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"American Astornaut" (2001)

Started by Scottie, June 16, 2005, 05:09:37 PM

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"THE AMERICAN ASTRONAUT Written, directed, and starring Cory McAbee of The Billy Nayer Show, this space western musical uses flinty black-and-white photography, rugged Lo-Fi sets and the spirit of the final frontier to bring the film, set in the dirty, isolated vastness of outer space, to life. The film also stars Rocco Sisto and Gregory Russell Cook. THE AMERICAN ASTRONAUT follows the adventures of an interplanetary trader (McAbee) through his Homeric intergalactic journey to provide the all-female population of Venus with a suitable singular male, all the while being pursued by the cold-blooded and childish killer, Professor Hess (Sisto), an enigmatic figure from his past. The film features an original soundtrack by the The Billy Nayer Show.

First let me set the genre: this is a music driven space western. Serving partly as a vehicle for the band who made the music for the movie (The Billy Nayer Show), the movie is so much more than a music video. It was shot in black and white for slightly under $2M and probably using dressed sets at friend's apartments or basements it rocks. The movie employs high contrast black and white filming in both tight spaces and large wide open shots such as a white suited spaceman hopping across a sea of black from a distance of what seems to be a football field+. This just got released to DVD not so long ago and it might just might be in video stores around the country. I usually don't plug movies for no compensation but this one is just too cool to go by unnoticed.

Watch the trailer

___<br />Spongebob: What could be better than serving up smiles? <br />Squidward: Being Dead.



It's sad when a topic about Tom Cruise's religious wackiness gets ahead of a topic about a fantastic movie such as this one. You'll never find me posting a comment about some celebrity's affairs because it bears no interest to me whatsoever. I have my priorities straight.

___<br />Spongebob: What could be better than serving up smiles? <br />Squidward: Being Dead.


Thanks for the info on AMERICAN ASTRONAUT Scottie. This sounds like my type of film. I just qued it into my #1 position on Netflix.

Been thinking about renting OBLIVION. It's also suppose to be some kind of Space Western or Future Western.

Don't feel bad Scottie. Sometimes nobody knows anything about the rare movie your posting about. Look at the recent post I did on DRACULA'S GREAT LOVE it had zero responses and it's a very good film. Usually you will get responses when some else has also seen a film. I'm always looking out for some unknown film, so keep posting. Hopefully I will see AMERICAN ASTRONAUT within the next 10 days. Sounds like a great film and I'm looking forward to viewing it.

Post Edited (06-18-05 08:55)

Vermin Boy

Damn, now I feel bad for getting sidetracked before I could respond earlier! Anyway, I heartily agree-- I was turned on to it a few months back, and it's become near-sacred in my circle of friends. I often find myself whistling "The Girl With the Vagina Made of Glass" at odd moments, and I think it'll be a goal of mine to memorize the "Hertz Donut" joke.

Oh, and if you haven't yet, I highly recommend tracking down some Billy Nayer Show CDs. They're coming to my neck of the woods next month; I am more there than I have ever been anywhere in my life.

-Vermin Boy

My site: The Vermin Cave
My band: The Demons of Stupidity
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