| Copyright 1987 Wingnut Films
| Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'
- Derek - Peter Jackson! In this, his first film, he is: Producer, Director, Actor, Makeup Artist, and Writer. Derek is a wonderfully violent and nerdy bugger with some revolutionary ideas in the field of brain surgery. Member of the Astro-Investigation and Defense Service, last seen on his way to the alien's home planet.
- Barry - Member of the Astro-Investigation and Defense Service, spends lots of time suffering his way through being splattered with blood and entrails.
- Frank - Seems to be the leader of the Astro-Investigation and Defense Service, also sings the title song.
- Ozzy - Final member of the Astro-Investigation and Defense Service, a little on the weird/violent side.
- Giles - Hapless collector who is almost eaten.
- Robert - A retarded alien, played by Peter Jackson!
- Alien Leader - Concealed in the guise of a old man most of the movie, he finally bursts into his horrid "true" form under duress. Sort of looks like a pregnant Rogaine ad. Derek bores through him with the chainsaw.
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This is what bad movies are all about folks, I'm talking a couple of blokes, some chicken guts, automatic weapons, and aliens eating people! All written/produced/directed/acted/SFX'd by a budding Peter Jackson, it's almost a shame we lost him to work on "The Lord of the Rings" and other Tolkien works. The plot is simple and nicely executed, considering the budget they were under it's almost poetry.
Derek, Barry, Frank, and Ozzy are all members of New Zealand's premiere alien butt kicking unit: the Astro-Investigation and Defense Service. When a town is attacked and butchered by aliens (who intend to market humans as fast food) they are put into action. Abe's Oddysee ripped off this movie so bad it hurts.
The team is very human, several aliens take Barry by surprise and he only escapes certain death on account of his teammate. Derek is busy torturing Robert, thereby causing a good deal of alien screaming, and the ruckus brings every bastard in earshot running. What follows is almost a ballet of gore and clumsiness, at the end of which Derek plummets off the cliff and onto uncomfortable looking rocks. He's not dead, but royally screwed up since a chunk of his mind falls out at regular intervals.
Meanwhile, a charity collector happens into the area, and is soon scooped up by the aliens for a victory feast. His rescue dominates a good portion of the team's efforts as they sneak in, dump out the vat he is being marinated in, then try to leave quietly. Fat chance! The boys are quickly embroiled in a messy gun battle with dozens of inept aliens and Ozzy couldn't be happier. (Ozzy is a psychopath, okay?)
Derek pulls himself together and jury rigs a couple of ways to keep his head together before embarking on a chainsaw rampage. The aliens are completely outmatched by the sheer insanity of the four saviors of the Earth (and the moon), they attempt an escape velocity retreat. Poor schmucks, it is too late when the leader realizes he has a Derek on board.
"Bad Taste" has multiple reasons for recommendation. Some are a little extreme, like Frank having to "drink some chuck" (vomit, he ends up having to guzzle vomit) and a sheep being struck by a light anti-tank weapon.
"Bahhhhh..." BOOM! *giggle*
Oh, by the way, here is a great interview with Peter O'Herne (Barry) for you to read.
Things I Learned From This Movie: | |
- People carrying axes are rarely friendly.
- Having a bayonet hammered into your heel sucks!
- Sledgehammers are laying around all over the place in New Zealand.
- The custom of calling a man's male friend his "mate" is rather disconcerting.
- When firing an Uzi you don't have to make "bang, bang" sounds.
- Brains are spoon food.
- When your skull is cracked and brains are falling out avoid tight hats.
- Blood is slick stuff, mop it up before someone gets killed.
- Vomit is delicious.
- Pine cones are about the least threatening thing you can chuck at someone who has a chainsaw.
- Kicking a decapitated torso in the balls accomplishes very little.
- 11 mins - Derek has an alien hanging upside down over the cliff edge? Hey, it's a bearded and retarded Peter Jackson!
- 19 mins - They're using their buddy as a battering ram!
- 23 mins - That dude has a sledge hammer embedded in his skull!
- 29 mins - Derek is rolling down a cliff! A tall cliff... ...oh SPLAT! Sorry Derek.
- 36 mins - Derek's still alive, but a flap of his skull flopped open and brains fell out! Hehehehe, he's stuffing them back in!
- 47 mins - Yum, blue vomit.
- 57 mins - Frank is taking fire from all sorts of directions.
- 71 mins - RPG!
- 82 mins - Flying house...
- Alien Leader: "I suppose you're wondering why you're soaking in Reg's eleven secret herbs and spices." (I think he says Reg's...)
| Audio clips in wav format | SOUNDS | Starving actors speak out | |
| File | Dialog |  | badtaste1.wav
| Derek: "Stick all the pieces of brain in a plastic bag Barry, we'll need them for analysis." Barry: "No bloody way mate, you can come down here and do that yourself."
|  | badtaste2.wav
| Derek: "I'm a Derek, Dereks don't run."
|  | badtaste3.wav
| Frank: "I knew it was a mistake to issue weapons, we're a government department not a paramilitary unit." Derek: "Yeah, the Astro-Investigation and Defense Service." Ozzy: "Wish we'd change that name."
|  | badtaste4.wav
| Alien Leader: "Aren't I lucky, I got a chunky bit!"
|  | Theme Song | Listen to a clip from the soundtrack. | |
| Click for a larger image | IMAGES | Scenes from the movie | |
| Watch a scene | VIDEO | MPEG video files | |
| Leave a comment | EXTRAS | Buy the movie | |