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Good Movies / Re: Recent Viewings, Part 2
Last post by Trevor - Today at 09:45:24 AM
Quote from: M.10rda on July 25, 2024, 09:41:32 PMMore info required, Trevor!

I was interviewed for a movie on apartheid censorship in 2022 and I saw the movie last Sunday. Not bad but it was a little overwhelming to see myself onscreen in a full cinema 😊
Good Movies / Re: Recent Viewings, Part 2
Last post by Rev. Powell - Today at 09:43:19 AM
THELMA (2024): After being taken for thousands by a phone scammer, 93-year old Thelma sets out to get her money back. Playing out like a slow-motion thriller complete with low-speed chases, this comedy addresses the realities and indignities of aging with a sure touch, and is sweet without every turning sappy. Notable as the last feature film performance of Richard Roundtree. 4/5.
Good Movies / Re: Recent Viewings, Part 2
Last post by Rev. Powell - Today at 09:26:51 AM
Games / Re: Movie Title Chains
Last post by Rev. Powell - Today at 09:12:57 AM
Enough Said (2013)

Entertainment / Re: What have you been listeni...
Last post by Rev. Powell - Today at 09:08:34 AM

Entertainment / Another fun outdoor adventure!
Last post by indianasmith - Today at 08:19:53 AM
You can check it out on my YouTube channel:
Entertainment / Re: 2024 - Track the books you...
Last post by Sitting Duck - Today at 07:59:52 AM
I've read the Corman book. Among other things, he tells of how one of his most useful filmmaking tools was an airplane pilot's manual.
Off Topic Discussion / Re: Random Thought Thread Part...
Last post by ER - Today at 07:54:53 AM
Most teenagers rebel by stealing a car, becoming a drug dealer, getting a college-age boyfriend in middle school, you know, wholesome things in other words. Lucky parents.

My kid, the one who wants to be a surgeon and who completed an undergraduate organic chemistry class in eighth grade with a 4.0, has taken things up to eleven in her own unique and devastating style, and has finally pinpointed a way to truly crucify me for all the rotten things I guess I did to her and never realized I was doing, like giving her the whole downstairs for her room apartment when she was fourteen, or letting her go to Ireland for the summer when she was twelve, or putting her in a particular private school, just because she asked to go there, or when I sat by her bed with her for days when she had chicken pox at four.

Sometimes I wonder if this isn't all part of some long-term, carefully conceived plan that she's unfolded over almost the last year, I seriously do, because in retrospect it seems too precise and perfect, like burying a time-bomb under where a stage will be set up down the road.

There's a place in the Bible where it says you can sell your daughter into slavery, and I been thinking about that lately....
Off Topic Discussion / Re: Alex's even longer post th...
Last post by Alex - Today at 06:21:34 AM
A couple of decades ago now I went on a fairly intensive study of world religions while I was looking for some kind of proof that a god existed. I examined each of them and compared what they claimed they believed and compared it to how their followers behaved. In the end of the day actions speak louder than words as much as people will always use the line "Oh they aren't real [insert name of belief system]" whenever their fellow adherants do something nasty. Different names of each religion, same excuses. Anyway, after I'd checked out Islam, Christianity, Buddism... hell I even gave Scientology a look at and dug into the assorted different sects, breakway factions and cults. Satanism scored surprisingly highly, mosty because it was a lot more basically honest about things. They at least walked the walk as well rather than just talking the talk. Regardless, they all fell short (satanism included).

Anyway all that is history and a slight aside. What I am wondering is how when I was doing all this studying that I managed to miss any reference to this place?

Not that I'd be any more likely to follow them than I was with any of the other ones but I'd have had a good laugh at them along the way.

Last shift today. As part of us trying to get Ash used to crowds and noise we took him to see some wrestling. It was a lot more enjoyable that I expected. Ash didn't get upset and we were able to stay for the full event (which we did not expect). After one of the matches, there was a photo op with one of the champions. I asked Ash if he wanted to get in the ring and have his picture taken with him and was rather taken by surprise when he said yes. I was even more surprised when he went up, got in the ring and posed with the champion. I guess I'll need to take him to more events in the future. He's not been wanting to leave the house recently complaining that the outside has too many people. Well I can't disagree there but he needs sunlight.
Press Releases and Film News / Re: Trevor in a trailer: Oy
Last post by Trevor - Today at 04:06:31 AM
Quote from: Archivist on July 25, 2024, 11:03:10 PMOhhh, that's so cool! I love it!  :teddyr:  :cheers:

Thanks 😊😊

I walked into the cinema on Sunday afternoon, the first thing I saw was my face, I went 😳😳 and turned to leave. The producer saw this and asked where I was going.

I went "Umm" and made some noises, then he told me to get back in there 😳😊😊😅