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Howard the Duck

Started by Andrew, June 07, 1999, 08:01:20 PM

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I love this movie.  It was one of my favorites as a kid and still is.  I just wish I could find it on DVD.  One day I will more than gladly show it to my kids.  Also, there are more people out there that enjoy this movie,but are to scared to admit to it.  I hope they come out of hiding one of these days


This movie ruined my life.

As a young and innocent 11 year old I watched this movie with a group of my friends at the cinema. Before this film I had never seen a sex scene in my entire life so it was it was completely unfair that the first ever film-woodie I ever got was watching a very vveerryy sexy woman attempt to "screw" a duck.

I feel cheated, CHEATED, god damn this films creator.


Why can't there be more rude ducks like Howard. If we were ever to really get attacked by scary aliens then atleast we could have our own duck to protect us. Howard the Duck was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I don't think I be the same today without seeing it.


I liked this movie when I was younger and I still watch it and get a laugh.  But idea of Lea Thompson screwing a duck?  No thanks.  Not for nothing, I thought the scenes where the Dark Overlord was in the Doctor's body were hilarious.  

SAra F

I liked this rendition of the movie. When i saw it, i watched it with my mom, and i was pretty young, and once i started watching it, there was no use stopping, But i loved it.  I thought it was great! i know, B-movie simplex, but i have no shame.
   people think i'm just crazy for liking it and wanting others to watch it, but seeing it again, when i was much older, i caught all teh sexual inuendos, and i loved it even more! I though it was just halarious!
 Thanks for posting this!


Howard the duck is the best Movie George lUCAS and his  team came  up with :)  ed gale who played Howard rocks ;) i chat with him sometimes via e-mail and hes the best  

howard the Duck 10/10  
lea thompson 10/10

Donald Howard

Obviously, if it wasn't for this movie, I wouldn't have my current email address/handle.

People never remembered my name, like other simple/common names: Jim Brown, Bob Smith, etc.  But, if I tell them it's Donald as in duck, Howard as in duck, and they've seen this movie, they remember my name. That's because, IF THEY'VE SEEN "HOWARD THE DUCK," THEY ALWAYS REMEMBER IT.  You can't say that about many, many movies.

Also, if they saw it as a child, they liked it.  So I guess only adults can be snobs about poor old Howard.


Wow i seen this movie first 12 years ago. I like S. Fiction
movies (then and now)and it was my favorite movie. I have record it on a VHS Tape, now the Quality is bad and i waiting for the DVD.I hope for many extras like making of,
Interviews etc. The music from the movie is since i seen this movie years ago in my Head and don´t get out. i searched the Soundtrack long time and can´t get it.
For all Fans visit ""
so you can hear four Songs from the Movie (Good Quality)!!


This movie has good elements and bad elements.  The problem is that it was too big-budget to be a good bad-movie, but not well-made enough to be a good good-movie either.  Most of the characters are flat, the colour palette is monotonous, the story is badly paced, and the effects are mediocre, considering who made it.

On the plus side, I love the eightiesness of the punk scene, and Lea Thompson, though usually not someone I like, was extremely sexy as a rocker.  Thomas Dolby is the bartender, and he composed the soundtrack IIRC.  Howard himself was likeable and the duck suit was adequately believable.  I enjoyed the glimpse we saw of the popular culture of his home planet--more should have been done with that.  More could be done with that now--though it would probably a bad syndicated TV show done completely in ugly CGI, and called Duckworld.  Oh, well.

Over all, Howard the Duck is one of those movies that wasn't as horrible as its reputation indicated.  It was OK to watch once and once only, and in the end, that's about all you can realistically demand of most movies.


This movie had 80s music, hot Lea and that loveable duck Howard. It's a classic, and it's always good for a laugh or two. 9/10


I was in high school and working at a movie theater in suburban Chicago when this movie came out.  A few weeks before the movie came out someone, either from the theater chain or the studios thought it would be a good idea to "duck" up the theater.  There was duck stuff everywhere.  Outside on the sidewalk they painted duck footprints and it was Howard the Duck this and Howard the Duck that.  I think this led to the practice of "themeing" the theater lobby to the hottest film playing there at that particular time.  Anyway, the film bombed badly and the theater manager had a tizzy trying to get those duckprints off the sidewalks.


I still have the original VHS movie that was so bad, It was
good.. I still hope someday that this movie will be on CD
but, I really doubt it....


What can I say? I never saw this movie. Sounds good though.

David Lathrop

Oh, I watched this movie several times when I was but a small one. Indeed, Lea Thompson was, and still is, hot as all. I also happen to agree with the majority here. This movie may have been bad, but that made it good. Greasy faux-buttery popcorn good. Clog your arteries good.


I actually like this movie. reasons?: Lea Thompson is hot, the Duck is dorky but cute, love the special effects. Get a real kick out of the restaurant scene...."Dark overlord of the universe"...that kills me.

It's so stupid its funny, and good.

love ya, Shelley