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"Birth Of A Legend: The Story Of The WAWA".

Started by AVERY GUERRA, June 18, 2008, 10:57:16 PM

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Quote from: AVERY GUERRA on June 19, 2008, 07:42:20 PM
You guys are freakin' nuts!! Absolutely hilarious!! LOL!! No, actually, I'm not a film maker or anything like that. I work for 'Robo Japan/Monster Island News' and Robert Hood's 'Undead Backbrain' websites. If you're not familiar with them; they're monster movie/ sci-fi sites. I work for them as a news hound so to speak. I specialize in anything kaiju[giant monster] news. I came across this film on the IMDB in a search for sea serpent films. The rest is sort of history. I really liked what I read and added it to the sites then I contacted it's creator's for that interview. I got a screener and fell in love with it. I've joined countless forums and websites to bring kaiju news to them, since that seems to be what I'm good at, and this is one of those films that I'm just trying to get the word out on. Im not getting paid or anything, nor have I ever been asked to do this.    :teddyr:

thanks for being so forthcoming. Yeah, these guys are nuts.  If none of them have seen the movie, they will make up a new plot for it, complete with nude scenes by Janet Reno . . . .
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


On a more serious note, I checked out the website, and it does look like a fun movie. For that price, I might just check it out.

Although I am disappointed that it doesn't have Alice Cooper's daughter, Calico Cooper, daughter of Alice Cooper. Did I mention that her dad is Alice Cooper?
"Join me in the abyss of savings."


Calico Cooper, , eh, , not so beautiful is her plumage. .   :lookingup:
Raw bacon is GREAT! It's like regular bacon, only faster, and it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth!

Happiness is green text in the "Stuff To Watch For" section.

James James: The man so nice, they named him twice.

"Aw man, this thong is chafing my balls" -Lloyd Kaufman in Poultrygeist.

"There's always time for lubricant" -Orlando Jones in Evolution


THANKS!! I really did like the film. Ummm.....Janet Reno nude scenes?? I don't want to know. They are absolutely mad!! LMAO!! I would love to see a movie that they wrote the script for based-off of their random/off-the-wall ramblings. Now that would be funny!!   :bouncegiggle: :cheers:


This isn't the film with Janet Reno and Margaret Thacher playing strip volleyball is it? I really can't afford that much counseling again.

What $13.95 .. why that's a WAWA wad of cash for a DTV movie, hey according to IMDB their from Alabama can I trade them a chicken for a copy?

Take this image from the movie ... there is a serious problem with this image cinematicly.

Know what it is? Her WAWA's are obstructed by cloth, this must be corrected.

What's the run time of the film? What are the extras, etc etc. Hey if you're going to pump something at least tell us what we can expect to get.

Quote from: AVERY GUERRA
I would love to see a movie that they wrote the script for based-off of their random/off-the-wall ramblings. Now that would be funny!!   

We take Cash, PayPal, Visa and American Express (sorry no Diners Club)


Now THAT'S  what I call Beautiful Plumage. . .

QuoteWe take Cash, PayPal, Visa and American Express (sorry no Diners Club)

Tequilla, , lapdances, , "get out of jail for free" cards, , those funky little mushrooms that grow on cow patties, , women named "Patty", , Runescape gold, , battery-powered underwater "Toys", , nude pictures of ex-girlfriends,  , nude pictures of CURRENT girlfriends, ,  Grandma porn, , autographed pictures of Ron Jeremy, , parts for a 1972 Pinto, , Culture Club memorabilia, , velvet paintings, , used pinball machine parts, ,  , , ,
Raw bacon is GREAT! It's like regular bacon, only faster, and it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth!

Happiness is green text in the "Stuff To Watch For" section.

James James: The man so nice, they named him twice.

"Aw man, this thong is chafing my balls" -Lloyd Kaufman in Poultrygeist.

"There's always time for lubricant" -Orlando Jones in Evolution


The runtime is about average for this type of b-movie, somewhere around 80 some odd minutes. Well, the copy that I got was just a screener, so no extras and it just came in a dvd slipcase. It was sent to me for free for the interview. I imagine that the other copies that they're selling would probably come boxed, but I doubt any extras, just yet as they are still negotiating with potential distributors. There is a special edition available that comes with the cd soundtrack for just a few more dollars. I'm not a big fan of country music but this flick did have some pretty catchy songs in it.    :drink:  :twirl: :wink:  :thumbup:

Mr. DS

Quote from: ghouck on June 20, 2008, 11:20:20 AM
Now THAT'S  what I call Beautiful Plumage. . .

QuoteWe take Cash, PayPal, Visa and American Express (sorry no Diners Club)

Tequilla, , lapdances, , "get out of jail for free" cards, , those funky little mushrooms that grow on cow patties, , women named "Patty", , Runescape gold, , battery-powered underwater "Toys", , nude pictures of ex-girlfriends,  , nude pictures of CURRENT girlfriends, ,  Grandma porn, , autographed pictures of Ron Jeremy, , parts for a 1972 Pinto, , Culture Club memorabilia, , velvet paintings, , used pinball machine parts, ,  , , ,

and don't forget, Brazilian Farting Porn...
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


Brazilian? What are you, some kind of PERVERT?
Raw bacon is GREAT! It's like regular bacon, only faster, and it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth!

Happiness is green text in the "Stuff To Watch For" section.

James James: The man so nice, they named him twice.

"Aw man, this thong is chafing my balls" -Lloyd Kaufman in Poultrygeist.

"There's always time for lubricant" -Orlando Jones in Evolution

Mr. DS

Quote from: ghouck on June 20, 2008, 01:16:57 PM
Brazilian? What are you, some kind of PERVERT?
Perhaps, I'm also into WAWA porn and wonderful Bollywood cinema.  See the post below.,119726.0.html
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


The OP has posted this exact same post on numerous other websites, but my gut feeling is that he is championing the film for some reason.  He did do the interview on the website he linked to, but he also discloses that in his post.

Checking his activity on other movie forums, he does not fit "just spammer."
Andrew Borntreger


He was very forthcoming on his response to my post, Andrew, so thanks for letting him stick around.  He didn't even seem to mind getting the "Scarlet Fry" treatment!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


I actually loved the "Scarlet Fry" treatment!! I have posted the film on several forums that I'm a member of to help get the word out on it, but I already admitted that here. I don't work for the film makers or anything. I guess, if I'm championing the film, it's more for personal reasons. I really liked it and would love for it to get a legit distributor and become a hit. Then maybe they'll make that damned sequel that I asked her about in the interview. I was left wanting more after the film ended. Who know's if it will ever get sequelized?? That could be fun though. I already posted another thread about another giant monster here. I would LOVE to be able to stick around and learn how to talk randomly in of-the-wall riddles like the rest of you guys if I'm still welcome here?? I really hope that you guys don't label me a 'spammer' though because that just wouldn't be true. I hope to be able to bring a lot of new cheesy b-movie news here, but I wouldn't want it to be thought of as some form of advertising. I can understand why you guys might think that it was though. I got booted-off of two other forums that I was a member of for some time for this exact same post. They just locked the thread an blocked my ip. I just feel that that was just wrong. I had posted on them for a while and brought them all kinds of great stuff, then they just assumed that I was a spammer and banned me. I would have approached the person first if I were them. Oh well, I don't need to be a member on a forum that treats it's members like that: 'guilty without a trial'.    :lookingup: :bluesad:


Well, I can't speak for Andrew, but I would like you to stick around!!   :cheers:
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: indianasmith on June 20, 2008, 10:03:08 PM
Well, I can't speak for Andrew, but I would like you to stick around!!   :cheers:

It would seem he didn't want to stick around. The Scarlet Fry Treatment was to painful.