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invent a bad movie title

Started by zombie, April 03, 2007, 10:56:54 PM

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yeah no.


Kulack: The Dragon Tamer
Miller Killer
The Candy-cane Killer Strikes Back, Again! part 3

Mr. Bronson

Hypnotizing Lobsters For Fun and Profit

A Human Without A Brain Is Like A Fish Without A Bicycle

Tarzan vs The 50 Caliber Machinegun


Tarzan vs The Hula Dancers from Coconut Island

Enter Title Here! The Movie

Memoirs of a Coprophiliac

Elvis Impersonators from Mars

Attack of the Mutant Cheerleaders

Gone Fishin', Come Back Later


the ghoul


Crank 3: He Lives yet Again!
Kille Me, Kiss Me
Beware the Silly Putty

Mr. Bronson

Frying Bacon In The Nude

The Spanish Inquisition vs The Night Vision Midgets

Dance Of The Burning Monkeys


The Good Fairies and Elves of Brimwood vs. the Evil Imps of the Nether Regions
Thunder Death Machines of the 40th Century
Cry Havoc: Blood of the Werewolves
Rangu: the Atomic Lizard
Escape of the Space Creature from the Fourth Dimension
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"

the ghoul

Quote from: xJaseSFx on January 26, 2010, 04:04:47 PM
The Good Fairies and Elves of Brimwood vs. the Evil Imps of the Nether Regions
Thunder Death Machines of the 40th Century
Cry Havoc: Blood of the Werewolves
Rangu: the Atomic Lizard
Escape of the Space Creature from the Fourth Dimension

Those sound like great movies to me, except for the first one.  :bouncegiggle:


Jungle Slaughter

Mummy vs Werewolf

The Deadly Dr. Deranged

Cannibals from the 9th Dimension

Bikini Girls Must Die

The Dark Secret of Clowns

Skin Collector

Dr. Jekyll in the Year 1 Million


Psycho 5

Night of the Living Tomatoes

Night of the Evil Brains
yeah no.


Quote from: Chainsawmidget on January 26, 2010, 06:54:47 PM
Bikini Girls Must Die

Why???  :bluesad::wink:

Trevor's Underpants 2: Revenge of the Frayed Elastic.  :buggedout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.

Psycho Circus

Nor Yenooc: Across The Desert


The Deadly Balls
Terror Of Smurf Village
Orgy Of The Cucumbers
"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."