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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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Went to see the new Ghostbusters film. I was rather prepared to not like it and did not have high hopes, but it was alright. I am not sure that I would consider it a full on sequel as it lacks the feel of the other two movies. Then again, would an '80s comedy work 40 years on? There were some touching callbacks to the other movies and it certainly was a lot more respectful to the franchise than the all female disaster they put out a few years back and thankfully I did not see any connections to that movie (I think they should have stuck with the original plan of having the original crew handing over to a new generation rather than a reboot, but that is by the by). I'd say it leans more towards the horror side of horror/comedy but is still child friendly.

4 more days at work to go. I still do not know if I am going to get to spend Christmas with the family or if I am going to be called away on work. If I can make it to the 16th without all the checks they need to carry out being cleared then I am all good and it won't be until next year before I have to go whereever they send me. If not... well it is in the lap of the gods.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Got a new phone yesterday. Because I've been unhappy with the battery performance on my iphone, I am trying an android type thing. People keep asking me what phone I got and because when I go looking for a phone, what I expect it to be able to do is phone people (although I will also use texts), I don't really go much into the type or specs of them, all I can answer them with is that it is a black phone.

I did set it up to act as a hotspot for my laptop though. Since I work beside a conspiracy theorist, I decided to name my network 'NSA Surveillance Team 3'. I don't think it will even occur to him that we would be more likely to be monitored by one of the MI's, rather than an American agency so far down that rabbit hole is he.

Feeling all fine now following my booster shot and back to about 95% I'd say. Still, I spent a highly productive day yesterday watching Pacific Rim and similar type films. Rewrote my will today and set up my Death Benefits just in case. I am getting very close until my retirement and I've watched too many movies not to start getting paranoid about that. 18 months to go man, short time.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Well since falling sick a few days ago (non-Covid, but I was still confined to my hotel room for 2 days), today was the first time I could get out of my small room. I was starting to feel a bit cabin feverish (it would be ironic if they were to confine me to my room for that).

Last night was the first time I've spent New Years completely alone. It did not feel like a celebration, although I had a beer, watched some wrestling and made the best of it. Kristi had gone to bed early, so we didn't even spend it chatting online. There are people in worse situations than us though and I am aware that in many ways I am still living a blessed life. I have food, water and shelter. Many people lack even those basics.

The last day at work, at the end of the day while we were tidying up, I was taking some trash out to the large bins outside. When I lifted the lid up, I found it was coating in some thick, slimy substance. I immediately scrubbed my hands a couple of times and then used some alcohol gel to clean them, but I still can't help wondering if that had something to do with me being ill the next day.

Watching the 1965 movie of The Battle of the Bulge. The WW2 nerd in me keeps screaming out at the incorrect tanks being used. Those are most certainly not Panthers, Tigers or Shermans (ok, there were Chaffee's being used at that time which seems to be the main tank the US forces are fielding, but I don't think they were present in these numbers for the battle, although I could be wrong there).

Off again tomorrow, but everything will still be closed lol. I guess this will continue to be my world for a bit longer. Got a meeting to go to at 15:00. I wonder what wonderful new (bad) news we'll be getting? After that, I am going to return to my room and drink lots and lots of alcoholic beverages.

Happy New Year to everyone, and may this year finally see us out of this damn pandemic. And no bringing back the murder hornets either!  :drink: :cheers:
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Our team was having our evening meal tonight and one of the team who does a lot I of I am saving the world virtue-signalling brought up that eating meat is killing the planet. I said eating meat isn't the problem, it is the number of people on the planet. She answered that if I cared to check the science I'd find out I was wrong.

I chuckled and replied, "If you have less people on the planet, then you'll have less meat getting eaten."

That got a somewhat subdued "Oh yeah." I then pointed out I've never owned a car while she has a big petrol-guzzling van. I should have also mentioned she had planned a wedding that involved flying over to Norway with her friends and family, rather than doing something local.

Trying to save the planet my arse.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Explored Fort William today. Although it is only slightly bigger than Lossiemouth it does have much more in the way of shops and cafes. It even has a small independent cinema that I wouldn't mind visiting. That being said, I think I would hate living here. It is very much a tourist place, and when you get off the main street things do not look quite as nice. It very much reminds me of Port Stanley down the Falklands (although bigger and nicer). Lovely scenery and the hotel we are in is awesome. The food is fantastic and the bed is just so damn comfortable. I've stayed in a lot of hotels over the years and so far they've all fitted into one of two categories, either they are ok, or they are s**t. This is the first place that has ever received an unequivocal  :thumbup: from me, would totally recommend it to anyone. The staff go out of their way to be helpful and even gave us some free drinks at the bar last night. So if any of you ever find yourselves in Fort William I can totally recommend the Nevis Bank Inn.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on January 08, 2022, 06:05:29 AMI've stayed in a lot of hotels over the years and so far they've all fitted into one of two categories, either they are ok, or they are s**t.

There's a bad hotel in South Africa I stayed in about a decade ago: all I can say is if you have to stay there, don't. Rather sleep in your car.  :buggedout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Took a gander at "The Watch". I guess it has vague connections to the Terry Pratchett novel, but not many. I don't think I'd care to watch a second season.

Got season 13 of Supernatural playing at the moment, working my way up to 15.

I took a short walk outside today. I've seen everything the town has to offer and I have no idea why, but something is making me feel uncomfortable here. Maybe it is just from being away from my family for so long, but I get an odd bad feeling just from being in this place. The hotel itself is fine, but outside of it... Despite the attempted murder (apparently the local drug dealer isn't very good at his job and the entire town knows who he is) that happened just across the road (or that our captain has found herself being a witness), this is a low crime area, kids are polite and well behaved.

This place could almost be called Stepford.

Back to work tomorrow. Got a six-day week to look forward to (*grumble*). Nice enough people we are working with (everyone is just so damn nice).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Another day of sticking sharpened steel into people. We think we'll be moving southwards toward the central belt and more people soon. Hoping for Glasgow, but I think after the luck I've had so far that would be too much to ask.

Our leader hasn't joined us for a meal for a few days. Not since our discussion on vegan ethics. I think she is lucky I didn't go further and point out how she is only interested in saving the world when it suits her.

There are rumours we will be moving southwards to where manpower is more required. The vast majority of the population of the highlands has already had three vaccines injections, meaning we spend most of our days waiting on people turning up and not seeing many people. I don't mind doing this job, but I want to be busy doing it.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Going to miss being with Kristi for her birthday tomorrow. It will be the first one I've not been with her since we got married. We did miss spending one of my birthdays together when I was in the south Atlantic but it still feels strange not to be there with her. I'll phone her in the morning before I got to work and we'll chat again in the evening, maybe do what we used to do and have a 'date' by watching a film together at the same time online. There weren't too many things we could do when she was in the US and I was over here, so we had to get a bit creative, especially with the time difference. It wasn't too bad when I was working nights though. That meant our schedules were a lot more aligned.

Doesn't stop me from feeling bad about not being there though.

Hearing rumours Danhausen will shortly sign for AEW. Should be entertaining. I look forward to seeing him interact with the Gunn Club some more.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Oh and I convinced Dean (who has never seen it), that The Star Wars Holiday Special was essential viewing for any true fan.  :bouncegiggle:
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


So in last weeks D&D, the 600lb Half-Orc fighter was knocked off the top of a tower by the dragon he was fighting, fell 50 feet and smacked into the hard stone floor. He took enough damage to ensure that he wasn't getting back up from that, and the party decided rather than carry his body back, they would just bury him in the swamp.

My mind keeps wanting to work out what force he'd have hit the ground at, and what his velocity would have been. Tonight they squared off against a semi home-brewed monster. I put them up against a giant Amphisbaena. The party didn't only have to deal with it attacking with two heads, but also with the fact it had encircled them and its coils were tightening, forcing them into a smaller and smaller area to fight against it. Luckily for the group, they managed to kill it before they ran out of room and started getting crushed.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on January 14, 2022, 05:24:48 PM
So in last weeks D&D, the 600lb Half-Orc fighter was knocked off the top of a tower by the dragon he was fighting, fell 50 feet and smacked into the hard stone floor. He took enough damage to ensure that he wasn't getting back up from that, and the party decided rather than carry his body back, they would just bury him in the swamp.

My mind keeps wanting to work out what force he'd have hit the ground at, and what his velocity would have been. Tonight they squared off against a semi home-brewed monster. I put them up against a giant Amphisbaena. The party didn't only have to deal with it attacking with two heads, but also with the fact it had encircled them and its coils were tightening, forcing them into a smaller and smaller area to fight against it. Luckily for the group, they managed to kill it before they ran out of room and started getting crushed.

Force equals mass times acceleration, so a 600-pound half-orc falling fifty feet is about 31,000 pounds of force, rounded slightly upwards.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


My day today consisted of lying in bed until 10, got up and going for a walk where I picked up some junk food for breakfast before coming back to my hotel room and going for a nap.

Apparently, I have become a toddler.

It is raining again, because well why not? I don't think the local gods are aware that they have a range of options when it comes to the prevailing weather conditions.

Good job I have plenty of DVD's and games to keep me amused in the meantime. Trying to decide if I need a beer or two for tonight though. On the last disc of season 14 Supernatural, one more season to go.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Here I am back in Inverness.

Where it isn't raining. I went out for a nice walk, picked up a few things (including a multiblock as hotels never have enough power sockets). We are in the Mercure again, but this time I have a room facing out over the river than onto the street with all the bars and nightclubs so hoping I'll get a better nights sleep. I am on the 5th floor this time rather than the 4th and the room seems to be much nicer, not to mention slightly larger.

Nice view too.

I've been unable to speak to my family as we had no cell phone reception where I was before, so catching up with them while typing this. Working tomorrow (from the roster it seems I am going to be in charge of the shift  :buggedout:).

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on January 16, 2022, 11:31:04 AM

I've been unable to speak to my family as we had no cell phone reception where I was before, so catching up with them while typing this. Working tomorrow (from the roster it seems I am going to be in charge of the shift  :buggedout:).

I'm also working from a roster which sometimes makes me think  :buggedout:.

You work for a full Monday to Friday week and for the next two weeks you're at work twice a week and then go back to work for another full week. This means if I have clients or need to make deliveries to the lab, I have to arrange a week in advance. Oy.  :buggedout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.