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Takashi Mike film

Started by RCMerchant, September 12, 2023, 09:56:51 AM

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- had a cow- or a goat- talking?- dang it! Real surreal.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Rev. Powell

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


THAT'S IT! Thank you! Now I can write the topic I wanted to!  :thumbup:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Rev. Powell

Easy peasy, right up my alley.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...