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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: Jack on August 27, 2013, 07:17:31 AM
The Creeper (1977) - a group of doctors goes camping in the woods but an unknown creepy person starts terrorizing them. Can't say I really blame him - if these yapping yahoos destroyed the tranquility of my forest I'd probably be tempted to whack them too. So they flee but it's miles to civilization and it's not long before we're down to two guys carrying the third on an improvised stretcher, stumbling over every rock and blade of grass, as we watch them make their epic trek in real time. Hal Holbrook's character is decent enough but the other two guys... one's a crying alcoholic and the other is a complete a-hole. The atmosphere was good enough but between the boredom and the annoyance it's a tough slog to get to the end. 2.5/5.
Where did you see it under the title The Creeper? VHS I'm guessing mebbee? I have it on dvd under the title Rituals and I thought it was AWESOME! My "other" fave woodsland slasher next to Just Before Dawn. It's got great acting, nice atmosphere and can be downright creepy and tense at times. What was it about it that annoyed you Jack? Personally I was enthralled from start to finish so I'm wondering why you found it boring I guess. Ah well, different strokes....
"Nothin' out there but God's little creatures - more scared of you than you are of them"  - Warren, "Just Before Dawn"


I watched two movies this week:

SATURDAY MORNING MYSTERY:  Four college friends, two girls and two guys, plus a dog named Hamlet, drive around in an old VW van, debunking haunted houses and other paranormal events, and frequently uncovering pot gardens, drug labs, and kiddie porn rings in the process.  They get a call from a banker concerning a foreclosed property that is so haunted the bank cannot get handymen to finish cleaning the place up.  So the intrepid gang of skeptics spend the night in the house, and stuff gets weird in a hurry . . .  this one started out as something of a comedy/horror, but it turned nasty - I mean REALLY nasty - in the last few minutes.  What was haunting the house was not angry ghosts but something far more dangerous and deadly.  This was a movie I rented with zero expectations that got better really fast.

PAIN AND GAIN - Mark Wahlberg is a bodybuilder and personal trainer who dreams of bigger things.  With two of his bodybuilding buddies and a Hungarian stripper, he cooks up the idea to kidnap a rich , obnoxious businessman (wonderfully played by Tony Shaloub of MONK) and forcing him to sign over his wealth and property to them.  After lots of failures and false starts, the three guys succeed.  But money runs out, so they have to try it again . . .
This movie was a tad long but entertaining throughout; the Rock actually shows some acting ability here, and Wahlberg is flat out brilliant.  Ed Harris does a nice turn as a retired private detective too.  Definitely worth viewing.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"Barbarian Queen" (1985)

In this zero-budget "Conan" variant filmed in South America, a warrior woman's village is ransacked by an evil overlord who enslaves her people (on her wedding day, no less!)... so she saddles up with a couple of other sword-swingin' hotties and rides off on a mission of vengeance. Yep, that's the entire plot. This hilariously awful Z-Movie features lots of pretty girls who can't act, cheesy battle scenes and plenty of gratuitous boobage.

Useless trivia: actress Lana Clarkson, who plays the title character, was shot to death by legendary record producer Phil Spector in 2003.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


One of my all time favorite 80's barbarian flicks!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: voltron on August 29, 2013, 06:17:52 PM
Quote from: Jack on August 27, 2013, 07:17:31 AM
The Creeper (1977) - a group of doctors goes camping in the woods but an unknown creepy person starts terrorizing them. Can't say I really blame him - if these yapping yahoos destroyed the tranquility of my forest I'd probably be tempted to whack them too. So they flee but it's miles to civilization and it's not long before we're down to two guys carrying the third on an improvised stretcher, stumbling over every rock and blade of grass, as we watch them make their epic trek in real time. Hal Holbrook's character is decent enough but the other two guys... one's a crying alcoholic and the other is a complete a-hole. The atmosphere was good enough but between the boredom and the annoyance it's a tough slog to get to the end. 2.5/5.
Where did you see it under the title The Creeper? VHS I'm guessing mebbee? I have it on dvd under the title Rituals and I thought it was AWESOME! My "other" fave woodsland slasher next to Just Before Dawn. It's got great acting, nice atmosphere and can be downright creepy and tense at times. What was it about it that annoyed you Jack? Personally I was enthralled from start to finish so I'm wondering why you found it boring I guess. Ah well, different strokes....

On Mill Creek's Drive-In Classics 50 pack. I just thought it was such an obvious formula movie with your three cliches - the selfless hero, the jerk and the helpless guy, and it barely matters that there's a killer after them because the whole movie's just about them arguing with each other. Helpless guy could have just sprained his ankle and you'd have had the same movie save for a couple bits a the beginning and end. It did have some nice atmosphere in spots but it just wasn't my type of thing at all.

Watched a couple of other doozies last night:

Country Blue (1973) - a guy gets out of jail and, being an idiot, talks his girlfriend into robbing a bank with him. So they're on the run from the cops for a while and then being an idiot, he decides to rob the same bank again. The cops catch them but some other people help them escape from jail, and being an idiot he then drives his car off an embankment killing his girlfriend and the person who helped them. It's like spending 90 minutes watching a retarded person take a math test and get every answer wrong. Boring too - we listen to entire country music songs while watching these two roll around on the ground and try to figure out how to mate with each other. 1.75/5.

Mad Dog aka La belva col mitra (1977) - some violent thug breaks out of prison and goes around beating people to death and raping women. He's the main character. Suffered through 20 minutes of this and that was way more than enough.

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Quotet's like spending 90 minutes watching a retarded person take a math test and get every answer wrong.

Ill havae to ckech taht uot


"Firewalker" (1986)

Enjoyably cheesy comedic action flick with Chuck Norris and Louis Gossett Jr. as a pair of bumbling treasure hunters who accompany a hot babe (Melody Anderson of "Flash Gordon" fame) down to Mexico to search for a long lost stash of Indian gold. Norris and Gossett actually make a pretty good team... they deserved a better movie than this one, which is bolted together out of bits stolen from bigger budget adventures like "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Romancing the Stone."
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on August 31, 2013, 09:18:12 AM
"Firewalker" (1986)

Enjoyably cheesy comedic action flick with Chuck Norris and Louis Gossett Jr. as a pair of bumbling treasure hunters who accompany a hot babe (Melody Anderson of "Flash Gordon" fame) down to Mexico to search for a long lost stash of Indian gold. Norris and Gossett actually make a pretty good team... they deserved a better movie than this one, which is bolted together out of bits stolen from bigger budget adventures like "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Romancing the Stone."

Its been WAY too long for me... I need to see this again. :thumbup:
Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!


Fight for your Life (1977)- Some convicts escape from jail and before you know it they are terrorizing a black family and just creating general mayhem. On the surface this sounds like your typical exploitation fare but what sets it apart is just how far it goes. Firstly the main convict is a reprehensible racist who not only throws out just about every racial slur in the book around but makes the black family dance/sing/do other degrading things at gunpoint. This movie really knows no boundaries in addition to the race stuff we get a gun pointed at a baby and a child killed with a rock. There really is something to offend everyone here and that's really why I think this is a hidden classic in the exploitation genre. You don't go to these kind of movies for political correctness and this makes other similar films I have seen seem downright tame.


Sinister - badass horror movie with method actor Ethan Hawke doing his usual "am I a psycho" routine as he tries to solve a serial murder mystery and bring back his flagging book writing career. The hook I guess is the grainy Super 8 footage of murders he has to pour through. They are chilling. Part of me thought the whole thing could have used a more experimental approach as it seemed to go back and forth from these freaky movies to his kind of dull family. The annoying British wife never resonated with me at all. hard to complain though it's pretty much not stop creep fest 4.5/5


The ending on that one REALLY got me!!  One of the creepiest movies I've seen recently. :thumbup:
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"Primal" (2011)

A group of twenty-somethings head into the Outback on a camping trip... then they must battle for survival when one of their group becomes infected with a virus that turns her into a superhuman, homicidal something-or-other.  Needless to say, hilarity ensues.

This fast paced Aussie horror flick doesn't offer much that we haven't already seen in "The Descent," "The Ruins" or "Cabin Fever" but it was a gooey, nasty, violent 'n' gory good time nonetheless.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Indiana - all the stuff with him walking around in the house in the dark was crazy. It was very "guessy". a term I coined while watching it


Hardware (1990).  Low-budget waste of time with uninteresting characters and lots of tedium.. I was super-disappointed.
"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."


Trailer Park of Terror (2008) - watched this a while back and remembered enjoying it. Can't imagine what I was thinking. We start out with the tragic story of a young girl living in a trailer park and the scum-of-the-earth types who ruin her life. Fast forward to the present and a group of completely unlikable teens arrive at the trailer park and are killed off in various comedic ways. Just didn't do anything for me. 2/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho