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Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 23 October 2007

Capsule Review:    

A retired admiral and his wife are enjoying life on their private island when a face suddenly appears at the window. They are taken hostage by a crazy metal/fish man who forces the pair to send a distress call to WASP headquarters. The amphibious villain, Gadus, wants to kill Troy Tempest and capture Stingray! Thankfully, the admiral is able to include a coded message warning the Stingray crew of the danger, so Troy and Phones proceed with caution.

However, Gadus' plan is no simple ambush; the island cottage is boobytrapped! Fortunately, Troy takes no chances. The WASPs avoid certain destruction and pursue their enemy back to his underwater lair. The two male crewmembers are hampered by Phones' malfunctioning seabug, but Merina quickly swims to the rescue. She immediately gets captured. The scene that follows is one of the reasons that I love "Stingray." You know all those times when the villain suspends something over the heroine, be it a scythe, boulder, or bed of spikes? The peril is always held aloft by a rope that will be burned through after a short period of time. This time, a swordfish (I think it is 1/2 sawfish) is hanging over the mermaid! Hahahaha!

In spite of the seabug, Troy makes it in time to save the day. Both of the men probably have a few less brain cells, courtesy of near asphyxia, but who needs them? Troy has a super submarine, a mermaid, and a steady paycheck. He is living the dream.

Things I Learned From This Show:  

Green Dot You never know when a remote-control fish will come in handy.
Green Dot Umbrellas can be used as underwater sails.
Green Dot Cobra Commander has a cousin in the Navy.

Stuff To Watch For:  

Green Dot 3 mins - Either dinner always consists of fish and pineapples or you have an awesome selection of canned food.
Green Dot 12 mins - Godspeed, little fish.
Green Dot 15 mins - Don't you think that an active sonar ping would be loud enough to warn anyone in the tunnel?

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