
| Series Overview of Star Trek
| I have always liked "Star Trek." Never became a rabid fan. As a child, you would not find me running around in a blue suit with a toy phaser, nor will you find me doing so today. It is the kind of show (science fiction) that I enjoy watching and, thankfully, it ran for a while; there are many episodes to discover or rediscover.
The plot is usually simple. The crew of the Enterprise constantly investigates lost colonies, mysterious worlds, or distress calls. However, the interesting ship and technology always were second fiddle compared to the acting and characterizations. The story ideas were usually interesting, but what kept me returning was the arguements between Bones and Spock. Or Scotty coming up with some new way to show his love for the Enterprise. Or Kirk throwing a tatrum (usually on account of orders from a superior officer).
The Crew of the Enterprise
 | Captain James T. Kirk
| William Shatner! He is the confident and brash commander of the Enterprise. Kirk is famous across the known galaxy for bedding women, speaking with a halting tempo, and suddenly arriving at effective plans of action (just in time to avert disaster).
 | Spock
| Leonard Nimoy! I have to say that Spock, the ship's First Officer, was always my favorite character. The Vulcans are a race ruled by logic, not emotion like humans. As a result, he often contradicts human "reasoning" with perfectly deadpan analysis.
 | Dr. McCoy
| The Enterprise's medical officer. Poor fellow, more often than not, he arrives just in time to pronounce a patient dead. Bones (his nickname) carries on a running war or words with Spock, because... ...uh, he is a RACIST! Good Lord!
 | Mr. Scott
| "Scotty" to his friends; the chief engineer. The irrepressible Scotsman dearly loves the Enterprise and treats her like a lady. Mr. Scott probably could get married, so long as his bride to be had lots of moving parts. Being metric would not hurt either.
 | Lt. Uhura
| She is breaking new ground for African-American women in Starfleet, but unfortunately falls into a number of stereotypical pits. Vain and a shopaholic, she probably eats lots of candy while watching soap operas. Lt. Uhura is best known by space stations as "that sexy voice on the radio."
 | Mr. Chekov
| Look how proud he is of his Russian heritage! He is also rash, inexperienced, and prone to shooting his mouth off.
 | Mr. Sulu
| The Enterprise's pilot is a competent man, both quiet and patient. You would think that he was just waiting for his shot at a promotion.