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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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Heading back home tomorrow. It will be nice travelling with the family again.

I went out today, visited the bank, the solicitors and then we took Ash to a soft play and let him run off plenty of energy for an hour. I kept just wanting to go somewhere with Kristi, but pretty much every time we've gone out, Elizabeth wanted to go with us. Round about 16:00, we did manage to get a walk to the nearest ATM.

Gosh, what a romantic date.

We did pick up Ash a new pair of shoes though. I guess that counts for something.

His favourite cartoon at the moment is Disney's Lonesome Ghosts, I remember that being an old one when I was a kid. When Goofy is looking at the ghost in the mirror and doing all the movements, he's taken to copying them. Quite funny to watch him doing it.

Something I've suspected for a while, but only had confirmed the last time I passed through it. Glasgow no longer feels like home to me I didn't get the feeling like I was back where I should be. It would be hard to explain, but the last few times I just didn't feel the same, and this time when I was passing through there was just nothing. Good job I have no preferences over what place I go to live when I leave (although there are multiple places where I won't be settling down). I've never cared for the town I grew up in. Indeed I am dead set against coming back here. It was suggested that when I leave I could move into my aunt's old house, but that is a big hell no. It is being left to Elizabeth and she wants to sell it.

Kristi wants me to spend my retirement money to buy an old pirate ship in Virginia. I am not totally against it, although I might want to sail it to Canada. Also, it is a bit bigger than any other boat I've ever sailed (my largest one was a 6-man sailboat).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on August 26, 2022, 12:37:38 PM

Something I've suspected for a while, but only had confirmed the last time I passed through it. Glasgow no longer feels like home to me I didn't get the feeling like I was back where I should be. It would be hard to explain, but the last few times I just didn't feel the same, and this time when I was passing through there was just nothing. Good job I have no preferences over what place I go to live when I leave (although there are multiple places where I won't be settling down). I've never cared for the town I grew up in. Indeed I am dead set against coming back here. It was suggested that when I leave I could move into my aunt's old house, but that is a big hell no. It is being left to Elizabeth and she wants to sell it..

I'm planning to go home to Zimbabwe next year and I've been told that both my home towns (Bulawayo and Gweru) aren't as I remember them. I would just like to go home, have a cold beer on home turf, make my peace with my past and come back to South Africa.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Quote from: Trevor on August 26, 2022, 01:31:57 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 26, 2022, 12:37:38 PM

Something I've suspected for a while, but only had confirmed the last time I passed through it. Glasgow no longer feels like home to me I didn't get the feeling like I was back where I should be. It would be hard to explain, but the last few times I just didn't feel the same, and this time when I was passing through there was just nothing. Good job I have no preferences over what place I go to live when I leave (although there are multiple places where I won't be settling down). I've never cared for the town I grew up in. Indeed I am dead set against coming back here. It was suggested that when I leave I could move into my aunt's old house, but that is a big hell no. It is being left to Elizabeth and she wants to sell it..

I'm planning to go home to Zimbabwe next year and I've been told that both my home towns (Bulawayo and Gweru) aren't as I remember them. I would just like to go home, have a cold beer on home turf, make my peace with my past and come back to South Africa.
I believe it is something you need to do and you'll feel better about some things when you've done it. I hope the trip is everything you want it to be.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I can't just gloss over this pirate ship.  Is there really a pirate ship for sale (huhuh, sail) in Virginia?  Is this something we should all be chipping in to buy?  Can we design a special flag?  Can I turn the wheel?


Quote from: Paquita on August 26, 2022, 02:45:30 PM
I can't just gloss over this pirate ship.  Is there really a pirate ship for sale (huhuh, sail) in Virginia?  Is this something we should all be chipping in to buy?  Can we design a special flag?  Can I turn the wheel?

It is indeed for sale.

True story, some time before I joined this site I made a facebook post where I said something along the lines of "I feel bored. Who wants to steal a ship and take to the high seas for a life of piracy?"

Everyone who responded yes (and there were several takers) was female.

You can design a flag if you want, but you only get to steer if you are properly qualified. Wouldn't be legal to let you pilot the ship otherwise.  :bouncegiggle: (According to Disney, pirates are very honest and never steal,, lie or cheat).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Went out today with the family. I gave Kristi £100, told her to get something fun and that if she needed (or just wanted more), she could have it. She got some clothes. Not that there is much else to buy on a Sunday in Elgin. I might have spent a fair bit myself if the Pop Shop had been open.

Took a stroll up to the cemetery. Kristi had a bit of a sudden bout of sickness, so she and Ash waited in a nearby shop while I went on my own. There was a guy at a grave a couple of plots up from where Lilly-Beth is buried. He was cleaning the headstone of his child, and all the toys they'd placed around it. Felt comforting that I am not the only parent who does that. Didn't talk to the guy or anything though. I mean what the hell would I say? We both just knelt beside our respective headstones, cleaning them. Our actions often unconsciously mirroring each other. Just two dads, cleaning their dead children's graves. Not something any parent should have to do and yet here we have an entire section of a cemetery marked out just for children. Just row on row of lives that never got a chance to be lived. As he himself would say "You got all anyone is promised. A beginning and an end." It doesn't seem fair or right.

If there is a god they have a lot to answer for.

Ever have a time when things convince you something is planned (or perhaps plotted is a better term) by people around you? Maybe I am just being paranoid, maybe I am reading too much into what are really random comments being made around me. The human mind loves to look for connections between unrelated events which partially explains why so many people are so gullible when it comes to conspiracy theories). Nonetheless, for want of a better phrase, my spider sense is tingling.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on August 28, 2022, 04:16:04 PM

Took a stroll up to the cemetery. Kristi had a bit of a sudden bout of sickness, so she and Ash waited in a nearby shop while I went on my own. There was a guy at a grave a couple of plots up from where Lilly-Beth is buried. He was cleaning the headstone of his child, and all the toys they'd placed around it. Felt comforting that I am not the only parent who does that. Didn't talk to the guy or anything though. I mean what the hell would I say? We both just knelt beside our respective headstones, cleaning them. Our actions often unconsciously mirroring each other. Just two dads, cleaning their dead children's graves. Not something any parent should have to do and yet here we have an entire section of a cemetery marked out just for children. Just row on row of lives that never got a chance to be lived. As he himself would say "You got all anyone is promised. A beginning and an end." It doesn't seem fair or right.

If there is a god they have a lot to answer for.

I have religious beliefs but I know exactly how you feel. I find I question my faith a lot the older I get.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Next week we will get our new prime minister. It looks like the less competent sounding choice is going to win (and by quite some margin). I hope I am wrong, but I think she'll cause a lot of long-term problems.

We are facing lots of strikes. More than I can recall hearing about at any time since the '70s. Railways, barristers, royal mail, and BT are just some of the major companies whose workers want a pay rise to match the cost of living issues everyone is facing. Since my wage has been steadily going down in value for the last 15/16 years and is worth less now than it was back then, I wish I could join them. Rumours of a general strike are sounding possible, while the likely incoming PM has said she is going to put further restrictions on strikes. This sounds to me like returning to the working people Vs. moderate right-wing politicians that we faced way back when I was a child.

I have some training to do this morning, but when I get it finished I can then work from home and make a bunch of phone calls to sort out some will stuff.

It is going to be an eventful autumn.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I spent yesterday on the phone dealing with all the various debitors and creditors involved in the estate.

This meant a lot of time dealing with automated phone systems that didn't quite have the option I was looking for, or and option to go back a step. If I found I'd went down the wrong rabbit hole, I'd then have to hang up and start again.

Sometimes I just mashed random buttons until it gave me a person to speak to.  

Anyway, I think I now have all the bills sorted. In a few cases I even arranged refunds.

I've arranged to speak to a soliciter (I thought soliciting was a crime?), on Friday and I will get Gina's bank account shut down, transfer the money and then use that to pay the bills and transfer the remainder to the beneficary, speak with my own bank, get Ash new dress shoes. Maybe I'll bang my head off an available wall too. Certainly felt like it yesterday by the time I'd finished on the phone. We didn't know who she had her internet or mobile phone providers were, indeed we haven'tfound her mobile phone at all yet. I suspect it is at the hospital she died in. So I called every such provider in the book, obe by one until I found who I was looking for. Fortunately it turned out to be EE.

Last night one of our D&D group managed to literally shoot himself in the foot. The damage was enough to kill him outright, but the DM ruled that it had only knocked him out from the pain. Kristi has a gentle heart.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I am going to do some D&D stuff tonight and not just write posts here as a way of avoiding getting stuff ready for Friday night.

Just as soon as I write some stuff here.

And go get an ice cream.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Imgur wouldn't let me post any pictures to my account as I had too many already. I simply started up another account and then posted them from there.

Well done Imgur.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


An after-action discussion on last night's game.

QuoteDark Alex — Today at 9:45 AM
Interesting session last night. I think you'd have enjoyed it Tina.

The party have a trading vessel and were moored up, when they came under attack at night, from creatures in the water firing at them with blowpipes.

Most of the party started firing back with bows and crossbows, but Ross decided to jump into the water, in full armour.

It turned out to be about 20 feet deep at the dock (had to be deep to allow ships in).

Oh dear...

Dark Alex — Today at 9:47 AM
Kristi cast Light on a rope and threw it down into the water, effectively allowing the party to see what was happening beneath the surface.

Ross decided not to try and climb up the rope, and instead fight the attackers.

He ran out of air, and failed his Con check so passed out.

Kristi cast Freedom of Movement, jumped into the water, grabbed Ross and then downed a potion of Levitation so she'd float back up to the surface.

I thought that was quite inventive.

Had a rough day with Ash yesterday. Kristi got a phone call asking her to come and pick him up. He'd shocked everyone by fighting with another kid, which really isn't like him. After I finished work, I'd to go out to Elgin to speak with a solicitor. Kristi and Ash came out with me but went shopping while I did the business stuff, and then we met back up again. He threw himself down on the ground in a tantrum, he tried to bite my wrist (I felt the teeth against my skin and just growled "Don't you dare!" and he thought better of it), then rather than have to drag him everywhere, I picked him up and put him on my shoulders. He then started spitting on the top of my head.

Yeah, I know what reaction that would have gotten me from my parents.

It is seriously out of character behaviour for him. He lost all his treats, got no cartoons etc. If it wasn't against the law, I think he'd have even merited a smack on the arse. We have heard there is a virus going around that is stopping kids from getting a good night's sleep and generally interferes with their sleeping patterns (I am assuming it is messing with REM sleep, stopping them from getting into it). Certainly for the past week or so, even after a full night's sleep, he still seems tired. He'll come up to me at about 18:00 and tell me he is sleepy and wants to go to bed, then we'll have a struggle to wake him up in the morning.

Maybe he is just picking up on the stress and tension that has been around recently.

Today he seems to be much more back to himself, despite Kristi being out shopping. Normally, that is an emotional battle as he gets more and more upset. He is used to seeing daddy (or faddah as he has recently taken to calling me) go to work, but mummy leaving him for the day, not so much. We are debating between me just going down to the funeral on my own, or taking him down to my mum's but not taking him to the service.

Hel, just getting him smart shoes turned out to be almost impossible. All the dress shoes we could find were more like trainers.

Trying a glass of Haig infused with orange right now. Not sure what to think of it. Doesn't taste bad, just kind of like regular whiskey. Just having the one glass of it at the moment though. Maybe I'll have a better tasting session later.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I have the joy of travelling down tomorrow for the funeral on Wednesday and then coming back on the Thursday. Truth be told I am dreading the train journey much more than the funeral itself, with no idea why.

Right now, just getting through it without any family fights is the aim.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


So the fat emperor's thankfully short reign ends the only way it ever could. In disgrace. Word is that he is planning a comeback though.

How many countries could that apply to?

In this case, it is he of the fat body, bad hair and many mistresses (I am sure his wealth has nothing to do with cancelling out the other traits mentioned. Oops, still not narrowing it down any there lol. Still got a couple of countries I could be talking about, but it is indeed Boris Johnson. Liz Truss was confirmed as his replacement yesterday and officially takes over today.

Y'know, I am not convinced that the same people who gave us David Cameron (weird to think that he was the most competent of the bunch), Theresa May and Boris Johnson should really be trusted to elect the next Prime Minister. The last one who managed to last through an entire 5 year Parliament ran by his own party (which removes Cameron, because he presided over a coalition) was John Major and that was back in '97.

Had Rishi won, I think we'd have been in for some very tough times, but he would have been better at getting the country sorted in a more long-term view. Things are going to still be tough under Truss, but there is a greater chance of people getting government help. Will that help be enough? Well, that we will have to wait and see.

Can Boris make a comeback? Possibly. Sad truth is that people have short memories and given a bit of time, he could get back in power.

Getting ready to head off to the other side of the country for the second time in as many weeks and I have at least one more trip to do before the month is out. Normally I am quite happy to do it, but right now I am just dreading it.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.