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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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Ash woke up just after midnight this morning and decided to join us. Since he climbed into bed and fell asleep we decided to leave him in our room. He lay quietly in bed, but since he has learned my habit of lying in bed motionless and people not knowing if I am asleep or awake, we aren't sure if he slept or not.

Certainly, he was grumpy as hell when we got out of bed. The crying started when I wouldn't let him follow his mum to the toilet, then I ruined his entire life by putting the blue dinosaur jacket on him instead of his yellow jacket. Me and Kristi then popped into Elgin for the day. The library there was doing a sale of discontinued stuff so we thought we'd check it out.

Yup, we both get excited by a library sale. Didn't get much though, a couple of DVDs and a pair of audiobooks. Nothing really jumped out as us bookwise, unfortunately. When we got back I'd to take Ash to the dentist. This did not improve his mood even slightly. It ended up I had to sit on the dentist's chair and hold him still. He also did not like the icy cold wind much, although I can't say I blame him there. Still, he now has a long weekend off. Since I am also off on leave we are going to pop down to Glasgow. It is our 9th wedding anniversary on Saturday. We've had some tough times, but it has had more good than bad and I still think we'll make it through together.

We decided to give each other our presents early since we are going away. Kristi got me an M5 Stuart Light Tank. When I saw it, I said "You got me a tank for your army?" Kristi's said, "But I checked and it said it was a British tank!" I pointed out the US flags and symbols on the transfer sheet. She looked absolutely horrified, and I couldn't keep a straight face anymore. I did tell her eventually that Stuart's were also fielded by British forces. Poor woman, she really was upset when she thought she'd got me the wrong vehicle.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Well, Kristi has spent the day in pain. We got her a doctors appointment and she is now passed out on some painkillers. If she is still sore tomorrow I guess we won't be doing much for our anniversary, but at least we are together. I think she has maybe been out of bed for an hour today.

The pain meds have just knocked her out. Doesn't make me hopeful for tomorrow, but we shall see.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Alex on February 11, 2022, 05:06:12 PM
Well, Kristi has spent the day in pain. We got her a doctors appointment and she is now passed out on some painkillers. If she is still sore tomorrow I guess we won't be doing much for our anniversary, but at least we are together. I think she has maybe been out of bed for an hour today.

The pain meds have just knocked her out. Doesn't make me hopeful for tomorrow, but we shall see.

What happened? Did I miss something, or is she suddenly in acute pain out of nowhere?
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on February 12, 2022, 11:26:22 AM
Quote from: Alex on February 11, 2022, 05:06:12 PM
Well, Kristi has spent the day in pain. We got her a doctors appointment and she is now passed out on some painkillers. If she is still sore tomorrow I guess we won't be doing much for our anniversary, but at least we are together. I think she has maybe been out of bed for an hour today.

The pain meds have just knocked her out. Doesn't make me hopeful for tomorrow, but we shall see.

What happened? Did I miss something, or is she suddenly in acute pain out of nowhere?

Gall bladder problems. She's had them before but has to lose weight before they will give her an operation. She has a meeting with a surgeon next week to review her progress.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Alex on February 12, 2022, 12:50:44 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on February 12, 2022, 11:26:22 AM
Quote from: Alex on February 11, 2022, 05:06:12 PM
Well, Kristi has spent the day in pain. We got her a doctors appointment and she is now passed out on some painkillers. If she is still sore tomorrow I guess we won't be doing much for our anniversary, but at least we are together. I think she has maybe been out of bed for an hour today.

The pain meds have just knocked her out. Doesn't make me hopeful for tomorrow, but we shall see.

What happened? Did I miss something, or is she suddenly in acute pain out of nowhere?

Gall bladder problems. She's had them before but has to lose weight before they will give her an operation. She has a meeting with a surgeon next week to review her progress.

Ah. That sucks. My dad had his gall bladder removed a couple of years ago, living without it does not seem to have any effect. Best wishes to Kristi.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Kristi did get up and about yesterday so we went up to Glasgow, although I could see she still wasn't 100% so we didn't spend as long out as I had hoped. Part of my idea had been to go to the cinema for a few movies as one of the things she misses from the states is the bigger, fancier cinema's, compared to our local fleapit.

I did pick up a copy of the newest version of Battletech. Used to be made by the FASA Corporation, who also did Star Trek games, but nowadays it seems it is made by Topps, and all I know of them comes from the Mars Attacks! movie. Kristi also spotted a copy of the old roleplaying game that went along with it, Mechwarrior so we grabbed that. I mentioned on a rpg forum that I had it and it has caused a minor stir.

My D&D group split up into three groups of 2 to investigate a series of murders. The first ones, I wrote a whole mini-adventure for them involving a murderous innkeeper inspired by Greek mythology. Yeah, they managed to entirely miss that out.

I've been seeing a lot of mentions of the Superbowl this weekend. I find it curious that while US culture is currently dominant throughout the world, its homegrown sports haven't quite managed to spread the same way as its movies or music have.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Kristi went with a friend to see School of Rock in Aberdeen on Friday night. I'd bought her tickets as a present. With the bad weather they were later arriving in the city than they'd planned, but they made it in time for the show. Unfortunately, the male lead seems not to have been the best (she said imagine a D&D bard with negative Charisma). The rest of the cast was fine, just the guy in the Jack Black role was a letdown.

Had Ross around for another game day. He learned how difficult Pandemic: Cthulhu is when we failed to get anywhere in a couple of games. We did manage to clear a few boxes from the shelf a shame (games that had never been played). Next time we are going to play some Bolt Action, so I am going to do a D-Day landing with them having a combined British and US army against my defending German's. They will outnumber me, but I'll have some bunkers to help balance things out. Either that or a combined Soviet/US assault of Berlin scenario (depending on whether Ross wants to play Brits or Ruskies). Figure I'll give them both an 800 point army each while I'll take a 1000 point defence force. With a bit of luck, the new barbed wire terrain I've ordered will arrive in time to use it.

Back to work tomorrow for my first real return to it since mid-December. I really don't feel like going back lol. It has been good spending time with the family.

I was thinking about how 16 years ago I was still stuck in the aftermath of my worst relationship. It would be another 10 days before I'd get her out of my house and then 6 years before she'd stop trying to get back into my life.

Sometimes you think you are rescuing a princess, and it turns out you've brought the dragon home.

Some months previously I had been running and I'd noticed a bulge in my lower leg. I'd gone to see one of the on-base doctors about it and he'd been concerned enough to run some tests. The thought that it might have been cancer hadn't even occurred to me before he'd mentioned it. I didn't get the results for months afterwards, by which point I'd met Bev and she'd moved in with me along with the huge dog and two kids. Mid-January I got the results back that told me it was clear. I have no idea why it took so long to get the results, but I had been terrified awaiting them. I wouldn't be this scared again until many years later when Kristi was in hospital and I thought I was going to lose her. I told Bev about the results and she just shrugged her shoulders. At that point, it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't said anything about my leg to her. I also realised she'd never once asked how I was doing, what I wanted out of life or anything, while I could tell you what her biggest fear was (dying alone), all the big tragedies she'd been through, how she wanted to get married (small ceremony, not in a church), where she wanted her honeymoon (Mexico) and all sorts of other details, but she'd never be able to answer these questions about me. The only thing she did know was that I wanted to get married in a kilt (she'd told me I wasn't allowed that, so I told her we wouldn't be getting married then). She'd never shown any concern about how I was feeling, or what anything I'd been through or interest in what I wanted out of life.

That night when we were both in bed, I found I just could not bring myself to put my arms around her and hold her the way I normally would. Indeed I never put my arms around her again. I'd just lie facing away from her in bed and not touching her. About a week later she complained about this, but I still couldn't bring myself to hold her. Another week or so and she'd officially dump me, but I always felt the relationship ended that night I couldn't even force myself to touch her anymore.

Recently a mutual friend mentioned to me that both her kids had walked out of her life several years ago and had no more contact with her. That was something I had expected to happen to her, although I had vaguely hoped she'd improve as a person and avoid that. They were sweet kids and deserved a better mother.

Never settle for someone who just doesn't care about what you want out of life too.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Busy week at work with late nights every night.

None of which was down to what you might be thinking would cause it.

So after 8 years of posturing, Putin has finally sent his soldiers openly into Ukraine. Not the first time a leader with a failing popularity has launched a war to try and distract the people. Doubtless part of what he views as the manifest destiny of the Russian people. Damn, but he really has a hard-on for the Soviet Union. He might not want to rebuild it in exactly the same way it was before, but he damn sure wants its old borders back, not to mention its "client" states under his thumb. I wish all the best for the Ukrainian people although I fear this fight is one they are going to be left to on their own alas. After their rather ignoble exit from Afghanistan, I don't see the US being up to fighting Russia. China has its own extra-territorial ambitions so they aren't exactly going to step in. The UK might have previously played the Great Game with Russia for centuries, but we hardly have a large enough military to challenge them on our own. India might have a large enough military, but I can't imagine they have much interest in intervening. Between Pakistan and China, they have enough to deal with already. Off-hand I can't think of anyone else with the will and power to step in alone. NATO isn't going to get involved short of Russian forces committing some exceptional atrocity and perhaps not even then.

18-months to go dammit, my time was getting short.

Watched a video of a family taking cover as a jet flies in low and fires off a missile into the middle of a town, although I couldn't see what it was targeting on. The family all run for cover and you can hear a baby crying.

And yet gutless wonders will have us sit back and do nothing.

Paid a visit to 9 sqn this week which is our aggressor squadron. They play the parts of the enemy in mock dogfights. They have things like Russian posters up on the wall. I noticed a Putin calendar (you know the one where he is making all sorts of manly poses as part of his cult of personality) and one of the guys said "Yeah, that is a joke that has suddenly gotten a lot less funny."
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


After many days of franticness, everything is now in a quiet lull. Doubtless, there is a storm coming to fill it. As of Thursday, I'll have 16 months left to go.

Or 40 months if someone off to the east keeps being an a***ole. Maybe longer...


Why do all the wrong people seem to die early?

The cycle of storms we've been having recently seems to have broken and we've had a couple

Ah, the amateur dramatics of local politics in a small town. One of Kristi's friends on the Community Council was accused of yelling at a vulnerable child (adopted) of a rival on a different council. He is demanding her resignation and has came up with all sorts of witnesses who witnessed the whole thing.

The problem is that a video has came out of the event, which happens to include the conversation between the child and Kristi's friend. The child says something and the friend says (in a normal voice), one word of a reply. Many of the 'witnesses' are conspicuous by their absence. The video is being kept quiet until all the witness statements have been taken (formal investigation going on here), at which point they are going to release the video. Solicitors have been engaged in readiness.

You'd think people would be more concerned with real problems instead of making up ones in a petty game of oneupmanship.

Looking forward to Sunday and going to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I think the last time I was in a theatre (not including my own brief time on stage), was when we went to see Spamalot (Big Hero 5 (or was it 6?) was in the cinema at that point) a few years back. There is a big toyshop where the theatre is, so I can do a two for one and pick up Ash's birthday present while I am there.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


6 days now of working late. Our boss is good enough to give us time off in leu, but right now my concentration is focused on that point in 4 months' time when I can submit my PVR and be out the following year.

Getting ready to go to Rocky Horror at the moment. Figure I'll pull out a nice shirt and dress up a bit. Not going in full costume though. Bit cold out for a basque and tights.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on March 05, 2022, 09:05:53 AM. Not going in full costume though. Bit cold out for a basque and tights.

:teddyr: :teddyr:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


The show was really good and a lot of fun. You could tell the guy who was playing Brad was there for his name value and wasn't really a stage actor, but he could sing well enough. The guy doing Frank was great too, but wow does it show just how note-perfect Tim Curry's performance in the movie is. Bought a tee-shirt and a few other bits and pieces. I was surprised at how few people were in costume for it, although one guy who I am guessing was in costume as Riff-Raff managed to look more like The Man Who Laughs. The theatre was I'd guess 98-99% sold out. I would definitely go again to see it.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on March 05, 2022, 06:13:44 PM
The show was really good and a lot of fun. You could tell the guy who was playing Brad was there for his name value and wasn't really a stage actor, but he could sing well enough. The guy doing Frank was great too, but wow does it show just how note-perfect Tim Curry's performance in the movie is. Bought a tee-shirt and a few other bits and pieces. I was surprised at how few people were in costume for it, although one guy who I am guessing was in costume as Riff-Raff managed to look more like The Man Who Laughs. The theatre was I'd guess 98-99% sold out. I would definitely go again to see it.


I'll never forget the fact that the movie was banned in SA after one person complained to the Publications Control Board, saying that the film was offensive due to the scene where people eat the body and drink the blood of a person, "making a nonsense of the rite of Communion"  :buggedout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Quote from: Trevor on March 05, 2022, 11:04:39 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 05, 2022, 06:13:44 PM
The show was really good and a lot of fun. You could tell the guy who was playing Brad was there for his name value and wasn't really a stage actor, but he could sing well enough. The guy doing Frank was great too, but wow does it show just how note-perfect Tim Curry's performance in the movie is. Bought a tee-shirt and a few other bits and pieces. I was surprised at how few people were in costume for it, although one guy who I am guessing was in costume as Riff-Raff managed to look more like The Man Who Laughs. The theatre was I'd guess 98-99% sold out. I would definitely go again to see it.


I'll never forget the fact that the movie was banned in SA after one person complained to the Publications Control Board, saying that the film was offensive due to the scene where people eat the body and drink the blood of a person, "making a nonsense of the rite of Communion"  :buggedout:

Cannibalism is cannibalism wither you wrap it up in religion or have it in a movie.  :bouncegiggle:
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Not to mention cannibalism is an integral part of every Catholic mass.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.