total), beat Dark Souls 2 again, and am now about to to beat it once more...  And I'm playing through 3 co op with a couple of friends.  After that we plan to co op through 2.

They're fantastic games, as much as they also irritate me while playing them.

I'm hoping to get them out of my system completely at least a couple months before Elden Ring comes out, so I can start playing it next.


anyone watch the video game awards? they were f.. terrible this year and  just the two of us or whatever the f... that won i haven't heard anyone really say gee you must get this game well not like Spider man for example.  anyone play Guardians of the galaxy?  i bought it and have since beaten it i love the game i really hope they do a 2nd game.


I know this sounds seriously lame but I play Angry Birds 2 on my smart phone daily: quite a funny game.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.

Jim H

Quote from: pennywise37 on December 17, 2021, 04:24:48 AM
anyone watch the video game awards? they were f.. terrible this year and  just the two of us or whatever the f... that won i haven't heard anyone really say gee you must get this game well not like Spider man for example.  anyone play Guardians of the galaxy?  i bought it and have since beaten it i love the game i really hope they do a 2nd game.

I especially found the ads built into the game awards embarrassing to watch.  Imagine if Ryan Reynolds came on stage at the Oscars and started pitching Mint Mobile.  Cringe-inducing. 

At least It Takes Two winning the top award was more interesting than some of the other options.


I wanted to play Oblivion but instead I put on Dishonored 2, which was my least favorite of the four Dishonored titles, and I began a new run-through with Emily, and while I had no issues playing it in 2016, yesterday I was so motion sick before I was out of the tower that I felt nausea for most of the rest of the evening. Let's hope that's not a trend.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


i have nothing against Take Two at all but i do not know one person who's even played it i've heard nothing good or bad about the game so that winning game of the year really baffled me. nobody online or off ever mentions it at all now God of war... i still here how damn good that game is and it is i own it myself. 

i've been playing some of the Arkham games on my PS5. i beat Guardians of the Galaxy awhile ago and that one is a must get for those who have not played it. if you don't care for it at first i didn't keep playing and you i think will fall in love with it like i did.


Red Dead Redemption II, which is serving to prove that when it comes to gaming, beauty is not everything.

Indeed, despite the gorgeous graphics it has been almost unbearably slow-paced and boring so far. It had a five-hour(!) tightly-controlled first chapter that functioned as a tutorial-lite, and I thought I was going to lose my mind plodding through all that deep snow at a snail's pace doing tasks I did not want to do.

I loved the first game a decade ago but this one seems boring despite all the glowing reviews it's gotten. Maybe it gets better? I hope? Surely sooner or later I get to gun down a nun, right?

Hopefully I won't get motion sick on this title.

What does not kill me makes me stranger.

Jim H

I've been playing Dying Light 2.  It's very OK.  Rough, a bit unpolished, overstuffed...  But passably entertaining.  I dunno, I expected more.  I wouldn't have bought it so soon, but some of my friends wanted to play co op.

Quote from: ER on February 10, 2022, 11:39:13 PM
Red Dead Redemption II, which is serving to prove that when it comes to gaming, beauty is not everything.

Indeed, despite the gorgeous graphics it has been almost unbearably slow-paced and boring so far. It had a five-hour(!) tightly-controlled first chapter that functioned as a tutorial-lite, and I thought I was going to lose my mind plodding through all that deep snow at a snail's pace doing tasks I did not want to do.

I loved the first game a decade ago but this one seems boring despite all the glowing reviews it's gotten. Maybe it gets better? I hope? Surely sooner or later I get to gun down a nun, right?

Hopefully I won't get motion sick on this title.

I do think it gets better, but not completely.  If you get through another chapter and you're still really not liking it, might consider stopping.  It gets better, but never stops having long periods of slow moments.  I particularly find the long, long segments where you're driving a wagon somewhere and characters talk to be tedious - just play it as a cutscene and edit it down, don't make me barely interact in a boring way while listening, it's just irritating.  Especially as if you divert like 10 feet off the path they want you to do, you fail.

I did like the game overall, but I found the pacing and restrictive narrative stuff for much of it to be off-putting.  The first game is better.


I'm replaying No Man's Sky. But instead of play the storyline (I didn't finish it), I'm playing the constructive mode, more than nothing I'm testing some mods.

I like the game, but after a time, it is feel repetitive. The same thing happens to me with Conan Exiles. Each time that I get news about a new update, or new content, I download the update, play some hours, and then I get bored.

If I am in mood to start playing again the main story, I gonna use some mod that skip the tutorial/introduction I found, but not today.