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What Video Game are You Playing Now II?

Started by Rev. Powell, May 07, 2020, 07:37:14 PM

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Playing Shadowrun Returns. My Street Samurai has just taken down a body part collecting serial killer and has hired a crew to investigate the pseudo-religious organisation that was pulling the strings behind it.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

Jim H

I beat Elden Ring, and for now have moved on to Weird West.  It's pretty good.  Plays like Fallout 1 or 2, or Divinity Original Sin, ya know, tactical turn based RPGs with lots of options in combat...  But it's a real time action game.  This fun and interesting, but also overly complicated, and the game is isometric in view with a moveable camera.  The whole thing gets unwieldy.  It's also in a horror-fantasy western setting, a bit like Hard West, which seems like an influence.  Story is thin, but the setting and atmosphere is good.

I am enjoying it, but it's not great.


Finished the first Shadowrun game and am working my way through the second. I always dislike it when you don't get to play the same characters in a sequel. The first game was fun enough, but way too liner. Hoping the second will give you a bit more freedom.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


i had to buy a new copy well it was used of Arkham Knight mine needed replaced and plus i bought one that i've been looking for a long time and i never did get around to buy it online from amazon.  and that's Infamous Second Son for PS4 but at least you can play it for the PS5!  that game is worth the price i paid for it i forget how much it was but i bought it used at game stop. i don't mind game stop i never have had issues there they had one close to my doctors when i went on Monday and to kill some time before i had to go in we went to Game stop. i bought my Nephew the new Jurassic Park Evolution 2 game for his b-day

he's got a PS4 we got him a couple years back. i don't think the PS5 was out yet but i do not remember to be honest and if it was i really didn't feel like spending $500 bucks on a game console for him.  the PS4 was cheaper and a great console he's only gonna be 11 this year. anyways Second Son was an even better game than i thought it was going to be. i tried to play the first Infamous game on PS Now i think? and i can't play it the controls for it are really really awful.  the camera for it was dreadful and hard to use.  it's only a miracle that game got any sequels at all


I completed Battletech, so now I am looking for something new to play. Might try one called Old World, but that will have to wait for Tuesday (payday).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

Jim H

I am playing Rescue Rangers 2 for the original NES.  It's decent, but most definitely a step down from the original.  I want a cartridge of it, but it's over $200...  So emulation for me.


i dunno how to do that or else i would i do have the 1st game on cartridge in fact i had bought it used waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the early 90's i believe. no case i didn't get it when i bought it.  and i've never beaten it before i've never played the 2nd one though.

i was playing a bit of God of War (2018) the other night i hadn't played that in f.. ages


Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Thinking about thinking about giving RDR2, which I shelved when Elden Ring came out, another go. You know, thinking about it.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I think I'm experiencing burnout on all my games. If they ever do release Deathloop on PS4 I'll try it but for the first time in a long while absolutely nothing is appealing to me.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Started Dishonored again for, I dunno, the seventieth time? Promptly got motion sick.

Perhaps the grand age of gaming has passed in my life.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.

Jim H

Quote from: ER on July 28, 2022, 03:30:02 PM
Started Dishonored again for, I dunno, the seventieth time? Promptly got motion sick.

Perhaps the grand age of gaming has passed in my life.

You might try  quitting entirely for a few months or a year or two, and then trying with something very different when you think of it again.  It has come and gone for me at different ages, personally.


What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I'm still trying to figure out PacMan  :buggedout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Dishonored is the sort of densely-packed game that after a decade still reveals new things on every play-through. I did a medium chaos play-through in late July, then a low-chaos play-through (I only caused two deaths the entire game, and one was an accident after i dropped an unconscious person on stairs), and right now am on the highest chaos run ever, literally killing every figure in the game I am allowed to kill, in order to see what happens. What I discovered was the high-chaos changes to the scenario begin even on the first outbound mission. I saw these holy men executed one of their own for being infected with the rat plague, when in other scenarios, the man begged them to kill him in order to spare his suffering, and it was done gently by his friend. That's just one minor shift I've caught, but I hadn't noticed so many variations came so early, depending on your moral choices and actions. Dishonored is the most deeply-layered game I've ever played, and that combined with its moody setting, the depth of its world creation, the fluidity of its AI, makes it one of the best classics ever..
What does not kill me makes me stranger.