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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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Went into work for my annual assessment. Got the usual "Look I know you've said you don't want to be promoted, but you could go far if you wanted" type speech. I was even told I am wasting my potential. I disagree there. I want to keep my potential, so I've hidden it away somewhere where no one else can get to use it. Just feels like I am one wasting my time because I don't care enough to write out what my objectives are for the year ahead, keep a diary of all the really good stuff I've done and so forth. Then my bosses have to waste their time writing up and commenting on all this stuff.

Besides, the way promotion works, they only stop promoting you when you get to a level where you are no longer good at your job, or you've ran out of ranks to go up.

Tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of the day we discovered we'd lost Lilly-Beth. Guess that is easier to deal with now we have Ash. Not that he replaces her or anything. After I finish work on Friday, we'll head out the cemetery. for whatever reason, I like to give her fresh flowers regularly. It wasn't until the 18th though that she was born. This week is never going to be a fun one to get through.

Sometimes I really wish I could believe in a god so I could be angry with him. Then again, that is hardly the only thing he (or she) would owe us a few explanations on.

Got another American friend wanting to move to the area (I think this is the 3rd one). She has an advantage that she was born in the UK to American parents and has a passport for both countries, thus meaning she doesn't have to go through all the citizenship stuff Kristi had to endure. She's an ex-(US) marine. I wonder how she'll get on the with US naval personnel going to be stationed here. Anyway, she is looking at moving here in about 3 years time. Hey Indy, if you re-enlist you could get posted to Scotland. She has decided that she'll need to make a monthly (or more) call to Kristi to organise things for coming over. I believe the pair of them are nattering away on the phone at the moment.

Hopefully, they will all learn to drive on the left side of the road.

I've seen that 'Fade to Gray' is on Shudder. I've been wanting to watch that one again for a while. I might just sign up for a week or something so I can.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Well, today marks the fifth anniversary of us losing Lilly-Beth. When I finished at work we took out a trip out to the cemetery to put fresh flowers down, The grave beside hers has a small fence around it, which prevents the grass from getting cut. I find this irritating, but I take a heavy-duty pair of scissors out with us so I can cut it and tidy it up a bit. That grave looks like it doesn't get visitors very often if ever, and I suppose I could just remove the wire fence and the chances seem to be that no one would notice, but it doesn't take long to sort it out.

Miss you baby girl.

It was a nice, warm day today. The weather forecasters talked about it being the last gasp of summer. I think it is going to be a bad winter and not because of snow, rain, storms or any other such phenomenon. It is looking like we might be heading for a second lock down.

I wonder if the country can afford it.

I like what Indonesia is doing with anti-maskers. Apparantly, they don't have enough grave diggers to cope with the increased death rate, so people who don't wear masks get made to help dig graves for those who die of Covid. Not that I expect it to change their minds. Some people are a bit too much like the population of High Brazil...

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Our warm weather week seems to have come to an end on a cloudy day. We had planned a walk along the beach if it was a nice day but not really the weather for it. Shame as a nice long walk would have been really good. Oh well.

Asmodee are doing a sale on Steam for a lot of their board game adaptations. Picked up a few of the ones I've been wanting to play for a while. I mean, if I am going to pay somewhere upwards of £100 for a physical game it is worth paying £5 to see if it is any good or not first.

The first chapter is complete for my D&D game next week. I've made it pretty tough. Perhaps too tough? Oh well, I guess I'll see if everyone dies on the first big fight or not. Now I have two weeks to finish the first adventure for group 2 and the second for group 1.

I'll be glad when we can gather in the one group again.

I wonder if there is an alternative universe where Blaze Bailey went on to be bigger with Iron Maiden than Bruce Dickenson ever was?
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


The Westminster government has decided to fine people who fail to safe isolate when required up to £10,000 (or people who prevent others from self-isolating) along with financial help for those who have to isolate. I think they should go more along the lines of Indonesia. Don't think the virus is real? Fine, you can help deal with the bodies. After all, if it isn't a thing you have nothing to worry about.

I see someone tried mailing Ricin to trump. Not that I like the guy, but I really don't think that is the way to go. Too high a chance of getting the wrong person, and besides, I know a few presidents have been assassinated, but I am sure all his mail will be checked long before it gets anywhere near him.

On a side note, I find it interesting that only one serving British PM has ever been assassinated. Given the whole empire thing, the IRA and various other things, I'd have expected that to be higher. The one that was killed, was by some businessman who blamed the government for his debt.

Randomly started thinking about women from my past, I guess brought on from a comment in another thread. I've slept with girls from Scotland (only the one from my native country), Ireland, England (never managed Wales although I did try with one Welsh girl, she just wasn't interested, and there was a Welsh girl who was interested in me, but I failed to pick up on this. I did at least have sex with a girl in Wales, even if she wasn't Welsh), Germany, Denmark, one I am not sure if she was Swedish or Norwegian, a girl from Trans-Moldovia (so I am not sure if that counts as Moldovia or Russian. She was pro-Russia. Hmm thinking about it, she might have been Ukrainian and the Trans-Moldavian was a different girl who I didn't sleep with), China, Brazil and the USA. Apologies to the ghostly memories of any other nationalities I've either forgotten about or even not known what country they were from. Or the ones whose names I never found out.

Of all of them though, roughly half the women were English. I lived in England for less than 3 years, and the only girl I slept with during that time was Irish. Almost none of these initial encounters took place in the home country of any of the women involved, and none of them were older than me (unless they lied about their ages, which is possible, but wouldn't bother me as this isn't something that was ever deliberate). I did miss out on adding Canada to that list (didn't realise she was coming on to me), definately Norway (I'd just got involved with Kristi and she was married to a friend so a double no there), Finland (actually a man rather than a woman. He even tried proposing to me. I said I'd think about it and never got back to him).

There have been all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours and a wide assortment of what each of them prefer in the bedroom. Two I would rate as having been boring (fairs fair though, they might have thought the same of me). Both of them were told this (one during the act itself, I hadn't particularly wanted to be with her, it was kind of hate/hate sex which looking back is odd, even if it made sense at the time, the other during an arguement after we'd split up. She started a fight one night and did her level best to hurt my feelings. The more she tried, the more I laughed and the angrier she got until eventually, having ran out of things to say, she switched to just obscenities and screamed "F you". I smiled and replied "Been there, done that and honey, you ain't that good". Had we had this arguement the night before or the night after, I would have just let her rant and rave, but she happened to pick the night inbetween that caught me in exactly the wrong mood). Only one girl I found was substantially different in any notable way to all the others (strangely, the one mentioned above about the arguement).

That I know of, I've failed to realise a girl from Canada, four from England, one from Scotland were coming on to me as well as maybe a dozen others whose country of origin I genuinely have no idea of. I've had 3 gay men come on to me (including the one who proposed), and although I've been complimented, I've not been interested. There was of course the one lesbian (who it took me until after midnight to realise she was wanting sex).

Although I've only really used the internet in the last 15 years, around half the girls I've mentioned above were originally met online and none on any kind of dating app (all from gaming). I did try a dating app for a few months when I decided to get back into relationships, but didn't find anyone who was interested in me and I would be interested in, in return. Besides, I then met Kristi so I cancelled it. Hopefully I deleted my profile. Hmm, that's something I should check if I can remember the name of the website. Or if not hopefully its been removed since I haven't logged into it, in what 10 years I guess. It was supposed to be one that catered to people who like the same music as me, but I found it was just the sort of people I guess you'd find on any such website. Mind you, I guess the chances of bumping into someone in the street who starts to berate me for not replying to their messages is fairly low.

Of all these ladies, I have only kept in touch with two of them. There is one more I wish I had kept in touch with, and two that I often wonder what they are doing now, and they are both the ones I found boring.

What all this makes me consider, is just how small the world has become, even before the net.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on September 20, 2020, 08:13:06 AM
The Westminster government has decided to fine people who fail to safe isolate when required up to £10,000 (or people who prevent others from self-isolating) along with financial help for those who have to isolate. I think they should go more along the lines of Indonesia. Don't think the virus is real? Fine, you can help deal with the bodies. After all, if it isn't a thing you have nothing to worry about.

I see someone tried mailing Ricin to trump. Not that I like the guy, but I really don't think that is the way to go. Too high a chance of getting the wrong person, and besides, I know a few presidents have been assassinated, but I am sure all his mail will be checked long before it gets anywhere near him.

On a side note, I find it interesting that only one serving British PM has ever been assassinated. Given the whole empire thing, the IRA and various other things, I'd have expected that to be higher. The one that was killed, was by some businessman who blamed the government for his debt.

Randomly started thinking about women from my past, I guess brought on from a comment in another thread. I've slept with girls from Scotland (only the one from my native country), Ireland, England (never managed Wales although I did try with one Welsh girl, she just wasn't interested, and there was a Welsh girl who was interested in me, but I failed to pick up on this. I did at least have sex with a girl in Wales, even if she wasn't Welsh), Germany, Denmark, one I am not sure if she was Swedish or Norwegian, a girl from Trans-Moldovia (so I am not sure if that counts as Moldovia or Russian. She was pro-Russia. Hmm thinking about it, she might have been Ukrainian and the Trans-Moldavian was a different girl who I didn't sleep with), China, Brazil and the USA. Apologies to the ghostly memories of any other nationalities I've either forgotten about or even not known what country they were from. Or the ones whose names I never found out.

Of all of them though, roughly half the women were English. I lived in England for less than 3 years, and the only girl I slept with during that time was Irish. Almost none of these initial encounters took place in the home country of any of the women involved, and none of them were older than me (unless they lied about their ages, which is possible, but wouldn't bother me as this isn't something that was ever deliberate). I did miss out on adding Canada to that list (didn't realise she was coming on to me), definately Norway (I'd just got involved with Kristi and she was married to a friend so a double no there), Finland (actually a man rather than a woman. He even tried proposing to me. I said I'd think about it and never got back to him).

There have been all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours and a wide assortment of what each of them prefer in the bedroom. Two I would rate as having been boring (fairs fair though, they might have thought the same of me). Both of them were told this (one during the act itself, I hadn't particularly wanted to be with her, it was kind of hate/hate sex which looking back is odd, even if it made sense at the time, the other during an arguement after we'd split up. She started a fight one night and did her level best to hurt my feelings. The more she tried, the more I laughed and the angrier she got until eventually, having ran out of things to say, she switched to just obscenities and screamed "F you". I smiled and replied "Been there, done that and honey, you ain't that good". Had we had this arguement the night before or the night after, I would have just let her rant and rave, but she happened to pick the night inbetween that caught me in exactly the wrong mood). Only one girl I found was substantially different in any notable way to all the others (strangely, the one mentioned above about the arguement).

That I know of, I've failed to realise a girl from Canada, four from England, one from Scotland were coming on to me as well as maybe a dozen others whose country of origin I genuinely have no idea of. I've had 3 gay men come on to me (including the one who proposed), and although I've been complimented, I've not been interested. There was of course the one lesbian (who it took me until after midnight to realise she was wanting sex).

Although I've only really used the internet in the last 15 years, around half the girls I've mentioned above were originally met online and none on any kind of dating app (all from gaming). I did try a dating app for a few months when I decided to get back into relationships, but didn't find anyone who was interested in me and I would be interested in, in return. Besides, I then met Kristi so I cancelled it. Hopefully I deleted my profile. Hmm, that's something I should check if I can remember the name of the website. Or if not hopefully its been removed since I haven't logged into it, in what 10 years I guess. It was supposed to be one that catered to people who like the same music as me, but I found it was just the sort of people I guess you'd find on any such website. Mind you, I guess the chances of bumping into someone in the street who starts to berate me for not replying to their messages is fairly low.

Of all these ladies, I have only kept in touch with two of them. There is one more I wish I had kept in touch with, and two that I often wonder what they are doing now, and they are both the ones I found boring.

What all this makes me consider, is just how small the world has become, even before the net.

Holy hell, dude! lolololololol

Oh, me.

I'm having a good weekend, hope you are too.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


PS: when you say the man "proposed" to you, he was proposing a physical encounter, or he was proposing to buy the cow to get the milk, ring on your finger and joint-filing on your taxes?

No one's ever offered me marriage just to get sex. I'm jealous.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


It was a full get down and one knee and propose marriage. He did strike me as a rather lonely person though.

Finally got Ash to say his name before. Much like walking, it is something he seems to be fully capable of. He just isn't doing it because he doesn't seem to feel the need to. With the walking, there was no gradual progression. One day he was crawling around. The next, he was tottering around on his feet. He has learned a lot of words and phrases, which he'll use for a few days and then just stop.

He also went three days without pooping. Boy, did he make up for it today though.

Backed another kickstarter today. It is a game by a guy called Sandy Peterson who is something of a legend in the gaming world, both for paper roleplaying games (Call of Cthulhu) and for the computer games he has been involved in (pretty sure and Civilization & Doom both have places on his resume). He's turned his hand to board games and I wanted to back a previous one (Cthulhu Wars), but Kristi talked me out of backing it immediately and waiting. I then missed the chance to back it, so this time I jumped right in there. The game I am planning on being a present for Kristi's xmas 2021 (should come out next October).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on September 20, 2020, 08:13:06 AM
The Westminster government has decided to fine people who fail to safe isolate when required up to £10,000 (or people who prevent others from self-isolating) along with financial help for those who have to isolate. I think they should go more along the lines of Indonesia. Don't think the virus is real? Fine, you can help deal with the bodies. After all, if it isn't a thing you have nothing to worry about.

I see someone tried mailing Ricin to trump. Not that I like the guy, but I really don't think that is the way to go. Too high a chance of getting the wrong person, and besides, I know a few presidents have been assassinated, but I am sure all his mail will be checked long before it gets anywhere near him.

On a side note, I find it interesting that only one serving British PM has ever been assassinated. Given the whole empire thing, the IRA and various other things, I'd have expected that to be higher. The one that was killed, was by some businessman who blamed the government for his debt.

Randomly started thinking about women from my past, I guess brought on from a comment in another thread. I've slept with girls from Scotland (only the one from my native country), Ireland, England (never managed Wales although I did try with one Welsh girl, she just wasn't interested, and there was a Welsh girl who was interested in me, but I failed to pick up on this. I did at least have sex with a girl in Wales, even if she wasn't Welsh), Germany, Denmark, one I am not sure if she was Swedish or Norwegian, a girl from Trans-Moldovia (so I am not sure if that counts as Moldovia or Russian. She was pro-Russia. Hmm thinking about it, she might have been Ukrainian and the Trans-Moldavian was a different girl who I didn't sleep with), China, Brazil and the USA. Apologies to the ghostly memories of any other nationalities I've either forgotten about or even not known what country they were from. Or the ones whose names I never found out.

Of all of them though, roughly half the women were English. I lived in England for less than 3 years, and the only girl I slept with during that time was Irish. Almost none of these initial encounters took place in the home country of any of the women involved, and none of them were older than me (unless they lied about their ages, which is possible, but wouldn't bother me as this isn't something that was ever deliberate). I did miss out on adding Canada to that list (didn't realise she was coming on to me), definately Norway (I'd just got involved with Kristi and she was married to a friend so a double no there), Finland (actually a man rather than a woman. He even tried proposing to me. I said I'd think about it and never got back to him).

There have been all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours and a wide assortment of what each of them prefer in the bedroom. Two I would rate as having been boring (fairs fair though, they might have thought the same of me). Both of them were told this (one during the act itself, I hadn't particularly wanted to be with her, it was kind of hate/hate sex which looking back is odd, even if it made sense at the time, the other during an arguement after we'd split up. She started a fight one night and did her level best to hurt my feelings. The more she tried, the more I laughed and the angrier she got until eventually, having ran out of things to say, she switched to just obscenities and screamed "F you". I smiled and replied "Been there, done that and honey, you ain't that good". Had we had this arguement the night before or the night after, I would have just let her rant and rave, but she happened to pick the night inbetween that caught me in exactly the wrong mood). Only one girl I found was substantially different in any notable way to all the others (strangely, the one mentioned above about the arguement).

That I know of, I've failed to realise a girl from Canada, four from England, one from Scotland were coming on to me as well as maybe a dozen others whose country of origin I genuinely have no idea of. I've had 3 gay men come on to me (including the one who proposed), and although I've been complimented, I've not been interested. There was of course the one lesbian (who it took me until after midnight to realise she was wanting sex).

Although I've only really used the internet in the last 15 years, around half the girls I've mentioned above were originally met online and none on any kind of dating app (all from gaming). I did try a dating app for a few months when I decided to get back into relationships, but didn't find anyone who was interested in me and I would be interested in, in return. Besides, I then met Kristi so I cancelled it. Hopefully I deleted my profile. Hmm, that's something I should check if I can remember the name of the website. Or if not hopefully its been removed since I haven't logged into it, in what 10 years I guess. It was supposed to be one that catered to people who like the same music as me, but I found it was just the sort of people I guess you'd find on any such website. Mind you, I guess the chances of bumping into someone in the street who starts to berate me for not replying to their messages is fairly low.

Of all these ladies, I have only kept in touch with two of them. There is one more I wish I had kept in touch with, and two that I often wonder what they are doing now, and they are both the ones I found boring.

What all this makes me consider, is just how small the world has become, even before the net.

and there's the OTHER women. like me. that see you as the rotten little butthead brother they didn't have growing up. and appreciate you for being that now, even when i want to throttle you. i DO love you just for being you. and i want to throttle you for the exact same reason , which makes you a sibling in my heart. :)
don't EVEN...EVER!


I've seen one issue dominate the news for weeks or months before. I don't think I've ever seen a single issue dominate the news for as long and for as much as Covid-19 has, without some other event overtaking it even if only temporarily. Today, 1/3 of the musicians union have apparently announced they plan on quitting the industry for good due to the financial hardship they are now going through. Best of luck on finding a job in another area at the moment. I am expecting to hear stricter rules being imposed across Scotland from either tomorrow or Thursday. Since they reopened bars the infection rate has been climbing. Drunk people don't really socially isolate. We are currently heading towards 50,000 infections per day by the middle of next month and an extra 200 deaths per day shortly afterwards.

Happy autumn everyone. Time to go running through piles of crunchy leaves. It is getting dark in the evening again. I love this time of year.

As expected, Covid restrictions have been increased again. We still aren't back on the full lockdown we experienced during the spring, but it is enough that I am going to have to delay starting my D&D game. Irksome, but when it comes to saving someone's life hardly a price anyone should complain about paying.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Work has descended from me learning new stuff, to me and my boss talking about the random topic of the day. Yesterday it was martial arts (he is an instructor in a couple of different disciplines), today it was fantasy authors (my favourite is between David Gemmell and Raymond Fiest, although tomorrow it could be different authors. REH often features on that list or Fritz Lieber).

I just went to pet Elsa. She wasn't expecting it and jumped a good 8 inches in the air.

Kristi told me yesterday that I already knew what she was going to get me for an xmas present. I said I'd no idea, but made a couple of guesses. Judging from the look she gave me, I guessed exactly right on both. Somehow I am now in the doghouse over randomly guessing something that I was already supposed to know.

Not quite sure how that works. I'll put it down as women logic.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


The joy of work being over and done with for another week.

I might even do a happy dance.

Hmm, a policeman was shot inside a police station in England. They've got the guy who did it (or possibly girl I guess, I haven't seen). They are rare enough here that such crimes always make the national news.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on September 25, 2020, 02:59:29 PM
The joy of work being over and done with for another week.

I might even do a happy dance.

I hear ya on the dancing. Two weeks for me. Enjoy, sir, enjoy.  :thumbup:
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


So one of the groups I am in posts a lot of really funny stuff up as well as a lot of interesting science-based discussions. The one problem with it is, the group is a real bunch of men haters. I mean even the other guys in it hate men.

I am so struggling not to drop my theory of why women are all crazy in there just to see their reactions.

Pretty sure that would be an insta-kick.

I wonder if anyone makes spring loaded coffins. Imagine the surprise some poor future archaeologist would get.

Catching up on The Boys. I've not watched the past couple of episodes so I could do a binge watch. Funny how it seems to be a metaphor for politics right now.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


i need to catch up too, i think i'm 2 episodes behind. i got hooked on" the block", an aussie renovation competition and went to binge city for weeks, lol! the closed captions are a riot, poor curtis is like" WTH is  park tree?" "me-"honey, scott actually said parquetry, those floors you liked". him-"OOHHH!!!!! how do you understand these people when the CC people dont?" i cracked up!
don't EVEN...EVER!


Sadly the weekend is drawing to a close, and work looms in the morning. Still, it has been a good weekend and a relaxing one.

Except for the days. Ash tends to be running around like a little dervish during those hours and always touching something he shouldn't be. Tell him off and he giggles like we are playing a game with him.

Kristi managed to find where this game was hiding in one of our cupboards.

We get to make our own B-movies again!

Rewatching season 1 of The Expanse before watching season 2. Its been a long time since I last saw it and I've forgotten much of what the show was actually about. Still, I remember enjoying it.

Time to go iron uniform. The things I do for my underworked and overpaid job (although I'd like to point out that were I working a different role in my job, I'd be overworked and underpaid. I just happened to get lucky with my choice of posting).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.