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The Bad Movie Daily Calander

Started by chainsaw midget, January 01, 2023, 07:36:01 AM

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chainsaw midget

Nov 22  is Terry Gilliam's birthday!

Nov 23 is Thanksgiving, and as a departure from the norm, I'm going suggest an absolutely GREAT Thanksgiving movie.  Perhaps the best. 

chainsaw midget

chainsaw midget

Nov 25 is Ricardo Montalban's birthday.  He was in Spy Kids 3, (along with Antonio Banderas, Slyvester Stallone, Salma Hayek, Alan Cumming, and Danny Trejo.  Seriously, how was Spy Kids a thing that existed?)

chainsaw midget

Rev. Powell

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

chainsaw midget

chainsaw midget

Nov 29 is Customer is Wrong Day

Nov 30 1609 – Galileo Galilei realized that the moon was a landscape, not a flat surface on a circle in the sky.

chainsaw midget

Dec 1  The first of December, to me, suggests Christmas movie.  I don't care what anybody else says.

Dec 2 is Popping Corn Day!

Dec 3 is Disability Day!

Dec 4  is Santa's List Day

chainsaw midget

Dec 5th is International Ninja Day

chainsaw midget

Dec6 is  Saint Nicholas Day
Yup.  Lot of Santa days this month.  Here.  Watch Ernest save him.


Quote from: chainsaw midget on December 06, 2023, 11:06:23 PM
Dec 5th is International Ninja Day

Ninja at the top right looks like he trod in something nasty  :buggedout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Out of curiosity, I searched YouTube videos for this year's International Ninja Day and Popping Corn Day. I found zero 2023 Ninja Day videos, and maybe one 2023 popping corn day. I didn't see any in my Facebook feed either. I guess they are celebrating those days on X and Instagram? Didn't check though.
Is it October yet?

chainsaw midget

Quote from: claws on December 07, 2023, 12:33:48 PM
Out of curiosity, I searched YouTube videos for this year's International Ninja Day and Popping Corn Day. I found zero 2023 Ninja Day videos, and maybe one 2023 popping corn day. I didn't see any in my Facebook feed either. I guess they are celebrating those days on X and Instagram? Didn't check though.
Shame really.  The internet goes wild over talk like a pirate day, but nobody wants to celebrate the ninja?  Just doesn't seem fair.


Quote from: chainsaw midget on December 07, 2023, 02:00:08 PM
Quote from: claws on December 07, 2023, 12:33:48 PM
Out of curiosity, I searched YouTube videos for this year's International Ninja Day and Popping Corn Day. I found zero 2023 Ninja Day videos, and maybe one 2023 popping corn day. I didn't see any in my Facebook feed either. I guess they are celebrating those days on X and Instagram? Didn't check though.
Shame really.  The internet goes wild over talk like a pirate day, but nobody wants to celebrate the ninja?  Just doesn't seem fair.

Trust me to find something like this  :wink:

December 5: missed it by that much.  :wink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.

chainsaw midget

Dec 7 1869
Jesse James committed his first bank robbery.