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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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GRACE (2009) A young widow's baby dies during the last month of pregnancy, but miraculously comes to life soon after birth. It has, however, developed a taste for human blood.

This very bleak first feature film by director Paul Solet  is arguably a black comedy. The mother is a confirmed vegan who watches PETA animal slaughter videos while preparing baby's dinner and gives birth with the help of her ex-lesbian lover new age midwife. Her meddling mother-in-law is a prominent judge who breaks out the old breast pump when she decides she wants the baby. She's aided by a doctor friend who has a breast milk drinking fetish. etc. If you like seeing a baby vomit capacious amounts of blood this film's for you.

FUN FACT: During its premiere all new mothers were asked to leave the audience.
If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.


Frostbitten(frostbiten)~ A vampire/scientist makes a pill that turns people into vampires. He doesn't mean for the pills to get out but they fall into the hands of a teenager on her way to a party. The trailer makes it look like a scary horror movie but it isn't at all. comedy/horror all the way.   :thumbup:   (Its got talking dogs) Its not a long movie and it made me laugh.. I enjoyed the hell out of it and would definitely watch again

There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Finally saw Time Bandits today. 

Also saw Doomsday (2008).  Virus in UK, blah blah blah.  I wonder why they pick the UK so much but anyway.  Seemed like a big budget B-movie story wise.  Was entertaining. 

Also, Dogs of War.  Thought this was an action film with Christopher Walken but more like a political thriller with a little action.  Very poorly written.  However, I must forgive as I like Walken.  Always love his off kilter performances. 
Ah, the good old days.


Dorian Grey (2009)

A young, attractive man called Dorian arrives in London with loads of cash and meets a fella that shows him a life of excess. Which doesn't seem to effect Dorian at all, he can do anything he wants with no consequences at all. Or so he thinks...

He's just not nasty enough and some of the writing is poor. He goes from nice guy to total prat in about 15 mins. He seems to have sex with everyone he comes into cnntact with. After a while that just becomes stupid.


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.



Crazy Jungle Adventure (Germany 1982)- this might be the stupidest f**king movie I've ever seen. I'm thnking of getting it for Andrew for Christmas. Has anyone ever heard of Doodles Weaver? The comedy in this movie is on the level of those ridiculous shorts he made (okay maybe not quite that bad). One of Robert Mitchums sons is a drunk pilot with a little native black kid sidekick. That's him on the cover behind the monkey. Their plane with them and the sterotypical tourists in peril they are bringing somewhere is sabotaged and goes down in the jungle. Grating slapstick comedy and tons of animals including a seal ensues.

I couldn't help but think "This is what Germany gets for the holocaust, they exterminated all the good joke writers and film people." If this had been a sex comedy it would have been easier to tolerate all the mugging and scared by a lion and then backing into an elephant fright but there is no sex or nudity at all. Jim Mitchum isn't a star, there is no selling point, why was this rereleased on DVD? The film quality and dubbing is poor but not as poor as the film itself. I would watch this again.



Spring Break Massacre (2008) - some college girls have a slumber party, while their boyfriends try to scheme a way to get the girls to let them join in.  Meanwhile a killer has escaped from prison, and the town's sheriff is dealing with the no smoking policy at the office.  Well, this was crap.  You've got a bevy of hot babes in every state of undress, and still this movie is awful.  You wouldn't think that making a low budget slasher would be rocket science, but apparently it is to this director.  Half of the movie is in black and white, and we even get lines running through the screen as if it was a really old film.  We get to see who survived the massacre right from the beginning, so there's not even that tiny bit of suspense.  At one point the killer says "nobody gets out of this movie alive", and yet in other parts I guess we're supposed to take it seriously.  It's photographed from every stupid angle you can imagine, and we get lame emo-metal music during the kill scenes.  It's all just boring as hell.  What a waste.  2/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


That one was pretty awful.  I watched BOOK OF ELI tonight; I found it interesting but not as good as the trailers made it look.  Denzel Washington is awesome, as always, but somehow the whole movie was . . . I dunno . . . lacking.  Kind of a shame, it's a fascinating premise.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


I watched Shivers by David Cronenberg yesterday evening.
It's about parasites who cause bizarre sexual behaviour infecting people in a skyscraper.
It was kinda like a zombie movie. But instead of the zombies eating people, they have sex with them. And of course, infecting them with the parasite.

It was actually really good, check it out if you can.


Leaving Las Vega

Okay, Nic Cage is an alcoholic, Elisabeth Shue is a hooker. They meet and fall in love, excepting each other for who they are.

Thats it.
No, really, it is.
No twists. No turns.
Thats all folks.

My problem with this is I just didn't by Nic Cage as the alcoholic, Shue is great as Sera the hooker. In fact, her perfomances just shows up how average Cage is and its a shame because I really wanted to like this film more.

(Oh, Jack, you do get to see Shue's boobs ! :wink: )


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Predators (2010)

A bunch of the world's top killers are dumped on a planet to be hunted by Predators.

That's basically the concept from point a to point b.  Simply a great new start into the franchise: its not going to win any oscars, but I certainly had a lot of fun watching it.  Had a few great homages, some great one liners and a few great kills with some interesting Predator action.

4/5 [its a solid 3.5/5 but I'm giving it an extra mark for being much better than the AVP movies.]
------------The password will be: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


Lets scare Jessica to death~ Jessica has recently been released from a mental institution and her, her husband and their groovy friend moved to an old farm in the country. Jessica begins hearing and seeing things and wonders if she is going crazy again.  

It made me jump a couple of times and is a pretty good ghost story.  

ETA~ watched a couple more  

Lake mungo~ The story of a family dealing with the death of their daughter/sister. They start hearing and seeing things in the house. It starts off like a ghost story turns into a thriller/mystery and then back to a ghost story. It  was a decent movie. The ending was a little lackluster for me but all in all it was entertaining and had a few scenes that made me jump.  

Malefique~ Four prisoners find a book of magic and plan on using it to escape. whoa, what a movie   :teddyr:  The movie takes place in this little cell with 4 very strange people. The guy with huge breast, the weird guy who eats everything he finds and whose idea of a holiday is a trip to the medical ward.. I wont mention what happens that allows him his little holiday. An older guy who doesnt talk much but obviously knows more than he lets on and the white collar criminal who only wants to get out to see his son and get back at his wife.

Moral of the story: be careful what you wish for.  One of the weirder movies I have seen recently.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Quote from: 3mnkids on July 10, 2010, 03:26:31 PM
Lets scare Jessica to death~ Jessica has recently been released from a mental institution and her, her husband and their groovy friend moved to an old farm in the country. Jessica begins hearing and seeing things and wonders if she is going crazy again. 

It made me jump a couple of times and is a pretty good ghost story. 
One of my all time favorites. Love that movie.



Boris Karloff Plays A Man Who Is Set Up By The Mafia And Framed For Murder , He Is Sentenced To Death But Is Brought Back To Life By A Scientist And He Goes Out Seeking Answers And Revenge


Quatermass and The Pit a.k.a. Five Million Years to Earth (1967) - While digging a new subway tunnel in London, the skeletons of ancient proto-humans are discovered.  Not only that, but they find some metallic object as well, and originally assume that's it's an unexploded bomb from WWII.  


Once it's completely excavated, it's obviously not a bomb, but a spaceship - from Mars!  There are even Martians inside - dead for 5 million years of course, but soon the spaceship is absorbing electricity from everything in the area and it takes control of everyone's minds, turning them evil!  


This movie is a huge favorite of mine, and I haven't seen it in at least a decade.  It's got all that great Hammer Studios atmosphere, excellent characters, and a very interesting and complex plot (though parts of it don't make much sense but oh well, it's quite exciting).  I love movies like this.  I originally saw it when I was a little kid and it can do no wrong in my book.  Though I suppose if you were seeing it for the first time today it might come off as somewhat cheesy.  5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quote from: Jack on July 11, 2010, 06:43:42 AM
Quatermass and The Pit a.k.a. Five Million Years to Earth (1967) - While digging a new subway tunnel in London, the skeletons of ancient proto-humans are discovered.  Not only that, but they find some metallic object as well, and originally assume that's it's an unexploded bomb from WWII.  


Once it's completely excavated, it's obviously not a bomb, but a spaceship - from Mars!  There are even Martians inside - dead for 5 million years of course, but soon the spaceship is absorbing electricity from everything in the area and it takes control of everyone's minds, turning them evil!  


This movie is a huge favorite of mine, and I haven't seen it in at least a decade.  It's got all that great Hammer Studios atmosphere, excellent characters, and a very interesting and complex plot (though parts of it don't make much sense but oh well, it's quite exciting).  I love movies like this.  I originally saw it when I was a little kid and it can do no wrong in my book.  Though I suppose if you were seeing it for the first time today it might come off as somewhat cheesy.  5/5.
I caught this one last night on TCM. I like this one a lot, too.  I always thought the martians looked like grasshoppers. :teddyr:
Hold onto your dreams ....