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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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[Continued from here:,149958.1560.html - admin]

Since the Rev asked me to start a new thread, here we go. I had said to him about finishing the story I was doing on there up and then starting a new topic, so as promised here we are.

Tomorrow I can leave the house. Ya... Oh wait, I am an introvert. Dammit! I want another week stuck inside.

Kristi is watching Picard. I dabbled in the series a bit and it seemed ok. I figured I would watch the rest of it at some point in the future. Ash is having a terrible two's day and seeing how far he can push his boundaries. It isn't going well for him and we are having a lot of tears. We've been debating a lot recently over ownership of my chair in the mancave.

The struggle is real.

At the moment, we are sitting downstairs though, and he is facinated with Dinosaur Train. I'll settle for him watching any of his shows that aren't Peppa Pig.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


That's a super cute picture!  Bat has been pretending to have a crisis in his bedroom only to make me put my laptop down (I'm working from home) and run in there and then he races past me to my room to smack all the buttons on the laptop, steal my phone or the remote and throw it down the laundry chute.  I'm on to him now.

So.. did that guy actually try to bury a suitcase full of ladies clothes in his front yard or was that all made up?


I thought the part about the alien cyborg ninjas gave it away that it was just a story. :bouncegiggle:

Bonus points to both the Rev and Barri for noticing I'd just reworked 'Rear Window'.

I am watching an Argentinian horror film at the moment (shout out to Gabriel Knight there, but if it is terrible I am blaming you). Hmm, reading a synopsis of the film... ****SPOILER ALERT****I have never before considered sex as a way of exercising a demonic entity.

Based on Jack Nicholson in 'The Witches of Eastwick' it wouldn't work anyway.

Damn. I am out of beer. Why doesn't off licenses do home deliveries? Or how about an ice cream truck, only for adults going round with hard beverages? Hah! Imagine trying to get a business permit for that one.

I wonder if we could get Ash to stand still long enough for us to measure his height. Kind of doubt it. If he stretches out in his cot then I might have a chance of checking it while he sleeps.

It just occured to me that I've not watched The Witches of Eastwick since the glory days of VHS.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


i love that movie! one of the rare ones where i feel the movie is better than the book.
don't EVEN...EVER!

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM

Damn. I am out of beer. Why doesn't off licenses do home deliveries? Or how about an ice cream truck, only for adults going round with hard beverages? Hah! Imagine trying to get a business permit for that one.

You can't get beer delivered? We can! Hard liquor, too. Score one for the USA!
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM
I have never before considered sex as a way of exercising a demonic entity.

Exercising?  Ask any succubus/incubus.
Exorcising?  Apparently not.
"May I offer you a Peek Frean?" - Walter Bishop
"Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior, Mr. Reese." - Harold Finch


We can get it delivered from supermarkets, but not off licenses or bars. At least I haven't came across any that offer that service.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Quote from: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM
I thought the part about the alien cyborg ninjas gave it away that it was just a story. :bouncegiggle:

OK! I knew the rest of it was pretty much a story but I thought you were inspired by the guy actually burying the suitcase and just embellished from there.   I was getting the Rear Window reference, but it was also reminding be a bit of The 'Burbs.

P.S.  Hi Newt! 


Quote from: Newt on March 19, 2020, 06:53:28 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM
I have never before considered sex as a way of exercising a demonic entity.

Exercising?  Ask any succubus/incubus.
Exorcising?  Apparently not.
Nice to see you around, Newt
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


The British soldier who died alongside two American's in the recent rocket attack in Iraq has arrived back in the UK. Lance Corporal Brodie Gillon was repatriated back to Brize Norton. She travelled a long way to do her duty and gave all she had, and all she ever could have.

Remember that if you are asked to stay inside for a few days and feel like grumbling about it.

Got out the house for the first time in a week today. It was just a trip to the local shop, but it was nice feeling the cold air on my skin. Kristi did insist though that I went back into the house and put some clothes on though before we went any further.

We are looking at heading into Elgin later. It will be interesting to see how the supermarkets are doing. We don't need much. The local shop was entirely out of milk. We still have a couple of cartons as well as powdered milk for emergencies, but I'd like to get some of the normal stuff for Ash.

We managed to get cheese and bread though and if we have that then we can make toasted cheese and if we can make toasted cheese then there is something right with the world.

Ash was on full-on terrible twos mode today. If I told him not to do something then he'd look around at me, put on a cheeky smile and keep on doing it. He spent a lot of time in his cot as a result. His happy smile would be replaced with some screaming and I'd leave him there for ten minutes or so.

Heard earlier that they have finally taken the decision to order all bars, clubs, cafes and restaurants have been to close. Everything is being done piecemeal though.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Kristi is feeling bad about our food stock again. I've pointed out to her that all our food has been bought up over the past several years, it wasn't panic bought and it hasn't left anyone else without stuff. It is part of her religion to be prepared for a disaster and ok, we were thinking more along the lines of bad weather stopping supplies getting to shops or something, but it still works now. She was donating some long-life milk to one of the food bank charities which I am totally fine with. I think it surprised her though when she asked me about giving stuff to the people I worked with and I pointed out to her that they are on more or less the same money than me and could have prepared themselves.

Other peoples lack of preparedness is not my emergency. If they chose to spend their money on other things, well that is up to them.

I wouldn't see them and their kids going hungry, but I am not about to start doling out food parcels to the entire street either. Hopefully, I can keep talking to her and convince her that she hasn't done anything wrong.

Its Mothers Day tomorrow in the UK. Got cards posted off down to my mum. And holy crap, I just realised I haven't bought anything for Kristi from Ash. Having been stuck in the house kind of has that effect. Well, it is handy that she is sleeping just now. I can pop out to the shop and correct my error.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Number one thing I admire about LDS: they try to be prepared!
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Ok, flowers, chocolates, card and fluffy toy have been bought. I feel a little bad about not having something more for her, but then again, getting out the house has been a no no until yesterday.

Having another fun day with Ash. He got upset when I wouldn't let him in our bedroom. Kristi had a sudden attack of tiredness so I sent her for a lie-down and he is just going to have to get used to that idea. He decided to sink his teeth into my nipple when I wouldn't let him go, so he is currently having a cry in his cot. When he calms down a bit I'll go retrieve him.

We have a whatsapp group for my office. The feeling seems to be that we will be going down to minimum manning. Two on days, one on nights. No idea what days I'll be working or anything, but hopefully I'll catch up on what has been happening this past week when I go back on Monday.

Discovered yesterday that the first person I know has lost someone to Covid. One of the officers on base mother has died. I always think death is such a waste. All that learning and experience just gone. My grandmother, for example, had seen two world wars and a pandemic that makes this one seem like a mild cold. She witnessed the rise and fall of the Nazi's, the end of the British empire, the moon landings, the fall of communism... and so many other events. And then all one day all those memories are just gone. As Roy Batty* said, "lost in time like tears in the rain."

When I got Ash up from his time out, he just wanted to be held. He must have lain against my shoulder, sobbing for a good 10 - 15 minutes. Most unlike him. And of course, since he has a runny nose I'd to change my tee shirt afterwards. When I was younger, so many of my female friends had lain their heads in the same place whenever they needed a shoulder to cry on that I was convinced they'd worn a comfortable groove in it. It is still available for use, but unless you are Kristi I now charge a fee.

Comfortable shoulders to cry on, don't grow on trees you know.

Finding it amusing that shops are only taking cards right now rather than cash. Any emergency based film I've ever watched people will only take cash or barter. Folks, you are doing the apocalypse all wrong. And where are the damn zombies anyway?

*Or at least Rutger Hauer said it. I now have an urge to rewatch 'Blind Fury'.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


kids sense our stress. ash is sensing kristi's, i think. please reiterate from me that she is NOT to feel guilty for being who she is and doing things the way she was raised to do them. i'm willing to share my' new england snowbound" food hoard in ceertain circumstances, but NOT from guilt. i have nothing to feel guilty about for being practical, and neither does she. i know it's part of her religion,but family first, always. give her my love. :thumbup: :cheers:
don't EVEN...EVER!


Feeling much better than I did last night. Had a raging headache, anything touching my skin was extremely painful and I felt like I was burning up. Considered taking myself to the local hospital, but since I wasn't collapsing or passing out I figured I'd be fine. Two of the guys from my office are in lockdown right now. I wonder if any of us will escape it before this is over. Some are gleefully taking time off work, others are more worried.

I'll be back at work myself tomorrow. I wonder just how many across the camp will be off. Some English politician said that people should escape to the Highlands to avoid getting infected. One caravan park had to turn away a convoy of 30 vehicles as they just didn't have enough room for everyone. Others have been pointing out, yes the area you are heading to has a low population density. This means it has very little in the way of medical facilities. One ambulance and one doctor covers that particular region, so if you do come up here and fall ill then you are f**ked. Doubtless the local shops equally lack the supplies for that many people suddenly turning up at this time of year. Summer and the tourist season is some way off.

I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness