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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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Down in Ayrshire again, this time for Elizabeth's 40th birthday party. Even with the 5 bedrooms, my mum's house is a bit crowded with her, Elizabeth, Jim, my aunt Nancy and then me Kristi and Ash. Last night it was the three of us in the one bed.

That isn't the fun kind of threesome.

Everyone else is getting the hall ready while I am watch Ash and keeping Elizabeth company while we listen to some Iron Maiden using her Alexa. While I am aware of Alexa, I've never used one before. It is possible to get it to play the song you want? I asked for Still Life and it has played a bunch of other Maiden tunes but not the one I asked for. Earlier on she asked it to play The Time Warp and it played other songs from the RHPS instead.

Maybe it is just whatever tech billionaire owns it f**king with people. Wouldn't surprise me.  :bouncegiggle:

Heading back up the road tomorrow. Might finally have a round the table roleplaying group going. Got 3 people wanting to play Call of Cthulhu. We shall see if it actually happens or not, but I am hopeful.

Seeing a lot of articles right now about how we need to stop trying to exterminate rats and learn to live with them. Yeah right. I don't want to make them extinct, but I am not learning how to co-exist with them either. Found a Castle Greyskull to give Stewart for his birthday, which worked out well as we forgot to bring down his last birthday present, so he got his next birthday's present for his last birthday and he can get his last one for his next one instead. We are taking both Elizabeth and my mum to see The Drifters live in Aberdeen for their birthdays (as well as getting them a hotel for the night afterwards).

EDIT: Kristi just got back and asked Alexa to play the Time Warp and it did so right off. Yup, billionaire f**king with us, plus well all women are witches.  :twirl:
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Ha! I wonder if Alexa only understands American accents? Another strike against ai.. for now.


CoC is one rpg I haven't played.  Do you just roll up the extra character sheets at the start and have them ready at hand?

I always just hear Meat Loaf's voice in the Time Warp chorus.  Guy sure could sing big.  Once you notice it, it's like the cowbell in Don't Fear the Reaper.


Quote from: Zapranoth on April 29, 2024, 01:19:09 AM
CoC is one rpg I haven't played.  Do you just roll up the extra character sheets at the start and have them ready at hand?

I always just hear Meat Loaf's voice in the Time Warp chorus.  Guy sure could sing big.  Once you notice it, it's like the cowbell in Don't Fear the Reaper.

We are now up to 4 players with me GMing (or being the Keeper if you prefer). Last time I played we just made up new characters as required. I find the problem with making backups as that people want to play them and will retire their current main, so while I don't discourage the practise I've learned not to encourage it either. I am looking at running a 2nd edition game (which I've never played before) of AD&D in the Dark Sun background where you are supposed to have 4 backup characters to account for the high death rate. It will be online so if you fancy giving it a try let me know and I'll poke you when that campaign starts. I've been buying a few fishmen, Mi-go and a Shoggoth as well as assorted investigators/background figures and cultists.

With the three of us sharing a bed at my mums for the weekend, Ash woke up yesterday. He was lying face down, raised himself up a bit and looked right, then left then right again and said "Oh my gosh, oh no. There is two of them."
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


We were heading into Elgin today. Kristi asked me how her hair was and I told her that her hair reminded me of Sho'Nuff. From her response, I gather I was supposed to lie about this rather than being entirely honest. We picked up the latest edition to the family today. A black kitten whom Kristi has named Ripley. I was going to go with Lilith myself, but when Ash saw the picture of her he declared that his Nergal was coming back and she'd to explain that this was a different cat.

Apparently 5 years ago today I threatened to post lots of stuff up about Marvel movies just to p**s off Sven who wanted people to post spoilers for whatever movie was coming out next. Can't say I miss this guy, although I am convinced Morpheustheunwoke was him back on a different profile. There were too many obscure opinions he expressed that were the same as his, not to mention his general sentence structure, word selection etc. Even when he slipped up on his spelling, it was the most common errors he made.

Still, Collect the Monkey made me laugh.

Working on an outfit to run Call of Cthulhu in. I am considering ordering a top hat, shirt sleeve holders and also thinking about a cane and cape. Capes really need to come back into fashion. If I can achieve that, then next I will look to normalise the wearing of gentlemanly swords. Once all that is in the bag... well jousting has to come along sooner or later. Yeah, all you countries that drive on the wrong side of the road are really going to have problems then.  :bouncegiggle:
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


An old friend Sarcastic Chris (I know a lot of Chris and Daves so they all get nicknames, although as in this case, they weren't always related to their personality) was at my sister's birthday party. I've only bumped into him once since I joined the military. Back then he was always boasting about how he'd beat the hell out of some guy or some similar story around that kind of theme. I don't think I ever believed a single story that he told me. Anyway, within 3 minutes of us saying our helloes he started up with the same old rubbish. I more or less zoned out at that point, although I didn't have to put in much effort there. The music was overly loud (and I say that as someone who likes to stand right up front at heavy metal gigs, quite often beside the speakers) and I was struggling to hear everything he said. Got the gist of it though. I was quite glad when both Adam and Ash wanted to leave early. Between the noise and the crowd, neither of them were doing well.

I really wish my sister in law had gotten Adam diagnosed with Autism earlier. She knew he had something but didn't want him tested as she didn't want a label put on him. That meant he didn't get the help he could have had much earlier. Although we haven't had an official diagnosis for Ash, the doctors have told us they are sure he has high functioning autism and certainly the school he is at has given the appropriate support. Right now it is just a matter of waiting in a long queue until it is his turn. We've been a lot more proactive than most parents and know a few who have been trying to get some movement since the start of the school year and are really struggling to get anywhere. Makes me glad that we moved as early as we did. Initially Ash's nursery said he wasn't settling well and wanted to cut down his hours a bit. We said ok to the first time they wanted this, but every time something wasn't going according to plan the only suggested answer was cutting back on his hours and I said no, you are being paid for ***X*** amount of time (think it was 6 1/2 hours per day), he is entitled to it. Lets sort out something. After that the nursery couldn't have been more helpful. I can look at other parents though and see where we'd be right now if we had just caved in. I can also look across the Atlantic at how things are handled there with my Kristi's younger brothers kids. Their mother had to fight to get them proper help and not just dosed up on meds. I remember messaging Hali regularly during that time and giving her as much support as I could that she was doing the right thing and not to just let people pressurise her to going for an "easy" fix.

There are only so many resources to go round. Shame that people have to fight to get access to them regardless of where they are from. Just one of the joys of capitalism I guess. Not that I'd prefer communism, theocracy, dictatorship or anarchy or any of the current mooted alternatives (I wouldn't mind a go at a meritocracy though).

The first minister of Scotland has had to stand down after getting himself caught up in something. I have been ignoring current affairs stuff recently so I have no particular idea what combination of circumstances brought him down. I'd imagine Rishi Sunack will be following suit after the next general election. Lets just hope they don't let Liz Truss back in. I hear she followed the rubber goon faced Nigel Farage over to the US market. I wonder why failed UK politicians find more of a market over there? I wonder if she'll be able to make a success of selling her book. Her publishers certainly didn't have much faith in it (she got a less than £2000 advance for it. Compare that to what fellow idiot Boris Johnson got for his (I believe still unpublished) memoir and its less than chicken feed).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


The cold, wet and windy days are gradually slipping into warm and windy ones. I am getting to go to work and come home in. I guess it is nicer, but I'd settle for a year-round autumn myself. Blame the asteroid that smacked into the earth, gave it an orbital wobble and created the moon I guess. Or god if he is more your bag. Either way, it works out the same.

Saw an article about how expatriate US citizens view the election back home. It pretty much ties up with how I've been seeing things and what I've witnessed Kristi experiencing. If that kind of thing interests you, the article is here: I've not met any pro-trump US ex-pats, although we do know a few of his supporters from other countries. Or at least we used to. Mostly they drifted out of our lives during the pandemic and we've only heard from them sporadically since. Kristi's final separation from her church came down to the attitude towards vaccines from one of the local church leaders. I think it was something that was going to happen anyway, this just made it happen sooner.

Not heard anything from my brother-in-law since his kids passed on my message to him. I told them that the next time he threatened to hit them, that they were to reply that if he hit them, then I'd hit him. He might be twice my size, but he is badly out of shape and a fight between us is only going to go one way. Plus a cop who knew him at school as already told me if I punch him out the police won't do anything. By coincidence I'd sent my mother-in-law a tee-shirt that says "My favourite child is my son-in-law." She sent me back a present addressed to her "favourite son". We had a bit of a chat online and she told me that Jason's behaviour is really upsetting her. He sent her a list of things she needs to apologise for before he'll speak to her again.

I wonder if that list includes things like letting him and his family move in with her when he lost his job, being a free babysitter for his kids whenever he needed and paying his bills for him when he couldn't afford to? Going to take a rough stab in the dark and guess no on that one.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Playing a lot of games on my new laptop. It certainly runs them all a lot faster and gives them a new lease of life. Damn shoot to do tomorrow, so that means a pain in the butt 05:00 start on what would otherwise be a day off. We'll drive up to Fort George, let off some rounds and then come home. The quicker we can get it over and done with the happier I'll be.

Kristi is working tonight, so it is time for some bad movies. I've fallen behind in my watching over the past month.

Hot night tonight. Guess we are in for an overly warm summer. Feeling glad I don't live further south. London is being told to expect 30 degrees Celsius to be a regular summer heat. I guess air con will start to be more of a thing in the UK as a result. Yeah, Kristi won't be upset by that one.

Playing a game on my phone. It seems to have a lot of Indian and muslim players. They spend a lot of time telling people that their country or religion is the best one in between desperately looking for a cute girl to be their best friend. Make of that whatever you wish.

Got two of the CoC player's characters done. Nikki went with a 1920s Private Detective who was an Olympic swimmer, while Harris went with a Catholic Priest. Yeah, we know what evil secret there is going on there then. Kristi is planning on going an Antiquarian but hasn't created her character yet.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Anyone who knows me will know that one of my geekdoms is the whole Cthulthu mythos. There are a lot of films based on that to some degree. Why the hell do I keep watching Underwater? It certainly isn't for the lead actress. Kristen Stewart might be vaguely attractive, but the hairstyle she sports in that movie really doesn't do much for me and it isn't like her acting skills are anything special. Maybe its that its the closest I've seen to a big-budget Lovecraftian movie. Maybe it is because like her Snow White movie I can't concentrate on the film and keep missing the same parts when I doze off and just want to see the whole damn thing.

Yeah, going to go with that one as the answer.

Watching video cameras at the moment. Mostly what I can see is a vast cloud of midges buzzing around. What the hell are they all finding to feed on when it's a weekend and no one is around? I guess the poor local population of rabbits and birds. Well, f**k the seagulls. Them I don't mind suffering a bit. Hell, I'd happily kill off a few of them myself. Got sympathy for the rabbits though.

So this is how I spend the dying days of my 40s. Working. I don't often work on my birthday. Maybe once previously? It'll be an easy day up in the strat fac though. Looking forward to just being left alone for 12 hours, although I'd rather spend it at home. I'll get back and have a few beers, relax and chill out. Maybe take some time to reflect on how younger me would be amazed that I survived this long, even more so when I consider that I've come through 5 wars without a single scratch out of it. No idea how I managed that one. Other people from my home town have not been so lucky in the forces. I have a lot of friends injured and a couple dead from fighting in a war another country wanted, but couldn't finish the job. I am looking forward to my 50s though. For some reason I always have liked the area of that age. A last hurrah before the old age of 60 perhaps? I look forward to what adventures lie ahead with it.

After the shoot yesterday I felt unusually tired. I guess it was from being outside on the first hot day of the year, but was I beat. Went to lie across our bed and read, have some alone time. Within 10 minutes though I'd been joined by Kristi, Ash and the cats. Ah the joys of being married and a parent.  :bouncegiggle: I did end up going to bed about half nine and was fast asleep before ten. I didn't wake up until my alarm went off just before six.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


So here we are, the last day of my 40s. It has been an interesting decade, mostly filled with things that have just went my way. I am loving life. Cleaned my rifle today, but I didn't have any oil so I'll need to see if I can find some tomorrow and finish the job.

Catching up as much as possible with various movies I've been wanting to watch for a while. Two down and I have no idea how many still to go. Shame they make them faster than I can watch them.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Looks like the hot weather has arrived. If we are in for more of this then we will be getting a hot and miserable summer (cos everyone will complain about the heat).

Enjoyed my birthday. It was a good day. Shame I spent the first six hours working, but I enjoyed the rest of it. Ash had a fit this morning when we wouldn't let him wear a jacket to school. Not only did he insist he wanted one, but it had to be his heaviest winter one. Yeah, with the temperatures for today that wasn't happening.

Saw a post on social media. A letter for my old conspiracy theorist workmate had arrived at the wrong house. Since he refuses to use social media (other than that trump one), I couldn't contact him directly, so I sent a message to his wife. I'd like to say I was surprised when she replied that since they'd gotten separated she hadn't seen him, but really I am not. I thought his reactions were a bit off the last time I saw him and I asked how Emma was doing.

Since it was his fault I was sent away for xmas during covid I can't feel entirely bad for him. To be honest I was amazed that an intelligent woman like her would put up with his conspiracy theories etc. I've not asked about any details of the split, although I'd have to confess to a mild degree of curiosity about it. Doesn't make it any of my business though. Instead, I enquired a bit about how her new job is going and wished her happiness going forward. Judging from her fb photo she is with someone else now. I am guessing the split is months old.

Funny thing. Thinking about it the majority of right-wingers that I know are single, miserable and struggle fitting in with society. The more extreme they are, the more they seem to be alone. Might just be a coincidence. It has got me wondering if people like that do just attract unhappiness. Not in a cosmic karma kind of way, just when you always think all that s**t is going on and you put money in front of everything else you are going to push people away from you. Maybe I just meet the shallow end of the gene pool when it comes to those people.

Another funny thing. I don't seem to know a single extreme left winger. The closest I have to that would be a smattering of vegans who have declared that they would force everyone in the world to eat vegan food if they could. Most of them I've shoved out of my life because I can't be arsed with their bulls**t any more than I can with the whole truss/trump/johnson/farage/putin lot.

Hmm. I wonder if Mark is going to place a bet on trump winning this time around. He lost heavily last time around. Were I a betting man I'd put money on Biden winning unless memories of the whole storming the government building thing is damn short.

Found out that at the end of next year the government is going to put up the minimum amount of money that someone is going to have to be earning in order to bring a overseas spouse into the UK is going to up over £38,000. If I'd stayed in the RAF I'd still be making over that, but only by a few thousand. It is definitely well over the average earnings level. Glad I have all of Kristi's immigration stuff already sorted, but just in case they change the law I am going to really start pressurising her to pick up her UK passport.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Zapranoth on April 29, 2024, 01:19:09 AM
CoC is one rpg I haven't played.  Do you just roll up the extra character sheets at the start and have them ready at hand?

I always just hear Meat Loaf's voice in the Time Warp chorus.  Guy sure could sing big.  Once you notice it, it's like the cowbell in Don't Fear the Reaper.

I miss hearing Meat Loaf. Wish I'd gotten to see him performing live.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Ash has learned a new phrase. We've been hearing a lot recently, but yesterday had my favourite example thus far.

With the warmer weather we popped into Tesco's to pick up some fans. Ash had not really eaten breakfast but declared himself to be hungry. When we enquired if this was just a snack he wanted, or something bigger he told us bigger. So upstairs we went to the cafe. We picked out drinks and were getting served in the queue when I asked him what he wanted. He pointed to a gingerbread man and told me that was what he wanted. I said you told me you were really hungry and needed something big.

He looked at me with a big cheeky grin on his face and said: "Tricked you!"

When I pick him up from school today I am going to be holding some cake. I'll ask him if he wants it, and when he says yes I am going to take a huge bite and give him his answer back.  :bouncegiggle:
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Night two. Was pretty bussy until 21:30, and its been dead since. Tomorrow I'll be taking about 100 plastic figures up with me which me and Tony are then going to build up. I had boxes of French army and resistance figures as well as a box of British special forces figures.

Watching some random stuff tonight. Put on Gods & Monsters for a bit until the endless droning got to me and I put it off. Since then all sorts of dull stuff has just been turning up on my suggested watch list. Got Two Witches on at the moment. Maybe they just aren't the type of movies to watch at half one in the morning when your body is slightly suggesting that actually it would like to be asleep. Not the best time for deeper movies.

Bought everyone ice creams earlier, although I did manage to offend Paddy by buying him a pink one. He still at Mae it mind you. He's playing some shoot 'em up game at the moment. I can hear gunfire from the other office. Our job makes for a hard life. Wednesday night, I'll be doing a D&D session while I am working. I've not come across many jobs where you can get away with that kind of thing. Well, assuming there isn't a security incident anyway in which case I'll be a bit busy to play.

Ash is off school Thursday and Friday. I think I'll take the little guy out somewhere, have some father/son time. Just considering where we could go from something as simple as a trip to the beach or to the local swimming pool up to travelling to Aberdeen or something.

Had the guy who was caught drink driving phone up and ask if one of his friends could drop off some used sportsgear at the guardroom and he'd pick it up in a few days. Not that I'd be inclined to help someone who'd done that anyway, but it isn't allowed to drop stuff off here for security reasons and besides I don't want to be working somewhere getting stunk up with sweaty gym clothes or whatever. Anyway, he wasn't happy with me telling him no and then immediately phoned my boss who promptly told him to p**s off and then blocked his number.

Now on to House of Darkness. Hmm, Justin Long is in it. Its a horror film. I am going to predict that is doesn't end well for him.

The first grey fingers of dawn are poking through the clouds. Yeah, the horror movie didn't end well for Justin Long's character. I wonder if there is any horror movie he's in that does?
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Night four. Final one.

I'm going to try playing D&D while at work tonight. Here's hoping that no one tries to damage or steal a jet since that'll have me out shooting people instead. Some days though that has some slight appeal when you have to deal with the real idiots out there.

Slept pretty well today. Didn't wake up for either the postman bringing a package or Kristi climbing into bed with me. She says I was like a furnace and she couldn't cuddle me. Turned out a package had arrived and was left next door. It was an old figure from the late 80s/early 90s of a Genestealer Patriach sitting on a throne. Depending on the condition of the model. Depending on the condition of the figure, its worth somewhere between £60 to £180. Going to take Jonsie to the Aurora club tomorrow night, see what its like. It has been a long time since I've went to it.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.