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The Terror of Tiny Town

Started by Andrew, November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM

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I'd have to say that the best part was during the song at the end when the bartender chugs 2 full size beers.  He didn't have an easy time of it, either.  Classic movie.

night heron

Imagine a all midget western and here it is this looks like HIGH NOON and the munchkins and they realy could have used shetland ponies these little horses would have been just right for them or how about two men in a horse costume?


I saw this movie and it cut out in the middle. How come? I got it part of a western movie set. What a ripoff. The part I saw was still enjoyable. I was great.


The ___Best......I'm almost tempted to buy  the video.....I remember seeing this movies back in the 1960's.....along with the other movie "Reefer Madness", another classic.......this is a great web-site ..thanks again.....mitchrroe7

steve lardy

     The "Terror of Tiny Town" ranks right up there with "Plan 9 From Outer Space" as the greatest movie ever.  If Jed Buell hadn't come up with this idea, I'm sure the great Ed Wood would have.  The best $1.99 I've ever spent>


My boss was telling me about this movie a couple of years ago, and I really didn't believe him.  We were talking about it again today and I said I'd look for it online.  I was soooooo excited to find it!!!  We had a great time with the pictures and the video.  Thank you for brightening my day!


Too bad someone did not make a few sequels to this turkey film.
IE: The Terror Of Zorro
   The Terror Of Tarzan
   The Terror Of Godzilla


Dooo.Little people drinking beer,dooo.I wish the mugs were kegs, doooo.No wonder I got sick watching this pu.Dooooo!!!


Look around, watch the tube a little, listen to Rush, What is so strange about this movie?


Please, can someone show me an internet store where they are selling this DVD?

Sora the B-Movie Alchemist

.... This movie is so morally wrong on many levels... I must go cry in a corner now....

Hari Khari

After watching this movie I killed myself.


Billy Curtis (Buck) was my late Father's uncle. Stian-I just found this on DVD at for $5.99.  I'm in HEAVEN, and my Christmas shopping is now half done!!!!

Hari-your reaction is completely understandable and quite logical.


I watched this film at the cinema in 1966 at the age of 10 years old and it freaked me out giving me a phobia of midgets ever since. Whenever i tell anybody about it they think i'm making it up - i'm almost pleased to find out i wasn't. Now I've found out what it was called do I dare watch it again?

Midwest Mom

I watched this movie about ten years ago, Could'nt sleep and turned on the tele and it was on public television.  I thought it was hillarous.  I told my friends about it and they asked me what I had to drink.  I remember when watching the movie, it looked like some of the female midgets were dressed up like men.  Does anyone know if this is true?  Anyways I was pleasantly surprised to find I am not the only one who watched and enjoyed this movie.