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invent a bad movie title

Started by zombie, April 03, 2007, 10:56:54 PM

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Svengoolie 3

When conservative scientists try to reanimate Donald trump's body after he has a major aneurysm because an anonymous source released his taxes the result is....

The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


The Legend of Trevor's Undies  :buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout:
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa, Villeneuve - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Gabriel Knight

Last year I went with my girlfriend to a city in Argentina, with german roots, called Villa General Belgrano, and they had this contest of Dachshund, commonly known as weiner dogs. People would take their pets, dress them, and receive prices. Now imagine thousands of weiner dogs dressed as Spiderman, doctors, and wathever outfit you can come up with, filling every street in the city.

That, my friends, would lead to the classic movie that I just made up...

Vengance comes in many forms
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:

Svengoolie 3

Psycho retreat bloodbath massacre.

Numerous famous psychochotic mass murderers receive invitations to "Psycho-la", the world's first vacation resort catering to psychotic mass murderers. They arrive at a remote villa by tour bus only to did it functional but deserted and the tour bus suddenly hurts into flames.

Trapped by the distance to the nearest civilized area and the intense heat of the desert surrounding them resort,  the killers begin looking for thighs to do. One by one they are stalked by an unseen hunter who follows each one into an isolated area then shoots then in the head with a handgun.

As the story unfolds it turns out a sane person has arranged the whole situation to sanely and reasonably kill psychotic mass murderers who do nothing but murder people out of insanity.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Death Toilet: The Toilet that Swallows
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa, Villeneuve - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

chainsaw midget

The Revenge of Peanut Butter

The last Sumo Wrestler in the Wild West

The Wild World of Competitive Ostrich Racing

They went back in time with one goal...

Svengoolie 3

I was a teenage trump supporter!
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Stork Fear

(starring Gabriel Carteris, Carrot Top, and the black chick from the first season of Melrose Place)


They Club Baby Seals, Don't They?
The Sound of Muzak
The Magnified Seven
Rosemary's Gravy
Invasion of the Body Shamers
Planet of the Grapes
Singin' in the Acid Rain

Svengoolie 3

The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa, Villeneuve - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Svengoolie 3

Blade 4: Die motherxxxxers die!

Wesley snipes redons his Blade gear and goes after the most horrifible, inhuman blood suckers who ever existed: The IRS.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Star Wars; Episode MLXXVII: Zombie George strikes back

Svengoolie 3

Sharkanado the new series.

The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.

chainsaw midget

The House that Wept Softly

The House that Screamed DOOM!

The House that basically told me to just go F*** myself.