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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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The local temperature only hit 25 degrees celsius today. When I came home from lunch, Ash was playing in his paddling pool. I felt like jumping in and joining him in the nice cold water.

Might have been asked a few questions though about my wet uniform when returning from work.

Kristi spent the entire day playing with Ash hoping to tire him out and get him to go to bed easily tonight. The result is that she is currently soaking in a bath to relax her tired muscles, while half an hour after bedtime Ash is running around. The parents of one of his school friends was telling Kristi how she felt she was a failure because she just wanted to be her child's best friend and it seemed to be going through a rough patch. I always figure that my role is to be a parent first and foremost. The friend bit can come later. I'll play with him and spend hours doing so quite happily, but I make it clear that I am the one in charge just now and until he is old (read responsible enough, in truth many people can live out a long life and never be old enough to make their own decisions).

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


The alleged fourth IS Beetle has been arrested and is going to face trial for his part in the murder of (if I remember correctly), 37 hostages. He has been deported from Turkey.

I am against the death penalty, because if you wrongfully convict someone, then you can't take that back or compensate for it in any way. Indeed, I would say if you kill someone who was innocent, then the state itself is guilty of murder.

Sometimes though, for certain people, I'd like to make an exception. For some people, I'd even volunteer to do the damn job myself.

Looks like England is going to have a drought this year. It has been a while since they last had one, but with the hot summer, we've been having I am surprised it hasn't been declared earlier. It could be worse though. Firefighters from across the world are being shipped to France to help them fight their forest fires. We are ok up here. For the moment anyway. Energy rationing is being mentioned. No surprise there after decades of under-investment in the network. Then again, we are hardly the only first-world country that has been guilty of that. I wonder if that will be the entire country though, or just England? The news quite often doesn't differentiate between England and the rest of the UK.

GDP has shrunk by 0.1% following 0.8% growth in the previous 1/4 with a warning that by the end of the year we will be in recession. On top of the cost of living crisis that is being blamed on the Ukrainian war, but was happening before that. Yet people still think Boris was the man to lead the country to brexit and many mourn him going. He isn't quite gone yet, but has said he isn't going to do anything about what is happening. He is waiting for the next PM to be selected so they can do something.

How about quitting and getting the f**k out of there, so we can get someone else in (not that I have faith in either remaining candidate). The same people who are going to pick out of them are the same ones who voted in the previous 3, and they were all p**s poor at the job.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


After a couple of weeks of Ash not being able to settle down to sleep at night, we finally got him back on schedule. All it took was waking him up a little earlier (and I am awake at that time anyway). Kristi is out at a community council meeting so everything is quiet and I am watching some movies. I finally got around to watching Darlin'. To say it lacks the power of its predecessor is something of an understatement. I should look up the prequel. I don't think it was ever made into a movie though.

77 years ago today, Japan surrendered. As per usual, I see no minutes silence, no thank you from the government for those who gave the only thing that ultimately any of us really have to give (everything). In a year's time will I still care? Will, I still donate a part of my monthly wage to a veterans charity and give up a couple of hours every year to collect money for them, or will I become one of those who mouth empty words about how they support our armed forces and veterans, but doesn't actually do anything to help them?

I wonder.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on August 15, 2022, 02:32:56 PM
After a couple of weeks of Ash not being able to settle down to sleep at night, we finally got him back on schedule. All it took was waking him up a little earlier (and I am awake at that time anyway). Kristi is out at a community council meeting so everything is quiet and I am watching some movies. I finally got around to watching Darlin'. To say it lacks the power of its predecessor is something of an understatement. I should look up the prequel. I don't think it was ever made into a movie though.

77 years ago today, Japan surrendered. As per usual, I see no minutes silence, no thank you from the government for those who gave the only thing that ultimately any of us really have to give (everything). In a year's time will I still care? Will, I still donate a part of my monthly wage to a veterans charity and give up a couple of hours every year to collect money for them, or will I become one of those who mouth empty words about how they support our armed forces and veterans, but doesn't actually do anything to help them?

I wonder.

Thank you for doing that.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I am battling the absolute lack of care I have about pretty much anything at work right now. Anything beyond the basic daily stuff I do on a daily business seems to have become almost impossible.

Boy is this whole year-long notice thing a mistake.

The man at the top of our job has had to publish an open letter denying an accusation that in order to meet diversity targets they have suspended recruiting white males. Honestly, I'd be surprised if the accusation was true (although I don't think it is impossible either). If you took all the guys from a poor white background out of the airforce, you'd have about six people left.

Watching the cartoon series of Harley Quinn. Giving me the odd chuckle and I am enjoying it.

I had some new figures arrive yesterday. My players are going to s**t 10 bricks when I put these down on the table. I'd put up a picture, but imgur seems to be faulty at the moment.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Summer seems to be swaging into autumn. Clouds have been hanging around all week keeping things cooler than they are elsewhere. I am quite happy with that. The southern part of the UK is much hotter, although not the record-breaking stuff we had just a few weeks ago.

Time to look forward to running through piles of crunchy leaves.

I wonder if Ash will join me? He did like it last year. He has started back at nursery, but this year he is in from 09:00 to 15:00. I think this is harder on Kristi than it is on him. The joys of running around playing all day. I am also happy that he won't be starting school until next year. I don't feel he is ready yet. Poor kids. We take the funnest years of their lives and stick them in school. It isn't so bad when they have a good teacher, but so many of them just dryly pour out whatever facts and figures instead of making learning interesting and actually engaging with them. Not saying that is an easy thing to do. I think I had two teachers who could really reach their students (Mr Wilson, science (specialising in physics), and a young geography teacher whose name has fallen to the mists of time. I can remember some jokes he told us to this day, and that he loved The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but his name is.... no wait it just came back to me. Mr Campbell. I remembered that his clan was involved in the massacre at Glencoe and that thread of memory led me back to his name). Hmm, just out of personal curiosity I am going to see how many of my primary school teachers I can remember:

Primary Schools
Melrose: 1-3 Mrs Gascoin (possibly not the right spelling. I do recall she told me I was evil though), Hayocks (head teacher Mrs Gaw): P4 Can't remember. Ardeer (head teacher Mr Agnew, replaced by a woman whose name I've forgotten) P4 Mrs Yarr, P5 Mrs Smith, P6 Mrs Martin (at secondary school I'd meet her son, who I think tried to proposition me for gay sex on a camping trip, but I wasn't 100% sure. I wouldn't have been interested either way), part of P7 Mrs Yarr (again), Hayocks (again, head mistress was still Mrs Gaw) rest of P7 Miss Robb (she was an absolute b***h who I once saw drag a guy out of class by the hair for talking. A few years later she'd make national news when she ripped a girl's earring out, taking her earlobe with it. She wouldn't touch me though as she'd once hit my youngest aunt (she is 5 years older than me) and my gran had went to the school and hit her back).

Hmm, chances are most of them are dead. Hows that for making you feel old?

Hayocks was the worst school I attended. I'd done a few months there when we moved house when I was 9. I hated having to go back to it 3 years later when my mum left my dad. A stand-out memory was one of the school cooks dropping food on the floor, picking it up with her hand and putting it on someone's plate. The whole school also had an odd smell about it. Ardeer was my favourite school, especially once Mr Agnew was kicked out of his job and replaced. His nickname was Penguin because of the way he walked. Incredibly unpopular with both students, parents and as we'd find out much later the other teachers.

I wonder how many teachers get tired of the way they have to teach? Constricted by guidelines and often having to teach to pass an exam. It cannot be a fun job, even if (at least in the UK), it is a well-paid job and one with plenty of time off. When I was at school, teachers always had nice new cars. They must have days when they just want to run riot.

A slightly more rambling meandering ramble than usual today I guess.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Got a phone call last night that my aunt had been taken into hospital with covid. At some point during the day, she'd collapsed and been unable to get up. A visitor was unable to get into her house and they got the police to kick her door down basically. She went on a ventilator last night, but we were told to expect bad news.

She passed away around 07:00. I got the phone call just as I was getting ready for work that she'd passed away.

Not a lot we can do about things now. It was her choice not to get the vaccine and while she didn't currently smoke, she had smoked heavily for a good part of her life and had generally bad health for the past decade or so, so it isn't a shock or anything, but we were close. Third aunt or uncle who has died this year, but I've had much rougher ones to get through than this. Twice before in my life I've had a short period of time when multiple relatives have died.

f**k covid, and f**k all the stupid arseholes with their crappy conspiracy theories.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on August 19, 2022, 05:53:23 AM
Got a phone call last night that my aunt had been taken into hospital with covid. At some point during the day, she'd collapsed and been unable to get up. A visitor was unable to get into her house and they got the police to kick her door down basically. She went on a ventilator last night, but we were told to expect bad news.

She passed away around 07:00. I got the phone call just as I was getting ready for work that she'd passed away.

Not a lot we can do about things now. It was her choice not to get the vaccine and while she didn't currently smoke, she had smoked heavily for a good part of her life and had generally bad health for the past decade or so, so it isn't a shock or anything, but we were close. Third aunt or uncle who has died this year, but I've had much rougher ones to get through than this. Twice before in my life I've had a short period of time when multiple relatives have died.

f**k covid, and f**k all the stupid arseholes with their crappy conspiracy theories.

That's a sad loss, Alex. I wish you and your loved-ones what comfort there can be at this time.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: Alex on August 19, 2022, 05:53:23 AM
Got a phone call last night that my aunt had been taken into hospital with covid. At some point during the day, she'd collapsed and been unable to get up. A visitor was unable to get into her house and they got the police to kick her door down basically. She went on a ventilator last night, but we were told to expect bad news.

She passed away around 07:00. I got the phone call just as I was getting ready for work that she'd passed away.

Not a lot we can do about things now. It was her choice not to get the vaccine and while she didn't currently smoke, she had smoked heavily for a good part of her life and had generally bad health for the past decade or so, so it isn't a shock or anything, but we were close. Third aunt or uncle who has died this year, but I've had much rougher ones to get through than this. Twice before in my life I've had a short period of time when multiple relatives have died.

f**k covid, and f**k all the stupid arseholes with their crappy conspiracy theories.

Sending hugs
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


It was confirmed last night that I've been appointed as the executor for Gina's estate. Not been able to get down to my mums yet thanks to a rail strike today, but I am going to try and go tomorrow. Spent much of the day speaking between my younger brother and my mum. I'd been avoiding it most of the day, but late last night I did check in with my older brother to see how he was doing. As I expected he tried to make the conversation about how Gina had hurt his feelings many times over the years. I managed not to tell him exactly why Gina had treated him that way after he'd joined up, the promises he'd broken and so forth. I kept the conversation out of that territory every time he tried to go there and eventually ended it by declaring I was going to bed.

We took a stroll along the west beach this morning. Ash still doesn't like it as much as the east beach, but at least he no longer starts shaking with fear when we try to take him there. No idea what prompted the change between loving playing down there and absolutely hating it, but we seem to have it calmed down. Afterwards, we went for a couple of ice creams, trying a new place for a change but the ice cream itself was somewhat chewy. Not something I've experienced before. I wonder if it was freezer burned or something, but whatever the reason we won't be trying that place again. One thing Lossiemouth is not short of is places where we can get ice cream.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


When you say "chewy" was this scooped ice cream or an ice cream bar on a stick? I've had either kind be rubbery before., even stretchy, but I don't know if that's the same as chewy. Interesting.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


It had what I can best describe as stands of a thicker material running through it. My ice cream was supposed to be banana flavoured, but only had the merest him. Kristi and Ash both had different flavours from me, but found the same with theirs as I got with mine. None of us finished ours and then we got something to drink to wash the taste away.

Something I just learned that might be of a vague passing interest to you ER. Did you know there was a choose your own adventure book made where you play through Mary Shelly's Frankenstein? You can play as either the monster or the scientist. I had a quick look on ebay and decided that I did not want to spend the money they want for a copy though. The review I read suggested that when you are wandering around the artic, the game gets a bit dull.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


That is me back at my mum's. I had a mostly quiet journey down, even if the older I get, the more my fellow passengers irk me. Read a couple of books on the way down, rather than messing around on the computer (Caverns of the Snow Witch and Appointment With F.E.A.R. if anyone is curious).

I was presented with various stuff as soon as I got through the door to do with sorting out the funeral. I calmly told them it was all stuff I was already aware of, and I'd need the death certificate first, so I wasn't going to worry about sorting anything else until I had that part out of the way. I could tell my mum's mind has been racing and she just needs to calm down a little. When they told me that if I needed any help to phone Grant as he'd had to sort out some funerals, I thanked them and mentioned that I had some experience in that department too. That sounds very cold, but having half a dozen people in my face all telling me I need to sort out a bunch of different things helps no one. Indeed quite the opposite. I've done my mourning and now I have a job to sort out stuff. I can mourn some more when I have the funeral sorted. She had paid for her funeral in advance, so I don't need to worry about paying for everything and then claiming it back off the estate afterwards.

Gina had terrible taste in pets. She used to have a parrot that would bite chunks out of people. Because of this, I hadn't been up to see her since Ash was born. Currently, she had two bad-tempered chihuahuas. My first point of business was going to be taking them to a dog shelter to get rehoused, but one of my other aunts wants to take them back down to Blackpool with her, so that is at least one less thing to deal with. I don't think the estate will go over the Inheritance Tax threshold, not unless house prices in the area have gone up hugely since I used to live here. Given that was over 20 years ago it is possible, but I'd rate as unlikely.

The dogs seem to have adopted me. They are sitting at my feet. I am fine with that, but I do not like dogs licking my hands. I am fine with big dogs, but I tend not to like small, yappy dogs much. I wouldn't hurt them or get them put down, but neither would I take them home with me. Especially not with them having a habit of biting. It just wouldn't work with Ash. Unlike PETA I am not into exterminating as many pets as possible.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I was trying to plan out all the things I needed to take care of last night and every time I said I wanted to do something, someone else would pipe up "You can't do that until you get the death certificate."

I am perfectly damn well aware of this. I was just trying to make a list of what I needed to do, and in some cases what order they had to be carried out in.

Today the same people kept on saying to me "Oh you need to do X", when X is equal to pretty much anything I mentioned I needed to do last night. Round about lunchtime my limited patience snapped. I'd said I wanted to take the main beneficiary of the will out for the day and just explain the options. She has learning difficulties, and I want to be able to talk to her without anyone else chipping in and trying to persuade her that she should do whatever they think. I was told I couldn't do this because I had to wait for the death certificate to come in. Someone else made a comment about how they wished she'd left the estate to someone else and she'd never wanted a load of money. I bit my tongue and didn't say "Well I've got some good news for you there. The house and money weren't left to you. They were left to this other person." I don't think I will be able to hold back a second time if it is said again.

My OCD does not do well with people who try to stand in my way when I want to get something done, and my voice makes it very obvious when I've had enough. Some of Gina's friends that she used to have a weekly lunch with were having a meal today to remember her. The beneficiary wanted to go and was told no by her guardian. I jumped in and said "I'll take her. If she wants to go then she is going."

I've been left a chunk of money. Not a retire and never work again amount, or even buy a new car, but it is still a decent sized amount of more than I make in a month. Hadn't been expecting any and to be honest, it has thrown me a little.

I am glad I made the slight effort of phoning Gina on her last birthday. She sounded happy. I wish I could have helped her more after her husband died, but she went into her own protective bubble and was only just showing signs of starting to come out of it. Still, if there is an afterlife, she is back with him, I hope for them, there is such a thing and they are happy together.

The little dogs are still constantly around my feet. They were being fed steak before and too many dog treats, so they are badly overweight. The days of steak are over for them now though. They are getting dog food. One of them seems to be eating it, while the other is resisting. I expect he/she will come around once it gets hungry though. I am hoping that the home they are going to will keep them on a healthier diet, and give them more exercise. They are unhealthily overweight. While I am not going to take on the dogs myself, I do feel I have a duty to get them a decent home.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I finally got the death certificate this afternoon. We got her clothes sorted out and lots of stuff being donated to charity, so progress has been made. A key went missing for the back door, so I replaced the lock rather than risk dealing with stuff going missing. I went into the undertakers and made an appointment for tomorrow. It does mean I won't be able to meet Kristi in Glasgow when she comes down tomorrow, but I need to make some progress on sorting things and getting the funeral planned is right up there at the top of the list.

Going to be tight though to organise anything before I have to head back up the road, so I might have to come back down later.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.