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Shockwave (AI Assault)

Started by Andrew, January 18, 2008, 08:01:05 PM

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Military robots get loose on a tropical island and Special Forces soldiers are sent in to deactivate the units.  As usual, the most effective member of the anti-robot strike force is a civilian. This is my entry for the "Original Sin" SciFi original movies roundtable.

Andrew Borntreger

Jay the Magnificent

the only reason i ever watched this was that my car was broke down and it was raining.. :bouncegiggle:

boredom leads to pain


A lot of this movie's script, from what I recall, was really really similar to "Curse of the Komodo". I guess they couldn't afford a writer so they just ripped off another movie (although they probably owned the rights to it).

Dr. Whom

Now, the bunnies were probably the reason they sent them to Australia in the first place. Probably the Pentagon said something like: we are looking for a place to test a new weapon system, it's called Bunny Killer 3000.
"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.


Hey you missed the paved path on the deserted tropical island. While they were walking through the jungle, in a couple of shots you can see they were on a blacktop walkway, as this was filmed in the national park in Hawaii. 
Also the huge boulders tended to rock a bit when grabbed on to, clearly these massive stones must have weighed about 20 pounds.

There was a ton of other errors but I haven't watched it in a while, it wasn't THAT bad, it wasn't THAT good either.


Lots of the SciFi original movies seem to follow a basic formula.  I'm royally sick and tired of the helicopter pilot who saves the day.

Quote from: AlexB on January 19, 2008, 10:36:58 AM
Now, the bunnies were probably the reason they sent them to Australia in the first place. Probably the Pentagon said something like: we are looking for a place to test a new weapon system, it's called Bunny Killer 3000.

Bunny control would explain the multitude of weapons on the robots, especially stuff like the harpoon and circular saw blade shooters.  They're just too darn big for hunting rabbits, unless we're talking Night of the Lepus bunnies.

Quote from: CheezeFlixz on January 19, 2008, 11:56:59 AM
Hey you missed the paved path on the deserted tropical island. While they were walking through the jungle, in a couple of shots you can see they were on a blacktop walkway, as this was filmed in the national park in Hawaii. 
Also the huge boulders tended to rock a bit when grabbed on to, clearly these massive stones must have weighed about 20 pounds.

There was a ton of other errors but I haven't watched it in a while, it wasn't THAT bad, it wasn't THAT good either.

I was probably distracted by some other error at the time.  It turned into an exercise in futility to keep track of them all.  It is definitely better than Octopus and a number of the other SciFi originals.  I almost gave it two slimes, but decided it just barely fell short.  The robot design and the CGI was better than normal; of course, a convincing CGI robot is easier to do than a convincing CGI mammoth or crocodile.
Andrew Borntreger


Wait, was better then OCTOPUS? Octopus? He said Octopus, so slooooly I turned and...
Hummm...yeah, okey I gotta give ya that one...but its still s stupid movie that Mike and the Bots should roast one day.
Tom and Crow will be happy to see killer robots...till they see the movie...Ba-hahahaha!
"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"


I thought it was a comedy.


During the robbery and the helicopter flight, the script was actually identical to the one in Curse of the Komodo.  Even the names were the same.  Jim Wynorski made both of these, I think he's getting a tad lazy.  One of the military guys was also one of the stars in COTK. 
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


I have yet to see it. But it looks on par with: Raptor Island.   :lookingup:   I think the same people made it and the a lot of the costumes look the same. Weapons too.
Things I learned from that movie: American Special Forces are trained to see Pre-historic animals. No reaction to seeing raptors at all! Also Delta and all American Military Forces not longer wear any black. Black shows up as shiney on NVGs. Not a good thing at night fighting. You know it's bad when the new Cheezy Special FX is CGI!  :wink:


I'm ashamed; I watched this movie.  I thought it would be an interesting Sci-Fi flick... 

I knew I should have stopped watching the movie when I realized that the pick-up truck red-lined at 25mph.  The Robot was so close, maybe 50 feet away as it pursued the truck.  But the truck pulled around a boulder, jammed on the brakes, giving the doomed actors almost a full minute before the robot caught up with them.  I don't know what happened, maybe there was a space portal behind that rock?  Must have been a space portal...  That's how they got to the island...there was a portal in the sky that they flew through that got them to the island so quickly.  Helicopters don't need to be level to stay in the air, just ask James Bond.... 

I'm very sorry that I watched this movie.  I won't let it happen again, I promise!  I mean, when a viscious killer robot just looks at you while you're standing on it's feet...  Did anyone notice the muzzle blasts?  It was just an oblong white shape drawn over the muzzle of the gun that showed for a frame or two. 

I'm sorry.  I'm terribly sorry, and I promise that I won't do it again.  I want my money back.  I was tricked; I feel horrible. I need to tell everyone that it isn't my fault!  How could I have known that this robot could turn people into robots by gluing wires to their heads?  How could I know that wooden towers conduct electricity only after they get knocked down by a tiny charge of play dough? 

What about the storm?  Hurricane force wind, yet there was no wind.  And am I the only one who noticed that the fire hose nozzle was just off the top left corner of the screen?  There was water sprayed from one side, and the other side had no water.  The girl's hair was dry after running around in this storm for hours, as the story would make us believe... 

I won't ever be the same; someone should have warned me.  The guy at the movie store should have given me a test to see if I could handle this movie; I think I've been damaged for life! 


I watched this movie and fell about laughing at the utter absurdity of it throughout.
A thought crossed my mind. The military missed a trick here. Forget those killer robots. Having weapons that never run out of ammunition must be of much more beneficial. Added to the fact that the weapons don't even require sights. Nice little somersault by Saunders when he is supposed to be machine gunned by a robot..They obviously could not afford to have squibs in the movie. Saunders, after being "shot" is fully conscious and aware and just looks as though he put in a hard session in the gym..then all of a sudden he is dead.
The movie also appeared to be a sci-fi convention with Michael Dorn,Bill Mumy and Richard Picardo. Did you get a load of Richard Picardo's head gear at the helicopter..I had a good chuckle.
As with a lot of B movies, you leave your brain to one side when watching this, but I felt like I had left my brain in the next county.


LMFAO... You REALLY made me laugh!!

"I tried to enjoy this film. I really tried. I even attempted to forcibly engage my suspension of disbelief, which nearly killed me when the film makers pulled a number of really bonehead stunts..." and "...I nearly had a stroke" plus references to Doom II

Thank you for brightening up my weekend!  I am at a loose end tonight and was flicking through Freesat channels when I stumbled upon "M&MOVIES: Shockwave"... sounded sci-fi and interesting, I JUST missed it... so I Googled it. LMAO.  I just HAVE to watch this now.  I see Amazon has it for £.98p?  Hmm... Or I can wait until tomorrow night to have a coronary!  Most excellent review.   :thumbup:


...and to make it even worse... I am ashamed to say I am now (half) watching "The chaos factor".  Damn this cold.


Quote from: PinkFruitcake on July 09, 2011, 04:19:19 PM
LMFAO... You REALLY made me laugh!!

"I tried to enjoy this film. I really tried. I even attempted to forcibly engage my suspension of disbelief, which nearly killed me when the film makers pulled a number of really bonehead stunts..." and "...I nearly had a stroke" plus references to Doom II

Thank you for brightening up my weekend!  I am at a loose end tonight and was flicking through Freesat channels when I stumbled upon "M&MOVIES: Shockwave"... sounded sci-fi and interesting, I JUST missed it... so I Googled it. LMAO.  I just HAVE to watch this now.  I see Amazon has it for £.98p?  Hmm... Or I can wait until tomorrow night to have a coronary!  Most excellent review.   :thumbup:

Thank you!  On this side of the pond it was a SyFy movie.  As they go, it is better than quite a few - but that is not saying a whole lot.
Andrew Borntreger