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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Laid to Rest (2009) - watched this again.  A girl is pursued by a nigh-unstoppable serial killer who wears a chrome plated mask.  He hit her over the head, so she's rather dingy and can't remember her previous life.  She teams up with a good ol' boy and a cowardly nerd.  The killer also videotapes everything he does, which is actually a bit more than a gimmick because it's the girl's only chance of learning about her past life, which comes as a bit of a surprise when she finally discovers it.  The oddball characters were a bit off putting, but since I watched it before I guess they didn't bother me too much.  It's a pretty good slasher otherwise, with some noteworthy kills.  One thing I hate is when the lead babe is wearing a tight tank top, but they have her wearing a big old shirt over it for 99% of the movie.  3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


The Garbage Pail Kids movie (1987) this is awesome! I thought this was going to be a total turkey. I had heard it was not released or pulled from theatres and it had this reputation as some real misfire but it's not. People should see it, show it to their kids and discuss it. I guess some of the criticism of it is that it's not appropriate for children but I don't know. I guess there is some questionable stuff but no moreso than Bugs Bunny. A raucus good time and certainly better for your kids than brain dead fluff like the Care bears. I haven't seen too many kids movies since I was one but from what I understand gross out humor is pretty commonplace now, so it's ahead of it's time as well. Would make a great double bill with Troll 2. 4.5/5

Repossessed (1990) You might vaguely remember this Exorcist parody co starring Leslie Nielson and Linda Blair. It's nothing to get excited over but it had some really funny stuff, mainly in the first half hour. They kind of phone it in after that and most of the second 2/3 or so goes from mildly entertaining to pretty lame. Blair is really good, I don't know why she only made straight to video movies that were so straight to video most of them haven't even been released on DVD.  3/5

Rev. Powell

BIG CALIBRE (1935):  A chemist in the old West kills with vials of poison gas; when discovered, he relocates to another town and disguises himself as a bucktoothed hunchback until the hero tracks him down.  A decidedly odd little B-western with vaudeville routines interspersed throughout; not for all tastes, obviously, but an interesting curiosity.  Very obscure, but I watched it on Amazon VOD (poor quality, BTW). Lester 1/2 may be able to get into this.  2/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Classic Carpenter masterpiece  :smile:
The Fog
Pretty good, had some great scares in it, but just when I thaught it was getting started, the movie ended  :bluesad:


Children of the Corn: The Gathering (1996) - This stars Naomi Watts.  I could watch her read a book for 90 minutes and be pretty happy with the experience.  She's just perfection in human form  :teddyr:  The movie wasn't bad at all either.  Naomi moves back to the small rural town she grew up in, to take care of her mother who's suffering from nightmares and generally going a tad nutty.  A wicked supernatural kid also comes to town and casts a spell on all the children which causes them to eventually turn evil.  The first step in the transformation is that they all get a high fever, and Naomi is working as a nurse at the local clinic so she's at the center of the action.  She eventually learns the backstory of the evil kid, and it's pretty cool.  The only thing I didn't care for was the director's style when it comes to the scary scenes - lots of editing and dramatic music, which may be startling (and somewhat annoying) but it certainly isn't scary.  Still, it was a lot better than most of the crap I watch.  Did I mention Naomi's beauty is absolutely ethereal?  4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Salvage (2006) - A young girl is murdered by a crazy killer in Groundhog Day fashion and as she re-lives each encounter she starts digging for clues. I'm a sucker for movies with a rural setting and Salvage has a nice one. Other than that I had my problems with the story, especially the ending, which didn't make much sense to me. Unless I missed something. Ah well. 3 - 3.5/5


Quote from: claws on April 15, 2010, 06:55:33 AM
Salvage (2006) - A young girl is murdered by a crazy killer in Groundhog Day fashion and as she re-lives each encounter she starts digging for clues. I'm a sucker for movies with a rural setting and Salvage has a nice one. Other than that I had my problems with the story, especially the ending, which didn't make much sense to me. Unless I missed something. Ah well. 3 - 3.5/5

I think I saw this.. Spoilers Spoilers

was the ending that it wasn't really her reliving it but the killer? That was like his hell reliving her fear over and over? If so I kinda liked the ending. It was a bit of a surprise.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Quote from: 3mnkids on April 15, 2010, 11:23:03 AM

I think I saw this.. Spoilers Spoilers

was the ending that it wasn't really her reliving it but the killer? That was like his hell reliving her fear over and over? If so I kinda liked the ending. It was a bit of a surprise.
Thanks for explaining because I honestly didn't get it. It makes sense now but I still think it was a cheap cop out in some way.


Mystery Science Theater 3000: First Spaceship on Venus (1962): Caught this last night. Obviously First Spaceship is a classic B-movie which is in fact an heavily cut version of the classic foreign film The Silent Star (1960). While I do enjoy First Spaceship on Venus on its own as a more serious style FX laden Science Fiction story from the 1960s, it does though have long dull stretches which afforded Joel, Crow and Tom Servo plenty opportunity for riffing. Actually I got in several of my own too. They had some good ones here that had me laughing out loud and my girlfriend seemed to love the show (she'd never seen it before) and she liked my own little added riffs here and there too (I got in several while Joel & the bots seemed more absorbed with the movie). I really enjoyed the little skits in between especially the hyped up sacrastic Tom Servo and the informercial style ad for Flack. I also liked that Crow seemed to like the movie although his defense of the film sounded suspiciously similar to the film's trailer. Funniest bit: "Teddy Bear's Picnic" - "don their Ewok costumes". "Hey it's HAL!". ***1/2 out of *****
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Gremlins (1984) & The Goonies (1985)

I bought both on Blu-ray Region B and had a fun double feature last night. Both still deliver and look pretty sweet in HD. I totally forgot how nice the relationship between Sloth and Chunk was. I had wet eyes  :bluesad: 5/5 both

Rev. Powell

BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA (1986):  Truck driver Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) gets sucked into a plot involving eastern sorcery in and under San Francisco's Chinatown district.  A brilliant mix of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and a kung-fu movie with a blistering pace and eye-popping sets, costumes and effects.  Loved seeing Carter Wong (in a non speaking role).  4.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


MST3K Soultaker- late era ep features appearences by TV's Frank and Joel! good episode too


The Navy against the Night Monsters- a really bad movie
yeah no.


Mystery Science Theater 3000: Laserblast (1978): Mike & the bots are forced to endure Laserblast (1978), actually given 2 and a half stars by Leonard Maltin, by Dr. Forrester as he cuts off the satellite's lifeline in space. Laserblast is astoundingly boring featuring numerous scenes of people either walking, driving or waiting. The lead in the film is one Billy Duncan, a down on his luck teenager, who stumbles across an alien laser weapon which eventually comes to possess his mind and forces him to blow up cars, people and buildings repeatedly (the same thing usually seems to explode 5 or more times for some reason! :bouncegiggle: ). This episode was definitely a lesser one IMO as I rarely laughed all that much watching this and my girlfriend seemed pretty bored too. I made some riffs myself I was surprised the MST3K bunch didn't including "so that's  what an angry live-action Kermit the Frog looks like", "Oh it looks like the make-up budget for the Incredible Hulk was cut a bit short that day", "Is that Swamp Thing?", "Beware the Attack of the Skinny Nympho", "Billy - so big a loser he's even ridiculed by geeky gay lovers", "Hey is that one of those kid toy ball shooters on his arm?", "Ennis and Cletus and Roscoe P. Coltrane!". The skits were kind of weird especially Mike as Captain Janeway, loved the bit with Dr. Forrester encountering the Monolithic "Worst Bad Movie Ever". Still a somewhat disappointing episode. ** out of ***** and Laserblast sure as heck didn't deserve no 2 and an half stars either, Leonard Maltin even if I did like the aliens and the FX work done to create them. Apparently though the MST3K version of this film is edited down somewhat so that should be noted. Still I cannot imagine anybody giving Laserblast 2 and an half stars which makes me wonder did Maltin just give this 2 and an half stars unseen on the basis of Roddy McDowall's (briefly) being in this? At best I'd give what I saw of Laserblast a star and a half and that's being kind.

Watch out for the random act of violence against a Star Wars sign!
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Quote from: claws on April 16, 2010, 12:47:20 AM
Gremlins (1984) & The Goonies (1985)

I bought both on Blu-ray Region B and had a fun double feature last night. Both still deliver and look pretty sweet in HD. I totally forgot how nice the relationship between Sloth and Chunk was. I had wet eyes  :bluesad: 5/5 both

Baby Wooth?  (ruth) :teddyr:
Hold onto your dreams ....